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What are the advantages to Lightside Sith?


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I play my Sith how I think a person loyal to the Empire would make decisions which seems to work out to alot of light side points.


To just be "truly" evil wouldnt work out well for a society.


You couldnt just go around killing people when you felt like it, society would crumble.


Evil Sith: Hey Mr Scientist your experiment failed

Mr Scientist: yes it did but I learned alot and should get better results with each new experiment.

Evil Sith: bah too late.....sticks light saber through Scientists eye.

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Without going into too much detail or spoilers, in one of the republic storylines you encounter a Sith Lord who could be labeled as a Lightside Sith Warrior. He was easily the coolest Sith NPC character I have encountered.


I can see a Lightside empire player as someone who follows the Sith Code with a high value on honor. They won't kill someone unless it benefits them greatly, and said character may consider harming innocents cowardly. Nowhere in the Sith Code does it say "be a jerk" :D

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Darkside has you turning into a red eyed thing, what does Lightside turn you into?


Is Lightside armor lighter, and Darkside darker?, what advantages are there, just curious.


For starters, light-siders make for great comic relief during flashpoints and operations.

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Without going into too much detail or spoilers, in one of the republic storylines you encounter a Sith Lord who could be labeled as a Lightside Sith Warrior. He was easily the coolest Sith NPC character I have encountered.


I can see a Lightside empire player as someone who follows the Sith Code with a high value on honor. They won't kill someone unless it benefits them greatly, and said character may consider harming innocents cowardly. Nowhere in the Sith Code does it say "be a jerk" :D


based on a culture that believes they are the strongest and strike down their masters so they can be the master at the first opportunity they get..


I'd say you are full of it.. Sith culture is cutthroat and the weak and good would perish.


I kill anyone and anything that is in my way.. or in my orders.

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A Sith Lord that invites you over for a polite afternoon tea?


Once you've mastered your hatred, you can pretty much keep it in check and only need to utilize it like a finely crafted tool. Not everything is a nail and you're not a hammer.


Finesse certainly exists on the dark side. So yes, the Sith Lord invites you over for tea. Since choking you to death might not be the most effective means to his ends.



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based on a culture that believes they are the strongest and strike down their masters so they can be the master at the first opportunity they get..


I'd say you are full of it.. Sith culture is cutthroat and the weak and good would perish.


I kill anyone and anything that is in my way.. or in my orders.


That is one way to do it! I only offered some insight as to how one might go about playing a Lightside Sith, or why someone might do so. I did say that said player wouldn't kill unless it benefited them, sounds like killing your master to raise in rank does benefit them.


You don't HAVE to pick all lightside or darkside options. Sure there is equipment that you can get at full darkside and full lightside, but getting maxed out before you hit the level cap is extremely easy. On my smuggler I am all over the place in my choices and still am at Light III.

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As a side note OP is probably someone who keeps choosing light side options in flashpoints and ruining other people's alignment.


You can't ruin someone elses alignment as if they are that concerned they should ask before grouping what your alignment is. You choose based on your own responses.


If the group agrees in advance, I suppose that would be different.

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  • 1 year later...
I know there are saber color restrictions... like if your light you cant use a red saber (but can use a green or blue) and if your dark you cant use those green and blue but can use red, etc...


That's not true. I'm cranking a Dark Side Sith Warrior right now and have been crafting/using blue and green crystals no problem... :p

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You also get to enjoy the other party members complain when you win the dialog options in group content.



It is imho the best "advantage" ^^


- 1 Burn them?

- 2 Ripe them?

-3 Force chock them?

-4 Cuddle them.


*4* and listen the reaction on mumble :D



edit : @ itsmymillertime

Wow lol i have been tricked too!

Edited by DarkMarshmallow
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