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Forced transfer to high pop. 16 slotted servers ?


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Unless something has changed, lotro is this:


Free players have access to 2 character slots.

Premium players have access to 3 character slots.

VIP players have access to 5 character slots.


All with the ability to get more slots.


I think DCUO gave 4 or 6 slots with the ability to get more.


To add to that data.



Free players get 2 character slots

Premium Players get 4 character slots

VIP get 8 character slots.


With the option to get more. I think the max is around 30 character slots.

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Can someone who has more than 12 characters on the high pop. test server clarify something for me. Can you swap in and out characters into the 12 slots at will ? Or are random characters locked above the 12 ? Thank you. If its the latter then god help my group as I know for a fact they have 16 characters eligible to be on a destination server , some of which are solo and others are in a group with myself.






I have 20 characters copied over. I can log into any of them.

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Can someone who has more than 12 characters on the high pop. test server clarify something for me. Can you swap in and out characters into the 12 slots at will ? Or are random characters locked above the 12 ? Thank you. If its the latter then god help my group as I know for a fact they have 16 characters eligible to be on a destination server , some of which are solo and others are in a group with myself.






Actually, looks like you can swap characters at will. None are locked. However, when you delete one, it warns you that you'll still be over the limit for character slots, and so won't be able to create a new character by deleting this one.


So, you can have more than 12 if they get merged together. But can't make more until you have less than 12.

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Actually, looks like you can swap characters at will. None are locked. However, when you delete one, it warns you that you'll still be over the limit for character slots, and so won't be able to create a new character by deleting this one.


So, you can have more than 12 if they get merged together. But can't make more until you have less than 12.


Firstly thank you BBP and Coldin. So my worries might be unfounded , it's strange that we the users have to work out and guess what is happening or going to happen ourselves. Maybe we should buy out this game and run it. I wonder if you can still mail the locked characters though , i hope so. So maybe they are letting us keep all our old characters , well that would be great. Thanks guys.


O this changes everything I better get a move on and create my remaining 4 advanced classed characters , other wise I will be stuck with 12 of 16 and no way to create my remaining 4. I recommend anyone else who waited to make their remaining characters to make them on your origin server. Mind you I won't get too attached to their names , o god iv'e just realised I have a new horror story , o god. I wanted to keep one slot for my Cathar , I have a number of very bad words going through my mind atm , so I will stop typing. This is getting stupid.





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EDIT :- It seems that the max characters is 12 per server and because I was on two servers , hoping to get to 16 advanced classes , then I'm not happy at all. 12 on 1 server and 4 on another ? This is a joke and I'm not going to accept it . Ok so I would accept my other 8 characters to go anywhere but those extra 4 slots , i will not accept them to be on one server of 12 and another of 4 . Btw it also looks like any characters above 12 ( where the hell did they get 12 from ? just out of thin air ? ) will be locked until yeah i guess when we pay to open those 4 extra slots up. I thought my cartel coins where a gift now it seems like . O have these coins to open your 4 advanced classed characters slots up . Nice one BW really love the gift , o its all spent , how quaint..



Give people an inch and they'll take a mile.


Cry less, they could've left you at 8 slots.

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Give people an inch and they'll take a mile.


Cry less, they could've left you at 8 slots.


Really? *stan marsh voice*


Bad Orb and everyone in his predicament has every right to feel slighted. After all BW in some cases FORCED people onto certain servers with guild placement. BW changed direction and design ( from our perspective we coudln't read their mind ). Many people are purists and don't mix factions in a game with factions. Couple that with the possibility that they may be altoholics you have a situation similar to what Bad Orb is speaking about.


But, this is in line with your past post style and you have revealed yourself sir. We know your measure.

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Give people an inch and they'll take a mile.


Cry less, they could've left you at 8 slots.


That's what I was hoping for 8 characters on one server and 8 on another and if you had read more of the thread then you would have realised that part you quoted doesn't apply now. Only problem now is no cathar and that's it. Thanks for your input though. O and losing my second legacy but o well.


It's nice to have 50 characters for free but when you have to pay for 4 slots , that where free , just to make a cathar in the future then I really think that's a bit of a joke. 16 slots instead of 12 makes more sense because of the 16 advanced characters.





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You know what would be awesome is if with the extra slots they allowed a second legacy name and did something like linked legacies. For like the Rival option on the family tree oo and enhanced relations ship on the family tree so you can have your Rival's daughter are your Allie or love interest. :eek:
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You know what would be awesome is if with the extra slots they allowed a second legacy name and did something like linked legacies. For like the Rival option on the family tree oo and enhanced relations ship on the family tree so you can have your Rival's daughter are your Allie or love interest. :eek:


No that would be a Dynasty. You know multiple linked Legacies = ...


hmmm Oh BW ...



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Just mentioned the great news to my friend and as I thought he isn't happy. He has 8 on the destination server and 10 on origin servers that he has already tried to pick appropriate names on the destination server and there wasn't anything. He doesn't want to lose his 2nd legacy name and would rather pay to move his remaining characters somewhere else. The destination server is full ( no decent names ) and he has waited 3 months since the first phase. I guess we wont know the answer to this for a while. He said he would pay to move them , where he can maybe get a decent name for his characters.





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I don't know what's the problem here you can have 30 character and play them all, you just can not create an other one. So it seems that you are so greedy you want it all. Just play and stop complaining and play your 30 alts.


bunch of babies

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I don't know what's the problem here you can have 30 character and play them all, you just can not create an other one. So it seems that you are so greedy you want it all. Just play and stop complaining and play your 30 alts.


bunch of babies


I don't want it all , I had what I wanted , I had room to make my 16 ( not 30 ) characters. Yes I thought I deserved a Cathar for something new after 15 characters but now I can't. Don't forget my friend doesn't like changing his names and has tried many , so there is a few problems. Not sure where you got 30 alts from you can have 50 , I only want 16 , far from greedy as the game is designed for 16. Maybe you shouldn't fan the flames and go play your 30 alts ? Or say something constructive.


Cheers ,



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I don't know what's the problem here you can have 30 character and play them all, you just can not create an other one. So it seems that you are so greedy you want it all. Just play and stop complaining and play your 30 alts.


bunch of babies


Sigh, not the brightest comment.


I reserved 2 slots for "expansion" of the character types (ala the Cathar), so I had 6 toons on my EMP server and 6 toons on my Repub server. Now when the wizards at BW force merge me to 1 server... no Cathar/no future species/no Sithee repub toons/no green Imp toons... WHY TELL H-LL CAN'T I GET A CHOICE OF SERVER LIKE THE RP GUYS GOT TO TRANSFER MY 2ND SET OF TOONS TO?

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I bet they give them 2 slots. Not a single F2P game Ive ever played gives enough slots to even try all the classes.


EQ2 - 2 slots for free accounts, 4 classes (25 sub classes)

CO - 2 slots for free account, 8 archetypes

CoH - 2 slots for free account, 8 archetypes

STO - 2 slots for free account, (never played STO, someone else will have to tell me how many classes)

LotRO - 1 slot per server, but I think you can make a character on each server.


As someone who does play STO, I can answer this. There are 3 classes per faction and they are Science, Engineering and Tactical. Its the same on both sides. Since the game came out, they always had a cash shop and we were able to buy more character slots. I broke down early on in the game buying character slots as 4 at the time was the max for STO. When buying character slots, they offer them in packs of 2 or 4. Buying the 4 character slots was the best deal.

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Damn, I should have made better looking characters on the origin servers.


I have a bunch of randomized placeholder characters.


F2P will probably have one slot. The free class story will tempt people to buy a slot for another class. The average player doesn't have more than two max level characters.

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Damn, I should have made better looking characters on the origin servers.


I have a bunch of randomized placeholder characters.


F2P will probably have one slot. The free class story will tempt people to buy a slot for another class. The average player doesn't have more than two max level characters.


I think you still have time to delete and remake your origin server placeholder named characters.





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My understanding is that if you have transferred more then 12 characters you will have them all available, but you will have to delete one if you want to create one. I had transferred 18 and I could access all. But if you have less then 12 - the limit will be 12
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I think you still have time to delete and remake your origin server placeholder named characters.






Hmm. I thought new character creation on origin servers was locked? Otherwise, can't people who have a stray character on an origin server just create 7 more to circumvent the character slot cap?

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Here are BW answers fro PTS forum:


None of your characters will be deleted. You will be able to use all of them when we merge characters from origin servers onto current destination servers (with new high population tech). However, in order to create a new character, you will have to free up one of your character slots.


Everyone that transferred to a destination server will remain on the same servers, just with new High Population Tech. We are going to be consolidating the remaining origin server characters onto the current destination servers (with the new High Population Tech). Make sense?

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It is nice ‘if’ they are really going to let us have more character slots but I am worried about how they are going to handle the characters being transfer from origin servers to destination servers.


I know some people who didn’t transfer over to the destination server because they already had eight characters on it form the start. To me it seems unfair to force people to delete characters (or if allow buy slots) just to be able to create new character especial with the Carther species on the horizon. After all they are being forced to transfer to this one server (at least this how it sounds to me).


In my case, it’s is likely those character left on Vrook Lamar will be forced to go Begenren Colony which is already full, that means I will end up with total of sixteen characters. If I wanted to make a new character I would have to delete five of those characters (that if they move the character limit up to 12), thankfully I haven’t invested all that much time into these characters, but I’m sure others have. As I want make my Carther on Begenren Colony. Of course, this if I’m understanding this right.


To fix this, either have the new slot plus the preexisted characters, I know this isn’t fair to everyone but at least it doesn’t punish those who have no choice or otherwise allow the player to choose which destination server they wish to send their characters. They can even make limited time offer.

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It's worse , I would have much rather they moved my remaining characters above the magic 8 to another server. So if this happens I will end up with 12 advanced classes on one server and 4 on another ( or on the same one but locked ). I don't really think its fair when we could have 50 characters for free.


I have put off making my last 4 advanced characters for 3 months because of the worry of not knowing where they would end up and now it seems I will be stuck , not being able to make my last 4 characters until F2P hits in November ( i guess we will get our cartel coins then ). So now I have to waste another few weeks and then have to use my cartel coins to buy the 4 final slots , I'm what is commonly known as gutted!






You know we only have 8 Advanced class right? Imp and reb are copped and the only change is the name of the moves and some animations..

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