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Legacy level 40 perk


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I am sure that this has probably been said before, but I think it would be pretty cool if we could have more than 8 characters on one server. I am sure that only a choice few people have 8 geared level 50 characters and I am not one of them. But I do have quite a few geared characters and due to having to play certain roles in ops and what not, I have not been able to make one of every class. For example I do not have a sentinel/marauder and would like to have one, and a sorc rather than a sage. But at the same time I cannot see myself deleting any of the characters I have and I don't want to have to start from nothing on a different server.


So I wanted to propose this. What if there was a "perk" that allowed you to have 9 characters on one server if you have legacy level 40, and 10 characters on the server if you have legacy level 50. I am confident in saying that if you have legacy level 50, you should be entitled to some kind of cool benefit like that as everything else is way below your level in terms of requirement. What do you guys think of this?

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I made myself delete my level 50 sorcerer the other day, and it made me rather sad. I think i just hit legacy 44 or 45 (no reason to pay attention anymore), and I really could use some more character slots. I have 5 50's (not including the sorc i murdered), and the rest of my slots are full. I want to make a guardian, sage, maybe even a sniper, but i can't.


And no way am i going to lose all the legacy perks i have gotten, or leave all of my friends behind to reroll.


Please BW, give us some more slots. I want to play your game more, but it is hard to justify when i can't play all the characters i want.

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I am sure that only a choice few people have 8 geared level 50 characters and I am not one of them.


I am one of those with eight level 50s and I have waited patiently now a few months for Bioware to finally release more slots.


A few options:


  • One slot for each class story completed
  • One slot for each level 50
  • One slot for each legacy level 10 or 20
  • One slot bought with a minor amount of cartel coins.


A extra slot actually generates more cash for them in the longrun since every character will be a timesink that needs attention with either more cartel coins or a subscription. This is a strategic way to keep the players that has been here since the start or a long time still ingame.


They should have atleast 4 extra slots obtainable by this way, with new races on the way 8 is more reasonable

Edited by Icestar
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No to all of the "ideas" in this thread.


Slots were promised by BW. Period. They even adjusted the log in screen. If you look carefully the login screen supports up to at least 4 more characters.


We are getting more character slots for free. Most likely before transfers are finalized. USE SEARCH on these forums and look for responses from BW.

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Waiting for anything from BW is like waiting for a heart transplant. These ideas are things that people would like to see done in a timely manner rather than wait another 6 months. There is absolutely no reason that people should have to pay to wait, or be forced to roll on a different server and start anew. Great, they said they were going to give us more slots. Here is a list of ways you could give us new slots next week. Edited by MrGreaterGood
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Waiting for anything from BW is like waiting for a heart transplant. These ideas are things that people would like to see done in a timely manner rather than wait another 6 months. There is absolutely no reason that people should have to pay to wait, or be forced to roll on a different server and start anew. Great, they said they were going to give us more slots. Here is a list of ways you could give us new slots next week.


They could turn the switch and give us more slots a second after you are done reading these words.


What you are proposing actually will entail some form of code to be developed and tested. Right now "slots" are a function of data base administration sans code to tie it to legacy level. What you are "asking" will actually incure TIME to implement. Additional entries in a database ( if a proper relational database ) is nothing more than messing with table entries. Far simpler than your "quick solution".


Why do you all make this more complicated then it has to be. You have to wait. Get over it. *I* have to wait (and I am not a very patient person) and I have gotten over it.


We are getting more slots, most likely before the transfers are finalized.


Would it be nice if we had exact answers? Sure. Are we going to get exact answers? Sure, when they are ready to tell us. We can't really do anything about this in the mean time. And TBH, this is the 10th, 20th, 30th thread on more character slots? I think they got the message by now. Also TBH, there really hasn't been anything "new" on these forums for quite some time. It's just the same "topics" over and over again because people will not use search, and have to have their own "special" thread to tout "ideas" that have been said over and over ad nauseum.

Edited by Urael
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