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SBS (Spacebar Syndrome)


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Sooo... who else has SBS? lol


I started out listening to all the content, taking my time and getting into the story.


Truth be told - now I am just spamming space, picking darkside/lightside, spamming more spacebar and getting on with the task.


Anyone else out there feeling the same?!

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Actually, for the first time ever, I really like questing. Normally I don't read quest text and I accept my kill x mobs or collect y items quests and go on my merry way. I find myself actually listening to everything everyone says and quite involved in the stories here. Yah, it takes a while and some people get annoyed with me if we're questing together, but I think it's very cool the way they've done the quests here.
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Actually, for the first time ever, I really like questing. Normally I don't read quest text and I accept my kill x mobs or collect y items quests and go on my merry way. I find myself actually listening to everything everyone says and quite involved in the stories here. Yah, it takes a while and some people get annoyed with me if we're questing together, but I think it's very cool the way they've done the quests here.


I think you nailed it - most if not all my questing is done with guildies and with 4 people sitting there... it's like "lets goooooo" and there is always that one guy there listening to the VO.


I think I listened to more content when I was in beta soloing quests.

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Level 50, Top Teir gear for both PVP and PVE are all that matters. In any MMO. Period.


Not the text, the voice overs, the story.. Zzzz - all a snoozefest.


There is nothing unique here. Why should we treat it any different?


Besides, I have other things to do with my time in real life, I talk fast, walk fast, think fast. If I would follow this story I would probably kill myself.

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I only space bar if I, for instance, failed the quest and am being forced to hear the dialogue again only a little while later. I don't spacebar through Flashpoints even though I've done them before, because some people may have no done them before and I don't do them right on after another. I'm enjoying the voice acting and pseudo-cutscenes.
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SBS, it happens. I can say with conviction that not every story will be liked by every reader.


The difference between this and a book is that a book you buy once, this game you keep paying for. If you don't like the story then space away, if you do like the story then listen to it.


It's a matter of personal taste. I once made this point in beta and got flamed to no end because the fanboys swear by the BioWare storycrafting even though like I just said not every story is for everyone.


Point being playing a game should be for the game, story is fluff sure its content but story is not gameplay.

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