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Got a kick out of this


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Groupfinder queue.

We all load into the FP, just before the first fight one member says "Hang on wait a sec"

So we all wait for probably 30 seconds or so, but it always seems longer. Still no big deal.

The come back, we move on.

First convo of the FP and on the second or third response part someone didn't 'spacebar' as quick as the rest of us.

Same group member as above starts the "spacebar is your friend".."spacebar please".."more spacebar please"

All of about 2 seconds apart.

We continue on and a short time later this same group member has to go AFK again, this time even longer then the first.

Next convo and right away she (female character anyway) starts up with the "spacebar please".

At this point whomever it was that was a little 'late' on a couple spacebars just stopped all together and sat through every section of convo.


I couldn't help but chuckle at every convo, clearly they were making a point to not spacebar through anything.


All told, the group member who was rudely (although using polite wording) calling for spacebar every two seconds went AFK making us wait three times.


It was actually the most fun I had that day in swtor. Now that I think about it, I think that was the first time I actually got to hear most of the convo's in a FP. I've played pretty much all of them, but I could't tell you much about them outside of the fights, and how to skip them.

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People who ask nicely about the spacebar usually get my spacebar if I don't mind skipping the scenes, however, whenever someone asks for it regardless of their tone, I always make it known that I am cool if folks want to watch the scenes.


If I see the impatient "spacebar" or "who isn't hitting the spacebar" or "spacebar plz", I am watching all of the scenes.


A bit of courtesy goes a long way. Demanding things gets you nowhere.

Edited by TheBBP
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I remember someone posting about how they'd get into a FP, demand people spacebar, but not spacebar themselves, just to make everyone in the group suspicious of who isn't spacebaring.


Personally, since I've seen the dialogue of every FP so many times I spacebar without thinking, but I don't mind if people want to see it. However, when people say "spacebar" it makes me want to not spacebar on purpose.

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Wanna know what would be really fun, pals? Imagine that a new patch comes out and as usual, some bug appears, except that this little bugger affects the spacebar rendering it useless. That's right, you can no longer skip any scene until such bug is fixed, and according to BW, this bug doesn't exist, it may exist...perhaps next month...they take their sweet time to fix it until 5 or 6 weeks later.


Oh, brother! Can you possible imagine the rage? It'd be glorious, indeed.

Edited by zorroazul
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Wanna know what would be really fun, pals? Imagine that a new patch comes out and as usual, some bug appears, except that this little bugger affects the spacebar rendering it useless. That's right, you can no longer skip any scene until such bug is fixed, and according to BW, this bug doesn't exist, it may exist...perhaps next month...they take their sweet time to fix it until 5 or 6 weeks later.


Oh, brother! Can you possible imagine the rage? It'd be glorious, indeed.


The dark side of the force would engulf the galaxy!

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