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This is not Star Wars


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I was talking to a couple of people about this game and tried to persuade them to sign up and play, but they said the game was "Not star Wars" i asked them to explain and they stated that to them star wars was Episode 1-6 and if the game was set in that time period they would be more than happy to join us all online. they were not interested in Luke, Leah Or Han Solo they just wanted to play Star Wars in the time line of the movies as this is Star Wars as they understand it.


I showed them the game and they said that this games story is too foreign from the original movies universe and this just seems like a space MMO with Light Sabers and Blasters.


This got me thinking, could this be one of the reasons there is such an exodus from the game is because people expected to play in the universe of Episode 1-6, but found that they where thousands of years before that and that all that they know as Star Wars is no where to be seen?

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Hmh. Playing SWG I always thought its some reskinned DND variation with quite a silly ruleset. Everything was melee. Even when playing rifleman you had no chance whatsoever to kill anything before they were at melee range. You also had that weird division of professions, like melee: swords (1-hand), 2-handers, polearms, unarmed and then the basic brawler. Ranged was just as bad.


Most of the game experience was to get buffed -> put on green armor (ME HULK SMASH) -> go as fast as you can spinning in the middle of animal lairs and destroying them to make money until the buff wears off. Having some "iconic" characters doing a cameo in various places didnt really help. Specially in the beginning when there was no space component.


Atleast this game has blasters and rifles and they work as you would expect the ranged fight to work in a star wars universe.


Uhm, the point (which I forgot to add :p) was that despite all those faults people still seem to like SWG.

Edited by turjake
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Hmh. Playing SWG I always thought its some reskinned DND variation with quite a silly ruleset. Everything was melee. Even when playing rifleman you had no chance whatsoever to kill anything before they were at melee range. You also had that weird division of professions, like melee: swords (1-hand), 2-handers, polearms, unarmed and then the basic brawler. Ranged was just as bad.


Most of the game experience was to get buffed -> put on green armor (ME HULK SMASH) -> go as fast as you can spinning in the middle of animal lairs and destroying them to make money until the buff wears off. Having some "iconic" characters doing a cameo in various places didnt really help. Specially in the beginning when there was no space component.


Atleast this game has blasters and rifles and they work as you would expect the ranged fight to work in a star wars universe.


Uhm, the point (which I forgot to add :p) was that despite all those faults people still seem to like SWG.




The thing is though: because SWG was a flawed game, it doesn't make SWTOR a good game. Any more than SWTOR being a flawed game makes SWG a good one.


But a game with SWTOR and SWG strengths without the flaws of either, would have truly been a GREAT game.

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Hmph... They won't be missed, and no that is not the reason everyone left from this game.

Your friends are just ignorant and close minded....

And IMO The Old Republic is one of the BEST timelines to make a Star Wars game...

Edited by RickShan
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LOL ! no this time period is great that is not the issue at all.Lots of good things about this game but i think

some issues might be:


No minigames no space combat little to no real star wars outfits and no epic war on the planets.

And bad customazation, everything is a money sink,bad class balance and no star wars stories after lvl 50-

thinking about the stories in the raids is total crap, nothing faction vs faction as in both faction do the same raids

so bioware can save time and money.No story world arc after 50, i mean who cares about the dread masters.

People did care about Satele/Revan/Malgus/Vitiate etc but bioware did a very poor job with those characters.


No the time period is great but bioware wanted a rail game with no freediom were players are bored to death

in the no immersive box know as fleet.

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Hmph... They won't be missed, and no that is not the reason everyone left from this game.

Your friends are just ignorand and close minded....

And IMO The Old Republic is one of the BEST timelines to make a Star Wars game...


So, if people don't support something you do or like you basic reaction is to dismiss them?


I never said it was THE reason that people left, read my post.


My "friends" have a right to their opinion, if that make them ignorant and close minded then i prefer them over those blindly led.


Everyone has a right to their opinion, including those who don't like the time line of the game.

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I don't think so. They made it very clear from day 1 that this is not set in the Star Wars Movie time period. I mean, the other two games weren't set in this period.


Still, I guess the title is misleading. When you think "Old Republic" you think the prequel time period.

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Still, I guess the title is misleading. When you think "Old Republic" you think the prequel time period.


I don't, I think of over 20,000 years of history, the Galactic Republic is far far more than just the PT setting, which isn't even called the Old Republic era, it's called the Rise of the Empire era.

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I don't, I think of over 20,000 years of history, the Galactic Republic is far far more than just the PT setting, which isn't even called the Old Republic era, it's called the Rise of the Empire era.


Yes but you're not an average star wars fan. An average Star Wars fan probably focuses on the movie time periods.

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Yes but you're not an average star wars fan. An average Star Wars fan probably focuses on the movie time periods.


The term 'average' is very relative, the Clone Wars kids and OT fans probably don't make up the major percentage of star wars fans, because they aren't Star Wars fans, they are fans of very specific areas of the fandom, namely Lucas' G-canon.


Star Wars is the entire setting, not just a small section.

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I was talking to a couple of people about this game and tried to persuade them to sign up and play, but they said the game was "Not star Wars" i asked them to explain and they stated that to them star wars was Episode 1-6 and if the game was set in that time period they would be more than happy to join us all online. they were not interested in Luke, Leah Or Han Solo they just wanted to play Star Wars in the time line of the movies as this is Star Wars as they understand it.


I showed them the game and they said that this games story is too foreign from the original movies universe and this just seems like a space MMO with Light Sabers and Blasters.


This got me thinking, could this be one of the reasons there is such an exodus from the game is because people expected to play in the universe of Episode 1-6, but found that they where thousands of years before that and that all that they know as Star Wars is no where to be seen?


No... playing SWG and/or KOTOR1/2 would of surely killed that theory for many.


No matter how hard people try to explain it away.. the sub decline in SWTOR has been purely down to the many flaws in the game - the performance of the game, the feature difficient and unimmersive quality of the game, the slow turnaround of content to expand the game and lack of communication from the game developers since launch... simple fact is players have grown bored all to quickly in a game that prided itself on being different - except its not really any different unless you count lacking to be different.

And before the game defenders jump in with the "well Wow took X- amount of time to do this, or SWG dint have that etc etc.. sorry but this is 2012 and with argunably one of the biggest IP's out there, this game should have rocked our sockets of and hit the ground running right from the start, it had 6+ yrs to look at what was going on in other titles and how the games were changing.... So BW incorporated some decent VO and story mode (and its the only plus thing worth merit to me) - but once you get over the decent VO and ran the class stories a whiles the game runs out of steam the rails become boring and the repeatability value of content just isn't there.

Endgame will always take time to develop for sure, but that's just it its not developing it's growing old too quickly.

The rolling stone theory just does not exist in SWTOR... we just have to keep rolling the stone, then pushing it back up the kill and roll it again... and within no time even the leveling experience becomes a space bar or your kicked experience. It lacks exploration, random encounter, Risk & Reward, diversity of character customisation, UI options, it promotes loot griefing (only for such players to find out that at the end of it all, eveyone has ground out the same gear, with the same end stat build, doing the same things anyway).

Heck they couldn't even be bothered to balance the PvP Wz's out based on player levels..and then they decide to make it even more top heavy by adding Expertise.

The game is fun at first, then the log in times begin to diminish and that's why the subs have declined alarmingly quick not because players thought they would be battling Darth Vader and Jabba the Hutt... sorry to be so blunt

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So, if people don't support something you do or like you basic reaction is to dismiss them?


I never said it was THE reason that people left, read my post.


My "friends" have a right to their opinion, if that make them ignorant and close minded then i prefer them over those blindly led.


Everyone has a right to their opinion, including those who don't like the time line of the game.


Well, I understand some people prefer the saga as a time period. But they are not going to be as happy with this game. And all the threads in the world aren't going to change that SWTOR is set 3,600 years or so earlier than the films.


They don't like it? They don't have to play it. You don't like it? You don't have to play it. But speaking as a fan since 1977, this is Star Wars-y enough for me. Not only in larger story (though I could use a lot less Revan) but particularly in visual design that borrows a lot of its feel from early Ralph McQuarrie concept art.


I can like the game without dissing you. Can you dislike the game without dissing those who do?

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I don't know. There are those that will not accept that even the prequels are Star Wars. I can't say that I don't understand how they feel.


Now, that said, there is plenty in this game that really doesn't gel with Star Wars. The commonly presented term "light side sith" comes to mind. Also some of the armor is just...well...it's not Star Wars.


The only way to get someone to really give it a whirl that is a Star Wars traditionalist is to perhaps show them some clips from the storylines....the real Star Warsy ones. There are a few.


Just make sure none of the clips have the player saying "Is that fear I smell?"....so sick of that ridiculous comment. Because, after all, it's not like "I can sense your fear" would be something that a sith would say instead.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Hmph... They won't be missed, and no that is not the reason everyone left from this game.

Your friends are just ignorant and close minded....

And IMO The Old Republic is one of the BEST timelines to make a Star Wars game...


What do you think is?


I agree that it is not the timeline, the Old Republic is actually the perfect setting for a Star Wars MMO, with KOTOR establishing most of its parameters. Certainly, you couldn't have thousands of Jedi and Sith running around in the timeline of the films and have the story make any sense.


Personally I think it's just the limitations of the engine, an opinion of many. One of the trailers featured Sith taking down the Jedi temple, a battle involving dozens of people, all the different classes and even some companions, and a new angle on the Star Wars everyone is familiar with.


Is there anything remotely resembling that trailer in-game? If open world and RvR PvP existed and ran smoothly, it would change TOR completely for the better. Any number of endgame stories could have been implemented on an ongoing basis, using portions of the leveling planets to engage the opposite faction in large-scale battles.


The upcoming raid doesn't even resemble Star Wars to me, based on the preview videos.

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Hmph... They won't be missed, and no that is not the reason everyone left from this game.

Your friends are just ignorant and close minded....

And IMO The Old Republic is one of the BEST timelines to make a Star Wars game...


I believe that it's likely Bioware and EA will very much miss their subscriptions.

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Well, I understand some people prefer the saga as a time period. But they are not going to be as happy with this game. And all the threads in the world aren't going to change that SWTOR is set 3,600 years or so earlier than the films.


They don't like it? They don't have to play it. You don't like it? You don't have to play it. But speaking as a fan since 1977, this is Star Wars-y enough for me. Not only in larger story (though I could use a lot less Revan) but particularly in visual design that borrows a lot of its feel from early Ralph McQuarrie concept art.


I can like the game without dissing you. Can you dislike the game without dissing those who do?


You can't possibly be defending much of the armor in this game can you, particularly at endgame? How does that match up with concept art for the original films? Take a look at WH PvP gear or ANY Campaign/BH gear.

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