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How do I kite melee here?


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Ok. So, I see a lot of people speak of Mercenary as a range kiting class. How do I kite melee when they have 15 stuns, and a slow that can be applied infinitely? I have a punt, that is useless because of charges, speed boosts, or just doesn't work because of ****** terrain models, and I have Electro Dart that they just trinket out of. And I can't use Heroic Moment because it's a 20 minute CD. Should I just level a faceroll class, or hope BW puts in an actual useful ability to help kite.
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Arsenal can't kite for long, just cannot create enough of a speed difference.


Pyro can strafe while firing default attack to lower target speed by 50% (will be30% after patch).


Doesn't work forever in pvp due to gap closers that melee have. Frankly it's very situational to get an advantage out of it, target must obviously be alone since multiple enemies can't be slowed enough to make it work and must have no gap closer/stun/CC available to ruin whatever gap you create.


And it's being nerfed too so it's all a bit ****

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Only one problem with that lol, if they see you period, it's too late. They will die, in order to target a Mercenary, spam charge, and wait until you come out of LoS. You know that as well as I do!


no, you see im one of those good players.

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its simple, stay near things you can lose LOS with...

...no, you see im one of those good players.


Amen. Kiting with a Merc is not that difficult. Every map has plenty of LOS barriers that you need to use to your advantage.


Bad Mercs are free kills because there's a stupid player at the controls.

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Dont listen to these guys...They always say Merc is fine...and in their world it very much may be...In my experience on my Jugg Mercs are food...Even the smart ones die quick...especially when you know their tools and how to approach them... They can LOS but that really goes both ways..especially for other classes that can heal and have superior control, abd escape abilities....


When it comes down to it Merc in its current state is a fight on the run, and hide if your attacked...if you get ganged up on your gonna die quick....If you dont like the idea of that then reroll...because its not going to change. Keep the Merc incase you feel like rocking some PvE they do decent there.


If you want a ranged hard hitter go Sniper....If you just want a wrecking machine go PT. Either Warrior AC is awesome and fun.

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Dont listen to these guys...They always say Merc is fine...and in their world it very much may be...In my experience on my Jugg Mercs are food...Even the smart ones die quick...especially when you know their tools and how to approach them... They can LOS but that really goes both ways..especially for other classes that can heal and have superior control, abd escape abilities....


When it comes down to it Merc in its current state is a fight on the run, and hide if your attacked...if you get ganged up on your gonna die quick....If you dont like the idea of that then reroll...because its not going to change. Keep the Merc incase you feel like rocking some PvE they do decent there.


If you want a ranged hard hitter go Sniper....If you just want a wrecking machine go PT. Either Warrior AC is awesome and fun.


Its all about the player. there are even some bad juggs out there that i would call food.. Trust me there are some great mercs/commandos out there just maybe not on your server.

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It isn't that I am bad. I am ALWAYS near a pillar, or object in general to LOS. But that really isn't good advice. That is an obvious. Yes WoW was my first MMO, sue me. But I am still going to that as reference. In WoW, I knew to LOS as a Hunter, it was easy as ****, but if I was bum rushed I at least had a way to survive it, multiple ways. As a Holy Paladin in 2s and 3s I knew to LOS, and good god did that help. But here it doesn't help. Once someone is on you, you are completely ****ed. If one person turns to you as a Merc, the whole team automatically follows them. It's like a magnet of disaster. I can blow **** up if no one is on me, but once someone is on me, **** it.
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It isn't that I am bad. I am ALWAYS near a pillar, or object in general to LOS. But that really isn't good advice. That is an obvious. Yes WoW was my first MMO, sue me. But I am still going to that as reference. In WoW, I knew to LOS as a Hunter, it was easy as ****, but if I was bum rushed I at least had a way to survive it, multiple ways. As a Holy Paladin in 2s and 3s I knew to LOS, and good god did that help. But here it doesn't help. Once someone is on you, you are completely ****ed. If one person turns to you as a Merc, the whole team automatically follows them. It's like a magnet of disaster. I can blow **** up if no one is on me, but once someone is on me, **** it.


Seriously man...I played Merc in Pyro, and Arse quite a bit in PvP...And I recently just came to the conclusiion that I dont like the design of the AC one bit...Matter fact I can hit top DMG with low deaths pretty regularly and still come out of the WZ feeling bad about the experience.....I just dont like where they went with the AC.


So I shleved him until that changes or he rusts I guess. I use him as a biochem bot for my other toons..


Hate to say it but if you feel bad even when your performing well on a character its time to change AC's or Games.


I feel pretty confident that Merc is not going to recieve any further changes priior to 1.4........

Edited by Soljin
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Its all about the player. there are even some bad juggs out there that i would call food.. Trust me there are some great mercs/commandos out there just maybe not on your server.


I agree 100% My personal experience was that Juggernaut was very tough to play in PvP until much higher in the gear scale....but was always dynamic and fun...and every day I still pick up new tactics for each oponent..


Merc changed very little as gear progresssed and I figured out all the tricks before I even hit 50....But thats my own take on the AC...others may find Merc much more flexible then I. To me its a very limited class as far as max potential goes. The cieling seems lower to me.


As far as kiting goes....You really dont have an effective way to kite as a Merc...You really need to use LoS which kind of hurts Arsenal DMG output...you can try to strafe kite with Pyro but its RnG so if you get an unlucky streak your not kiting anything....Not to mention Assasin, Rage Jugg, and Mara all have run speed increases so good luvk with kiting.

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So the pro advice is to run and hide when attacked since we have terrible defensive abilities and lack the dps to go 1v1. Great class. :confused:


pro advice - reroll


dont listen to these "fine mercs", its a lie, all melees have gap closers and slow, u cant run away with 50% slow, noone can

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The key to survival as a merc/Commando really is to manage your defensive cooldowns as they are and DO NOT CHASE.


I haven't recall the amount of times I force a merc/commando to chase me to only result in his/her death. You are not a chaser, you are a defender of a position/area. Let your melee, powertech brothers unleash their onslaught with your sniper/gunslinger brethren as back up.


If you're arsenal, watch your procs, don't just stand there doing grav round/tracer missile, fire one maybe 2 and keep moving. Forces the pug and the occasional experienced player stop what they're doing and find you. God help them if they're a keyboard turner.

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Knockback + electro-dart is effective. Knock them back, stun, run. Once you're a good 20m away, continue rotation.


I'd advise against using a knockback and stun together, as that doesn't achieve much beyond giving an enemy a full resolve bar. Ideally, you'll want to wait 9 seconds or more between use of your knockback and stun, as that will prevent the opponent's resolve from filling completely, thus (provided you have Power Surge ready) allowing you to get in an instant Concussion Missile to get more distance, or if they break on Electro-Dart, cast or use Power Surge on a Concussion Missile to give yourself time to heal up.


The CM won't work with DoTs on an enemy, so Pyrotechs are kinda left out in that sense. Still, it's never a bad idea to not fill an opponent's resolve bar, and you generally want to save your stun to counter certain things, anyway.


(Also, source for resolve info: http://taugrim.com/2012/01/04/understanding-swtors-resolve-mechanic/)

Edited by Chaoskyx
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