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Name Unavailable, Please Choose another ...


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... since the servers have been back up, one of my main characters has had their name changed ... but after 30 mins NO NAMES ARE AVAILABLE!!!


I can no longer play my 'main' ... unless I change her name to something like noname6645475 ...


... Subscription Cancelled.

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... since the servers have been back up, one of my main characters has had their name changed ... but after 30 mins NO NAMES ARE AVAILABLE!!!


I can no longer play my 'main' ... unless I change her name to something like noname6645475 ...


... Subscription Cancelled.


Same here.


On the two servers I play on the most I am forced to change the names of my character, despite being on a Destination server.


So yup, and with the founders of BioWare retiring, thats it for me.

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... since the servers have been back up, one of my main characters has had their name changed ... but after 30 mins NO NAMES ARE AVAILABLE!!!


I can no longer play my 'main' ... unless I change her name to something like noname6645475 ...


... Subscription Cancelled.


I am just about the do that exact same thing. All my alts need to have their names changed. This nonsense is beyond unacceptable. GOOD JOB BIOWARE. Just about had it with ridiculous screw ups. It's bad enough pvp is growing joke..

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None of my transferred characters have had to name change but ALL of my already destination server toons have the red exclamation point. Bioware screwed up again, now alot of people such as myself have lost our names due to their error and will probably never get them back because it would be "unfair" to take back the name from the people that merged over. I'm usually not one to be mad over a name change but I had those names reserved on my destination server, this isn't right.:mad:
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I'm having a hard time with one of mine. I've tried every ridiculous spelling I can think of and they're all taken. I mean, I can understand, since this was a real life name, even if it wasn't common.


The other one I can't find a replacement for is a name I made up off the top of my head, so apparently I am no so creative. :(

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... since the servers have been back up, one of my main characters has had their name changed ... but after 30 mins NO NAMES ARE AVAILABLE!!!


I can no longer play my 'main' ... unless I change her name to something like noname6645475 ...


... Subscription Cancelled.


Maybe you're just being obtuse, or uncreative, or both, but I'm pretty sure there are names available.

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When the first set of merges happened i had to come up with 4 new names, i did so with little trouble. Today i find one of my character needed another name change, it took me 2 tries and i had something i am happy with.


Not all names are taken, names you thought would be cool were taken, come up with something else and move on. If your basing a name on a book, character, etc and its taken be more original, if your names were original and based on nothing but still taken then theirs no reason you cant come up with something else based on nothing.


I have to think the trillion or so possible letter combinations available aren't all taken.

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Hi folks,


Because a thread about this topic already exists, we'll be closing this thread in order to consolidate discussion. We encourage you to join the existing discussion of renaming here:


Name Changes


Also please see this update:


When naming conflicts occur due to the consolidation, players are given priority based on a variety of factors such as character play time and if they have already had to rename their characters as part of the first character transfer program back in June. Please do keep in mind that this does not encompass all of the factors taken into consideration, but those are an example of the major ones.



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