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Forced transfer to high pop. 16 slotted servers ?


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there aren't really 16 advanced classes... classes are mirrored so there are actually 4 classes (tho there are 8 class stories) and 8 advanced classes in total


8 makes perfect sense as it allows you to make one toon of each class on each side and one of each mirrored advanced class and is more than a lot of games give.... but if they want to give me 12 instead I'll sure as hell take it

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I didn't ready every post in this thread, but some of you really need to use the dev tracker. As a lot of the stuff in this thread has been answer by a dev.




After they merge all origin servers into the destination server you will have all characters on that server. However if after the merger you have more than 12 characters you will need to delete some to get under 12 to make a new character.

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Wait....they are raising the character limit to 12?



Why the hell is it 12? For what reason do we need 12 characters? This is no better than having 8. 16 makes so much more sense.


So, you are complaining that you DO get 4 more slots? Not to sound like a bimbo, but... SRSLY!?

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I didn't ready every post in this thread, but some of you really need to use the dev tracker. As a lot of the stuff in this thread has been answer by a dev.




After they merge all origin servers into the destination server you will have all characters on that server. However if after the merger you have more than 12 characters you will need to delete some to get under 12 to make a new character.


This is the problem. What should have been a character slot gain ended up being a character slot loss. This system is terrible and it reeks of them trying to get us to buy more character slots just to be able to use all of the characters we already have across different servers rather than being able to pile up (new) character slots on one server.


If this is the case it will the final nail in the coffin for me concerning SWTOR. Had enough of Bioware's disconnection with its player base.

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This is the problem. What should have been a character slot gain ended up being a character slot loss. This system is terrible and it reeks of them trying to get us to buy more character slots just to be able to use all of the characters we already have across different servers rather than being able to pile up (new) character slots on one server.


If this is the case it will the final nail in the coffin for me concerning SWTOR. Had enough of Bioware's disconnection with its player base.


After the merger you can still use all of your characters if you have more than 12. If you have 8 characters on both servers before the merger, after the merger you will be able to play all 16 characters. You are not losing any ability to play all your characters.

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Why they do not combine all the servers by removing other?

1 pvp west / 1 pve west / 1rp west

1 pvp east / 1 pve east / 1rp east

1 pvp eu / 1 pve eu / 1rp eu


It would solve the "where our cross-server warzones/flashpoints?" problem :)

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On a more positive note , it looks likely that all the remaining 25 servers will have a higher population and will thrive.


I hope so, but that's not what I am seeing on my destination server now :(


And yes, I am pretty sure they will allow you to keep all your characters, just make sure you got all 16 of them ready when the servers are merged. Else, you will have to pay alot of $$$ in the shop, because you can bet that they will milk us for all they can with that shop.

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some of you really need to use the dev tracker. As a lot of the stuff in this thread has been answer by a dev.




if after the merger you have more than 12 characters you will need to delete some to get under 12 to make a new character.


He didn't say that you need to get under 12, his answer was very vague... ''free up one of your character slots'' were his exact words. When you got 18 characters, does that means deleting 1 ? Deleting 7? Very vague to me.


When you got 18 characters, do you have 18 character slots? No one knows.

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After the merger you can still use all of your characters if you have more than 12. If you have 8 characters on both servers before the merger, after the merger you will be able to play all 16 characters. You are not losing any ability to play all your characters.


I don't think he is talking about losing the ability to play his characters. Rather, do to a forced transfer, he will end up not being able to make any new characters (such as a Carther). Unless he deletes some of his old characters or (if they allow) be forced to buy over five character slots, which is unfair, seeing they could just let people choose which transfer serve they want each character to go to and avoid overloading one server. This would like fix the problem for 99% of players, I think, else I guess they could grandfather old character in and add the new slot on top of them.


For example for me I want to make Carther on my main server, but if my remaining characters are transfer to that server I will be four characters over the limit. Meaning I have to delete five character just to make room for this one new character. That I think is what people are upset about.

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No its only for this new second public test server ( the high population one ) and as a few users have pointed out to me its only 12 and there is no way in hell I will accept this , I will update the OP soon. I was working towards 8 characters on one server and 8 characters on another for a reason , 16 advanced classes , now I am supposed to have 12 and then 4 on another ? Talk about imbalance , I'm flabbergasted .


This is now a petition to give us 16 slots for free or just 8 slots per server , There is no way on earth I'm paying for 4 extra slots and I will call CS every day after the forced moves to explain why.






Doooh... so you complain at having to use the free CC coins to buy the extra slots and / or you complain and are flabbergasted that you will have to pay real $$$ to buy extra slots... but your more than willing to call CS everyday at your own cost to complain to a person on the other end of the line who likely will put you on handsfree & silence whilst having a manicure .. much sense you have :rolleyes:


Show me an MMO that has no set limit on Alts at start up.

Just because an MMO adds extras classes, races etc into a game doesnt mean you have to roll one, but if you do then you have a choice, roll on a new server or pay to increase the available slots. I would love to believe that BEAWARE wants to throw out a game to us that has no carrots to make money but unfortunately its a business and making money is the name of the game, like it or loathe it, but at the end of the day if the carrots aren't there then they wont make money and we wont have a game to log into... simple really.

Be grateful you might be given additional slots for free and be able to bring other toons from other servers together on a server, I know I am

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I don't think he is talking about losing the ability to play his characters. Rather, do to a forced transfer, he will end up not being able to make any new characters (such as a Carther). Unless he deletes some of his old characters or (if they allow) be forced to buy over five character slots, which is unfair, seeing they could just let people choose which transfer serve they want each character to go to and avoid overloading one server. This would like fix the problem for 99% of players, I think, else I guess they could grandfather old character in and add the new slot on top of them.


For example for me I want to make Carther on my main server, but if my remaining characters are transfer to that server I will be four characters over the limit. Meaning I have to delete five character just to make room for this one new character. That I think is what people are upset about.


You might have a forced server move.. but paid transfers are the option I would guess if you dont want to be forced to move... I would imagine this option will come prior to anyone being forced off.. much the same as the free transfer service a few months back.. but as the details are not yet clearly stated this is just one big panic button the OP and others are pressing already.

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He didn't say that you need to get under 12, his answer was very vague... ''free up one of your character slots'' were his exact words. When you got 18 characters, does that means deleting 1 ? Deleting 7? Very vague to me.


When you got 18 characters, do you have 18 character slots? No one knows.


I would be amazed if this would be the way they handle it... this is purely a money making exercise with a smoke screen of high pop servers to accomadate the expected influx of F2P .... I would be amazed if they went from 8 - 18 slots.. they will be in your list but locked until you have either paid for or earned an unlock, they wont be deleted that would be stupid on their part, they want them to be visable and act as the carrot.

The questions I am more interested in getting answers on is .. what is the upper limit on slots per server and if you purchase an unlock is that per server or across every server.

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I would be amazed if this would be the way they handle it... ....(some deleted)

The questions I am more interested in getting answers on is .. what is the upper limit on slots per server and if you purchase an unlock is that per server or across every server.


1. Why be amazed, I always thought they would do the worst thing possible, but even I didn't foresee, even the possibility, of this bad joke of a system. Yes in order to create a cathar you will have to delete 7 toons if you have 18, or 1 if you have only 12.


2. It will be per server to increase the money flow.


And yes if you have 2 different Legacies, you will lose 1. My emp's legacy is "red", my repub's is "blue". Guess I'll have to go with "plaid" for my combined "legacy". What a joke, they seem determined to drive their most loyal customers away.

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Are people worried that they are going to go down to:


1 Mega East Coast Server

1 Mega West Coast Server

1 Mega EU Server

1 Mega (well sorta) Asian/Pasific Server?


I hope this is not the case. If this is done there will be no "PvP" servers all will be "PvE" (they better not make them all PvP :p ).


I suspect "for the test" they copied all the East Coast US servers onto one server because that yeilded the highest total for the stress test.


Hello BW ... you REALLY need to jump in here with a real concreate and clear message on your intentions here!!!!



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It looks like some people get it and some really don't. So if you have 18 characters on your destination server , you won't be locked out of any of them nor will you have to pay for them they are free ( so the upper limit is probably 50 ). Now if you want to make a cathar in the future you would have to use cartel coins to increase your slots ( possibly up to 19 in the examples case ) so that's 7 slots , even though 6 of those slots are free ( makes no sense ). Or you would have to delete 7 characters ( also makes no sense ). So I guess it is a money grabbing affair.


To the guy that thinks I'm being silly about not wanting to use my cartel coins , well you see I will have earned those coins so no they aren't free , I think it would be stupid of me to buy 5 slots when those 5 slots are free to begin with. So i have decided to make my extra characters above my 12 , so I have my 16 now. Just to note they aren't place holders (I have designed them to look how I want but realise their names may be taken on the destination server ) and I won't level them up until i'm forced moved ( might leave my supposed cathar one at level 1 just incase buying 5 slots is cheap *coughs*).


My friend on the other hand is not going to use any of his characters above his 8 that are already on the destination server , he wants to move 8 of his forced moved characters to an equivalent server on the West coast instead. Two of which are grouped with me , so that's going to be really awkward.





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I suspect "for the test" they copied all the East Coast US servers onto one server because that yeilded the highest total for the stress test.


That is exactly what they did. I went over and looked last night and found all my east coast server characters there, and even saw their new "rename required" methodology (which is more refined then what they did when server transfers opened early summer, where they used to over-write your character name with a number).


It is clear from what Bioware shared yesterday that:


The test server for this is just a test.


It gives us a test demonstaration of how it works, and what the new server character limits will be (12).


That they will allow more then 12 characters to the server limit if it is a result of forced transfer.


That they have refined the method to notify players of rename requirements.

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Are people worried that they are going to go down to:


1 Mega East Coast Server

1 Mega West Coast Server

1 Mega EU Server

1 Mega (well sorta) Asian/Pasific Server?


I hope this is not the case. If this is done there will be no "PvP" servers all will be "PvE" (they better not make them all PvP :p ).


I suspect "for the test" they copied all the East Coast US servers onto one server because that yeilded the highest total for the stress test.


Hello BW ... you REALLY need to jump in here with a real concreate and clear message on your intentions here!!!!




Not sure how this discussion of less servers got in this thread but the answer is NO , NO and NO. They will still have the 25 destination servers like now , the only difference is that they will be higher population servers. OK everyone ?





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Not sure how this discussion of less servers got in this thread but the answer is NO , NO and NO. They will still have the 25 destination servers like now , the only difference is that they will be higher population servers. OK everyone ?






I agree.


Clearly what they are doing is preparing for a influx of more active accounts (ie: freemium accounts) running concurrently with subscriptions. :)


People should appreciate what is being done here by Bioware. It means they will not handle population influx from freemium by going to more servers, but rather by beefing up the servers and stacking the populations higher. It's nice to see them learn from their mistakes and move forward with better approaches.

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Not sure how this discussion of less servers got in this thread but the answer is NO , NO and NO. They will still have the 25 destination servers like now , the only difference is that they will be higher population servers. OK everyone ?






Which is what I thought all along. It seemed to me, that some in this thread thought this may happen (maybe it was just me). I re-read the article explaining the mega server test to be sure. But, you have to admit that given past performance of "surprising" us with "solutions" that one could be lead in this direction.

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Which is what I thought all along. It seemed to me, that some in this thread thought this may happen (maybe it was just me). I re-read the article explaining the mega server test to be sure. But, you have to admit that given past performance of "surprising" us with "solutions" that one could be lead in this direction.


That's very true these surprises aren't very nice surprises so you never know they could do something else , but I'm about 95% sure it is to beef up the 25 servers and yes they will be very busy in November. The only problem with all this is the poor F2P and forced transfered people will have next to no names left to chose from. What was it 300 servers down to 25 err yeah a bit drastic , I was hoping for about 35 servers really but that's me.





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I'm about 95% sure it is to beef up the 25 servers and yes they will be very busy in November. The only problem with all this is the poor F2P and forced transfered people will have next to no names left to chose from.


Don't forget the prior subscribers who come back to play for "free" (and brag in advance about it) and can't log on because they are in a 90 minute queue behind all the subscribers jumping the line ahead of them. :D


AND the best part...... since they have no subscription, they can't come here and rage post about the queues either. :p

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