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This is not Star Wars


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is this the same EU that's so far tried to make revan and the emperor, better stronger and more force adept than palpatine and (anikin minus the force adept)


i would listen to the EU more if it wasn't written by people who make up characters who have to be the biggest and best


But they haven't tried, because they can't, we know for a fact from both Lucas statements and his own in-universe abilities that he could flatten Revan and Vitiate with ease, that is not even up for contest.


And if there is any area of the timeline where your hatred of god like characters should spawn from, it should be the NJO era, by far.

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See, SWG had this.


RP playground that was unrivaled by any others when it comes to Star Wars.


What it lacked was non ****** gameplay, with the exception of space combat, which was amazing.


It was a sandbox with bad gameplay, such bad gameplay they completely redid it three times and it was still not good. It was playable sure, but it just couldn't compete with MMO's on the market, by 2010 it was extremely dated and it was obvious. It was unresponsive, animations bled into eachother, sounds bugged out, the graphics were deplorable, and your options wre limited since NGE as to what you could do.


What SWG had going for it was literally the greatest RP playground in existance, you could literally do anything. That is why a lot of people stayed, because they could decorate homes, make cities, use storyteller stuff, be anything they wanted to be. The issue with that was lore wouldn't let you do whatever you wanted, becuase the GCW era is locked up pretty tight for a lot of types of roleplay. There is no room for 100 or so Jedi to be running around after the purge.


This game on the other hand has amazing gameplay, it's graphics are great, it's animations are great, everything about it is great. IT's got the best 1-50 leveling of any game, it's got good content at the end (just not enough). But it doens't have that RP playground aspect of SWG. You're stuck doing the same kind of RP you were doing in other MMORPGs, but hey star wars!


It's cool, I liked both games. SWG was my first MMORPG, I can look at it objectively. I went to bigger and better things after it, but TOR's my end result and where I'm sticking until something comes aorund that interests me more, and then hey TOR's still free to play.


In essence you are right, although I am a Pre CU vet so cant agree on everything you said. But yes, if you could have SWG's scope, depth, freedom and flexibility combined with SWTORs polish, playability etc....well thats just the stuff dreams are made of.....:) For what its worth, I love the EU stuff but would prefer a Star Wars MMORPG to be set in the GCW era BECAUSE it means no Jedi and Sith running around by the thousand....but I do understand the kids want the glow bats so businesses like EA will serve it up for them.



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For me it's about personal taste. I for one am a little burned out with the original Star Wars timeline. Lucas has shoehorned so much crap into it, it leaves little room for imagination. As a pen and paper gamer I always ran Star Wars games in the Old Republic, even before KOTOR came out. We used ideas from the Expanded Universe. That being said I understand some peoples' attachment to the familiar. I just like the idea of a "fresh" time period in which to explore that isn't over saturated (or at least yet). Then again, this is just my personal preference.


I would also add, on the other side of the coin. That many of my friends, including me, probably wouldn't have played/stayed if this was set during the time-frame of the Rebellion. It was one of our major gripes with SWG....but then again, SWG could never decide what time period they were a part of, and had a lot of inconsistencies with the Star Wars canon.

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In essence you are right, although I am a Pre CU vet so cant agree on everything you said. But yes, if you could have SWG's scope, depth, freedom and flexibility combined with SWTORs polish, playability etc....well thats just the stuff dreams are made of.....:) For what its worth, I love the EU stuff but would prefer a Star Wars MMORPG to be set in the GCW era BECAUSE it means no Jedi and Sith running around by the thousand....but I do understand the kids want the glow bats so businesses like EA will serve it up for them.




But the GCW era lasted a whole of 21 years, depending on your POV, most of the time their are a ton of Sith and Jedi and other neutral parties all over the place, which makes absolute perfect sense seeing as how the force encompasses the entire galaxy, you are going to have more than a handful of force sensitives at a time.


What you consider to be the norm is actually the complete opposite.

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But the GCW era lasted a whole of 21 years, depending on your POV, most of the time their are a ton of Sith and Jedi and other neutral parties all over the place, which makes absolute perfect sense seeing as how the force encompasses the entire galaxy, you are going to have more than a handful of force sensitives at a time.


What you consider to be the norm is actually the complete opposite.


I completely understand and technically, you are right. I am a fan of Star Wars as a whole but that rationale when used in a MMORPG just leads to 80% of the player base being Jeedai or Sith.....which gets old pretty quick imo.



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My personal experience has led me to believe that the Venn Diagram of all people who like Star Wars and all people who play MMO's has a very small overlap. I think the basic assumption that if you made a Star Wars MMO then 10 million Star Wars fans would flock to play it was wrong from the start.
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When I found out that this game was set in the Old Republic, not in the movies' storyline like SWG was, I was pretty disappointed. But I realized it offered a more unique and vast storyline and creative material. SWG was limited by only what we already knew happened in the main SW story. Plus, in order not to alienate new players, they didn't really advance the storyline at all. The timeline was after ANH, before ESB, so you'd think that eventually they would let you play the Battle of Hoth (I know they did something like that, but bowed out before it happened) and incorporate ROTJ eventually too. But that would have been difficult to do, and then afterwards would be challenging to make new content to keep up.


Basically, when it comes to SW TV shows, games, books, comic books, etc. the original trilogy has been done to death. Yes, it's what made us love SW in the first place, but you gotta let the SW universe evolve and bring in new things. Another SWG would have been boring because it's been done. Maybe years from now they'll give it another trym but right now I'm happy with the new content in SWTOR that I haven't seen before.

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I completely understand and technically, you are right. I am a fan of Star Wars as a whole but that rationale when used in a MMORPG just leads to 80% of the player base being Jeedai or Sith.....which gets old pretty quick imo.




AH I see your issue and I agree, but I think the Force User novelty will wear off for a lot of people, many now play Trooepr and BH because of their effectiveness in PVP and clean up trash button AOEs.

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Whats niave is to think the movies are the end all be all. You don't have to know anything about an extend SW universe to know there is more to it. You might personally want it to be in a certain time period but SWTOR is not in the movie settings. Never has been, never announced as and most likely never will be.




No, whats common sense is people relating to the movies. The game is not a direct extension of those movies but a prequel of sorts. Our expereince may be the movies but if you came into the game thinking SWTOR was that then I'd say you didn't play any of TOR games or read anything about SWTOR MMO before it came out.



Point of view only (AKA opinion), we all have one.


I'm more attached to my SW toons they I have ever been in other MMO's simply cause of the individual stories. Even when making dialogue choices that mean nothing at the end of the day, it's more fun to answer quest dialogue in a way I want than some automatic text driven read through. The game does deliver, just not to you.




It's not immersion that causing people to leave. If anything, it's lack of content to be played.




Content is what keeps you logging in, not immersion. The game has immersion but the content needs to expand and grow and at the rate we consume it, it's very hard for any new MMO to keep up. It's the same I see in a secert world, or GW2 - We race through the leveling, finish the end game and then grip cause there is no content. Immersion is a very distant second for holding gamers.


But of course all that is also my POv and opinion so you see how the rest of the debate might go. Probably no where.


However, this game is very much SW. Wanting it to be set in the movie period is one thing but claiming it's not SW cause it's not played out during those times is silly at best.


Your wrong.From a role players point of view immersion/features is what keeps you logging on everyday.

Are we saying now this is not a MMO?,because if we look at this as not a MMO, then your right.

That's my whole point.

Your views on people who never read the books but have seen all the movies are different then mine,I accept that.

BUT,if your right,why are people leaving the game?

Again,that's my point.

Edited by AERHAE
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I would agree to a point its not Star Wars. One you have to understand is not eveyone plays PS3/Xbox and just do online. So for us this is a version we dont know anything about, nights of the old republic. i think they should have done it closer to the movies like SWG and it would be more if a hit but BW has yet to even come close to what SWG did.


The problem now is giving us a planet we dont know a Cat race we dont know. What we need is stuff everyone can connect with like Dagobah, Endor, Kashyyk just to name a few. Now im not saying Mekab is not part of the star Wars planets but its not one people know of unless they get deep into all the planets. BW needs to start giving us what we know of and remember and things we want to see and play and do. we are close to a year and there is many things not in game but that is another thread.

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So are you saying we need to read books now in order to get into this game.........Really?



He said nothing of the sort. YOU inferred that. He was just simply stating that the SWU is more than the movies and suggesting another source for you to expand your horizons. :cool:

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He said nothing of the sort. YOU inferred that. He was just simply stating that the SWU is more than the movies and suggesting another source for you to expand your horizons. :cool:


There would be no Star Wars Universe or its creation without the movies.The movies kicked all that off.

There was no writing books on star wars until after the first movie came out.Then the writers started there history but only when Lucas approved it.

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There would be no Star Wars Universe or its creation without the movies.The movies kicked all that off.

There was no writing books on star wars until after the first movie came out.Then the writers started there history but only when Lucas approved it.


And so that all should be ignored? Go ahead and bury your head in the sand and pretend the books don't exist then. Like anyone cares.



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Maybe your friends need to try reading a book or two. ;)

There's more to Star Wars than just the movies.




Maybe has friends have no interest in reading Star Wars books. I certainly don't. I've never read a Star Wars book in my life and I doubt I ever will.

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Maybe has friends have no interest in reading Star Wars books. I certainly don't. I've never read a Star Wars book in my life and I doubt I ever will.


Fair enough but do you stand your ground in thinking the movies are all there is as if nothing else happened and the stories stopped cause the movies did?

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No, I'm just saying that the Star Wars universe is a lot bigger than just the movies. :rolleyes:




I agree,but again most people who play this game have not read the books.

And it is starting to sound like it may be a factor as to why people are leaving the game as well.

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There would be no Star Wars Universe or its creation without the movies.The movies kicked all that off.

There was no writing books on star wars until after the first movie came out.Then the writers started there history but only when Lucas approved it.


Actually you are wrong. In 1977 when the the FIRST movie game out ( later titled Episode 4: A new Hope ) there were not books other than the novel based on the screen play. But, in 1978 the first book of the EU was released. That book was Spinter of the Mind's Eye. The EU was established long before The Empire Strikes back hit the movie screen. :cool:

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I agree,but again most people who play this game have not read the books.


I disagree with that. Id say most SWTOR gamers have been affected by the extended universe be it reading a book or simply playing other SW gamers.


And it is starting to sound like it may be a factor as to why people are leaving the game as well.


Nah, its not the RPG element thats causing players to lose interest. It's a lack of end game FP's, PVP and operations. Sure you can stack a ton of mini-game like RPG elements that are not better than doing dailies but like SWG - that wont hold subscriptions to any great number.

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Fair enough but do you stand your ground in thinking the movies are all there is as if nothing else happened and the stories stopped cause the movies did?


I never said that (perhaps someone else did?). I will stand my ground in claiming that the vast majority of people are not what any of you would term "Star Wars fans" and could not give a rat's **** about the EU in any form. I bet if you asked a group of random teens to twenty somethings (the majority demographic for many MMO's) that many of them would say that this being Star Wars is actually a turn off rather than a draw.


If you then start calling people ignorant for being unaware of some books which, let's be honest, are probably not what anyone would actually call literature, then you are going to turn away many more potential players.

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Actually you are wrong. In 1977 when the the FIRST movie game out ( later titled Episode 4: A new Hope ) there were not books other than the novel based on the screen play. But, in 1978 the first book of the EU was released. That book was Spinter of the Mind's Eye. The EU was established long before The Empire Strikes back hit the movie screen. :cool:


No Im not

EU was based off of the original script for the First Movie.


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I never said that (perhaps someone else did?). I will stand my ground in claiming that the vast majority of people are not what any of you would term "Star Wars fans" and could not give a rat's **** about the EU in any form. I bet if you asked a group of random teens to twenty somethings (the majority demographic for many MMO's) that many of them would say that this being Star Wars is actually a turn off rather than a draw.


If you then start calling people ignorant for being unaware of some books which, let's be honest, are probably not what anyone would actually call literature, then you are going to turn away many more potential players.


Doesn't have to be the AU from a book. Plenty of AU just from video games and I really don't want to get into a debate about whats literature and whats not so I'll let that one go.

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