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Going Commando


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  • 11 months later...
Wow, has it really been nearly a year since I posted in this thread? I thought it might be worth mentioning that I'm still around and that the blog is up to 350 posts now. Also, when did the fansite forum get consolidated with the community content forum? Not that I mind, I just hadn't noticed... Edited by Tiranea
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  • 4 years later...

In honour of the new forums, I shall give this post its first bump in almost five years. 😂 However, while I haven't been posting on the forums, the blog has continued and is up to an archive of almost 1200 posts now.

At this point I don't think there are many people left who've consistently been creating content about the game since its launch (even if I've slowed down a bit in the last couple of years)...

Anyway, feel free to follow my musings here: https://swtorcommando.blogspot.com/

Edited by Tiranea
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  • 3 months later...

I think in the new year I'll take a leaf out of other creators' books and bump this thread more regularly with links to my most recent posts.

Here's what's been happening on the blog in December!

Season 3 Halftime Thoughts - An update on my experience of progressing through Galactic Season 3 on all servers simultaneously

Ruhnuk Is Very Cinematic - A very quick first impression of the new story update with lots of screenshots

Dailies on Ruhnuk: Confusion Central - I like the planet, but the daily area has not been a great experience for me so far

Eleven Years of SWTOR - A brief look back at how SWTOR's been doing in 2022

My 11th Year of SWTOR Blogging and Happy Life Day - A more lengthy look back at my own year in SWTOR and what I blogged about

Voices of SWTOR - How SWTOR's voice actors seem to follow me everywhere

PvP in 7.2 - Missing My MVPs - First impressions of the 7.2 PvP changes and the new season system

Edited by Tiranea
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  • 1 month later...

Here's what's been happening on the blog in January!

A Good Year for SWTOR on Steam - A brief look at my personal and some general Steam stats for SWTOR

Showdown on Ruhnuk - Uneasy Story Thoughts - What I loved about the latest story update and why it has me a bit worried at the same time

8 Weeks Left - A summary of goals achieved in Galactic Season 3 so far and what I intend to still do before it ends

Three Not So Little Grophets - In which I finally finish my Rishi datacron journey... smack in the middle

Map Malaise - About my love/hate relationship with the new map

Daily Tour: CZ-198 - A quick look at what's probably the most popular daily zone in the game

The FULL List of 7.0 Augment Crafting Materials - Something I felt the need to compile because people tend to underestimate the crew skill-specific mats involved

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the nice comment, Stradlin!

For everyone else, here's what's been happening on the blog in February!

My Thoughts on PvP Season 1 - It was okay, but didn't pull me in the same way as regular seasons. Also, arenas became off-putting once they got their own queue.

I Still Miss My Abilities - It's been over a year since the big 7.0 class changes, how do I feel about them now? The answer is in the title.

7.2.1 PTS News - New Credit Sinks and More Seasons - Commentary on the latest news! Credit sinks are fine, but it might be a bit too soon for new seasons for me personally.

Bugged for a Decade - A fun little story about me dusting off a really old alt

Galactic Season 3 in Review - My overall thoughts on GS3

GS3 Review: Satele Shan - Some thoughts on me completing GS3 on the Satele Shan server in specific

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  • 1 month later...

Here's what's been happening on the blog in March!

GS3 Review: The Leviathan - Thoughts on my experience completing Galactic Season 3 on the French server

GS3 Review: Tulak Hord - Thoughts on my experience completing GS3 on the German server

GS3 Review: Star Forge - Thoughts on my experience completing GS3 on Star Forge

Between Seasons - A short post about how seasons have affected my gameplay "rhythm" and how I spend the downtime between seasons

Killing a Disco Ball - How I finally killed the first boss in R-4 Anomaly on veteran mode

All SWTOR Planets, Ranked from Best to Worst - What it says in the title! Inspired by an Escape Pod Cast episode

A Productive War Week - A summary of character progress made during Total Galactic War

Running from the Eyeless - A little story about a very chaotic kill of the Rakghoul event boss

Edited by Tiranea
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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's what's been happening on the blog in April!

Galactic Season 4 - Ambivalence about Amity - First impressions of Galactic Season 4

I Read the SWTOR Comics - What it says in the title and what I thought of them

Pacis Meets Amity - In which, in the spirit of GS4, I pick up my pacifist character again and get her a companion at last

Daily Tour: Black Hole (Republic) - Some musings about the game's oldest dedicated daily area

Bad Batch Season 2 & Mandalorian Season 3 - My thoughts on the latest Star Wars TV

The Dynamic Pacifist Duo - Pacis' first adventures with her new companion

Technological Advancements: 64-bit and New Regional Servers? - What I think these updates mean for the game

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Hello Shintar/Tiranea, I was pleasantly surprised to find this topic here on SWTOR's website just now! I think I first came across your SWTOR blog some years ago, when I started playing SWTOR and was looking for related information on-line, but I only started reading your blog in earnest this year. Over the past few months, I have gone through your entire list of blog posts, reading the (many) posts that interested me. Thank you for your perseverance in continuing to write about SWTOR, and my sincere compliments on the exceptionally high standard of recreational writing. I know this is reaching you late, but congratulations in relation to your post on 23 February 2019. 🙂 I hope you keep enjoying the game and writing about it for a long time to come. - DB, the Vanguard from the other side of the world (Australia)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Here's what's been happening on the blog in May!

Paying for Quick Travel - My experiences with this small change meant to combat inflation

7.3. Livestream Review - Thoughts on what was revealed about the upcoming patch

Watch Me Take Part in the Galactic Championship! - How I ended up taking part in Kal from Today in TOR's newest project

A Season of Moderation - Why I changed my approach to seasons for GS4 and PvP season 2

No More Daily Comms - Why I'm happy that Daily Resource Matrices will go away in 7.3

Yet Another Smuggler Fights the Eternal Empire - How GS4 helped an old alt of mine get over the hump of starting KotFE

Observations about Warzones in PvP Season 2 - Premades and AFKers, oh my!

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  • 1 month later...

In June, things on the blog have been somewhat dominated by the news of the transfer to Broadsword, which sounded a bit scary when it was first reported on, and I had lots of opinions on it.

Ruhnuk - Six Months Later - A second look at 7.2's new planet and why I still don't quite love it even though there are good things about it

SWTOR to Move from Bioware to Broadsword?! - My initial reaction to the IGN article and links to various other places where people were discussing the subject

Why the Broadsword Move Could Be a Good for SWTOR and Bad for Bioware - As I saw a lot of people dooming about the news, I tried to spread the word about why it could also work out to be a net positive for SWTOR

Old Wounds - Story Review - A detailed run-down of the new story update added with patch 7.3

GS4 Review: Star Forge & The Leviathan - Summing up my experiences with Galactic Season 4 on these two servers

GS4 Review: Satele Shan & Tulak Hord - Summing up my experiences with GS4 on the other two servers

Small Updates on the Broadsword Situation - Some more links to people talking about the implications of the Broadsword move two weeks later

Annnd... it's official - A brief reaction after the move to Broadsword was officially confirmed

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