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Is It Possible To Finish Class Stories Below Level 46 Playing Solo??


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Hey guys, I'm working on my 3rd character. I finsihed my Sith Warrior at lvl 50 and my Smuggler at 46 and was hoping to be able to roll through a lot of the other class stories much faster.

However, the problem is, they make it so it's nearly impossible to beat an enemy if they are 5 lvl's over you or higher. I was hoping with the legacy perks that it might make things quicker. It seems weird because with my perks I can easily take down an elite 4 levels higher than me, without hardly getting touched, but once they are 5 levels higher, all of my attacks miss.

Anyone know a way around this??


I'd love to play through all 8 class stories, but not if I have to grind through them by repeating the side quests, etc over and over.


Thanks for your help!

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Use the legacy xp-boost on your next alt. Max it all out, extra ex for class quests, new maps, space missions, warzones and so on. I've gotten the first two ranks of maps and class-missions on my alts and it makes a difference. You'll find them on the character-page.


This way you'll lvl faster. Best way I can think of anyhow =) good luck.

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Use the legacy xp-boost on your next alt. Max it all out, extra ex for class quests, new maps, space missions, warzones and so on. I've gotten the first two ranks of maps and class-missions on my alts and it makes a difference. You'll find them on the character-page.


This way you'll lvl faster. Best way I can think of anyhow =) good luck.


i tried doing only class quests and even with all 5 xp perks for class quest xp i still became underleveled by 20s-30s

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i tried doing only class quests and even with all 5 xp perks for class quest xp i still became underleveled by 20s-30s


there isn't any real way to level on class only quests. the game wasn't designed for that. The op was asking if it was possible to finish all the class series at level 46. probably not doable on some class series simply due to mob difficulty. he just didn't want to have to grind Voss/Correllia...which i can understand. it gets somewhat tedious at that point.


It would be real nice if you could though..I love the class storylines. too bad they don't have a "story only" option, where perhaps you could tailor the storyline to your level. but then it would cause havoc with the planets they are set on....too bad really.


To OP: I'd follow kitty's idea. max your earned exp, and just start in early. if you unlock those legs as soon as your start the toon, I'll bet you will get to 50 and be able to skip quite a bit in the process (a.k.a avoid the Corellia grind...cool looking planet, but theire's something about trying to finish it that drives me crazy).

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To OP: I'd follow kitty's idea. max your earned exp, and just start in early. if you unlock those legs as soon as your start the toon, I'll bet you will get to 50 and be able to skip quite a bit in the process (a.k.a avoid the Corellia grind...cool looking planet, but theire's something about trying to finish it that drives me crazy).


The Main planet quest strand on Corellia was actually my favourite for the Republic side at least.. didn't finish it with my first Imperial, but will for sure with my Agent

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Currently lvl:in a JC and I only do the quests that I feel like doing, still 2 lvl's above the mobs. So even if I don't do all the quests and heroics I'm keeping a good pace. I do not wish to skip too much, that's why I haven't unlocked more xp, just want a little speedier lvl:ing so that I'll see the story in a somewhat timely fashion.


If I had more playtime I would probably not use them at all, but unfortunately worktime>>SWTOR-time so a little xp-boost was needed :p

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would you want a mob (non champion) 4 lvls lower to be able to kill you?


If I'm not mistaken they can. They don't seem to miss until they are 7 or more levels below you.


It seems NPCs have different rules than we do (which I don't think is that crazy since we are superior in DPS and tactics).

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there isn't any real way to level on class only quests. the game wasn't designed for that. The op was asking if it was possible to finish all the class series at level 46. probably not doable on some class series simply due to mob difficulty. he just didn't want to have to grind Voss/Correllia...which i can understand. it gets somewhat tedious at that point.


It would be real nice if you could though..I love the class storylines. too bad they don't have a "story only" option, where perhaps you could tailor the storyline to your level. but then it would cause havoc with the planets they are set on....too bad really.


To OP: I'd follow kitty's idea. max your earned exp, and just start in early. if you unlock those legs as soon as your start the toon, I'll bet you will get to 50 and be able to skip quite a bit in the process (a.k.a avoid the Corellia grind...cool looking planet, but theire's something about trying to finish it that drives me crazy).


What I think they could have done is to boost Xp for class quests by 50 percent, then convert all secondary quests to coin and class rewards, very little XP. That way you could level class only if you wished, or enjoy the extra perks if you did the side quests.

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What I think they could have done is to boost Xp for class quests by 50 percent, then convert all secondary quests to coin and class rewards, very little XP. That way you could level class only if you wished, or enjoy the extra perks if you did the side quests.


It sounds like you're giving far too much weight to the class story, unless you mean the bonus missions when you say "secondary quests". The class story is not the game, far from it. Considering how little of the content the class stories comprise should be a clear indicator of that. Even if they increased their XP reward more than 50% you'd fall well short of level 50 by the end, and if you could play through the class story only, regardless of level, most people would likely finish it in a day.


Whether or not it's attractive to be able to finish the class story in one sitting is a matter of taste, but it almost certainly isn't a good business model for BW to adopt.

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It sounds like you're giving far too much weight to the class story, unless you mean the bonus missions when you say "secondary quests". The class story is not the game, far from it. Considering how little of the content the class stories comprise should be a clear indicator of that. Even if they increased their XP reward more than 50% you'd fall well short of level 50 by the end, and if you could play through the class story only, regardless of level, most people would likely finish it in a day.


Whether or not it's attractive to be able to finish the class story in one sitting is a matter of taste, but it almost certainly isn't a good business model for BW to adopt.


Yeah the class stories as much exp as mos story missions...if there is any, it usually isnt enough to write home about. Some of the side missions that have multi parts give some real nice bonus exp besides a fat payday(3 planet commendations plus exp) to boot.


I screwed up though, and dropped a few planetary quests partly completed. Running 8 chars at same time you get bored at the end, and didnt realize the world ones couldnt be picked back up.

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My Inquisitor only does class quests but also does FP's and warzones to make up for the exp and the lack of gear. It works rather well if you dont mind not soloing at times. Heroics could also help.


If you want to solo only then you might want to get used to space missions :s

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if the mob you are about to take down is 5 level above you (magic number here) you will miss all the time.

if did a lot leveling ahead due to 300+ presence and very strong companions.


also I think I once completed a class quest with level 47 (but I used legacy orbital strike, legacy force storm and several other legacy stuff on him) it was quite easy :)

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if the mob you are about to take down is 5 level above you (magic number here) you will miss all the time.

if did a lot leveling ahead due to 300+ presence and very strong companions.


also I think I once completed a class quest with level 47 (but I used legacy orbital strike, legacy force storm and several other legacy stuff on him) it was quite easy :)


Oh yea I love that legacy orbital strike, and force storm not many things can walk away from that

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I completed my Sith Warrior class story at lvl 46 so it is possible. I have a really high presence bonus though so it definitely helped me.


I think once you buy the XP bonuses, they should be active for all of your characters, IMO.

Edited by Skorz
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It sounds like you're giving far too much weight to the class story, unless you mean the bonus missions when you say "secondary quests". The class story is not the game, far from it. Considering how little of the content the class stories comprise should be a clear indicator of that. Even if they increased their XP reward more than 50% you'd fall well short of level 50 by the end, and if you could play through the class story only, regardless of level, most people would likely finish it in a day.


Whether or not it's attractive to be able to finish the class story in one sitting is a matter of taste, but it almost certainly isn't a good business model for BW to adopt.


Actually I agree with the OP at this point I have completed every single republic side quest and every single flashpoint and operation on my main in Hardmode, I have no real interest in dailies for gear grinding and endgame has become stale for me.


The only thing keeping me paying my sub is the class stories (I have all 8 base classes that I am working through). I will do all/most of the Imp side world and bonus quests just to say I've done them but gone are the days where I want to level grind to get to endgame, now I am interested in the class stories and not repeating world quests.


It gets irritating when you are following your class story on alt number 3 to find that the boss you have to kill is 2 levels higher than the trash and therefore 5 levels above you, leaving you with no option but to grind XP before you can continue. I understand if the boss mitigates better than me and I can't beat him but hard caps are ridiculous, at level 26 you can take down a level 30 elite and still have over half your health left but the cap means a level 31 strong mob will wipe the floor with you.

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The only thing keeping me paying my sub is the class stories (I have all 8 base classes that I am working through). I will do all/most of the Imp side world and bonus quests just to say I've done them but gone are the days where I want to level grind to get to endgame, now I am interested in the class stories and not repeating world quests.


If they allowed you to just play the class stories then they wouldn't keep your sub at all, now would they? You'd probably play through those in one or two weeks, at most. That's hardly an incentive for the devs to allow anyone to play only the class story. If they provided the opportunity to people to play through the class story again, to get a more cohesive presentation or to refresh their memories of it, that'd be neat. But that's a different topic.


I've leveled up alts in a number of MMOs and that has always involved repeating content. Even in games that have been out for years I hit the point when I thought, "Oh, yay. This zone again." Yes, seeing the class stories of the other classes has appeal and has made me level more alts faster than I've done in any previous game, so I'm certainly ready for some new content myself. Granted, the leveling in TOR isn't precisely slow, which tends to exacerbate the problem.


In the end, if that's what you really want to play through the class stories as quickly as possible I'm certain it's something you can accomplish. Not alone, but you can do it. I did read a post by one fellow a while back who said he'd finished all or most of his class story by the time he was level 34.

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If they allowed you to just play the class stories then they wouldn't keep your sub at all, now would they? You'd probably play through those in one or two weeks, at most. That's hardly an incentive for the devs to allow anyone to play only the class story. If they provided the opportunity to people to play through the class story again, to get a more cohesive presentation or to refresh their memories of it, that'd be neat. But that's a different topic.


I've leveled up alts in a number of MMOs and that has always involved repeating content. Even in games that have been out for years I hit the point when I thought, "Oh, yay. This zone again." Yes, seeing the class stories of the other classes has appeal and has made me level more alts faster than I've done in any previous game, so I'm certainly ready for some new content myself. Granted, the leveling in TOR isn't precisely slow, which tends to exacerbate the problem.


In the end, if that's what you really want to play through the class stories as quickly as possible I'm certain it's something you can accomplish. Not alone, but you can do it. I did read a post by one fellow a while back who said he'd finished all or most of his class story by the time he was level 34.


The issue here is simple this was advertised as a story driven MMO, everything other than the story and voice overs other MMOs do better so story IS the only thing keeping my sub or I'd be going back to EQ. The MMO features that I really enjoy are all open world so the flashpoint and operations here are of no interest to me (even though I have completed them).


The game lacks open world dungeons, open world raids and open world PvP. Endgame is simply a collection of minigames. I'd like to see a patch with a new planet, new world arc and a whole new section of class story for each class instead of warzones and other instances.


In my opinion the genre itself is slowly going to the dogs with all these queuing systems and instances.

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The issue here is simple this was advertised as a story driven MMO, everything other than the story and voice overs other MMOs do better so story IS the only thing keeping my sub or I'd be going back to EQ. The MMO features that I really enjoy are all open world so the flashpoint and operations here are of no interest to me (even though I have completed them).


The game lacks open world dungeons, open world raids and open world PvP. Endgame is simply a collection of minigames. I'd like to see a patch with a new planet, new world arc and a whole new section of class story for each class instead of warzones and other instances.


In my opinion the genre itself is slowly going to the dogs with all these queuing systems and instances.


Well, as always different people like different things.


I love to spend an evening with my guildies fighting our way through an Ops. We talk on vent and have a ton of fun. We also play Warzones every now and then. So for us to be happy, well, we would like a few more Ops, and perhaps one more Wz. And I really don't like open world PvP so am quite happy to stay on my PvE-server far from such things. If they implement it on PvP-servers it wouldn't affect me and I'm all for it. Guess they have to throw all their different players a bone every now and then. I fully agree with you on a more class stories, that is what makes me enjoy this game foremost.

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Well, as always different people like different things.


I love to spend an evening with my guildies fighting our way through an Ops. We talk on vent and have a ton of fun. We also play Warzones every now and then. So for us to be happy, well, we would like a few more Ops, and perhaps one more Wz. And I really don't like open world PvP so am quite happy to stay on my PvE-server far from such things. If they implement it on PvP-servers it wouldn't affect me and I'm all for it. Guess they have to throw all their different players a bone every now and then. I fully agree with you on a more class stories, that is what makes me enjoy this game foremost.


I agree with you, but to me the whole setup has bee too restrictive, I am a member of what was a reasonably large social guild with a knot of hardcore players in it. We have over 300 members but now see only 3-4 on a night.


The problems started early game as we wanted to do raids and dungeons together but there is no mulitgroup content below 50. We had levels ranging from 40 -50 and plenty of them but were limited to groups of 4, open world dungeons and raids would have solved the problem, multi groups of multiple levels running at open world raid dungeons.


The levelling game was great fun. good story and then boom gone. No direction, Warzones are pretty much FPS capture the flag, level 50 FPs are rehashes of the lower level FPs and the Ops are good but have been made irrelevant due to the BH comms from the dailies so no one wants to do EV of KP HM anymore and I'm rather bored with EC.


Maybe it's just me but I'm an old school EQ player I don't like instances or chaotic item progression, give me lower Guk or the progression system in the Planes of Power and I'm happy something that isn't an instance that is out in the open world and not a dead queue (waiting room) with a teleport that's not an MMO it's a Co-Op game with a large number of players in a waiting room.


I understand you enjoy the warzones and I'm gald you do, but I don't see the difference between them and Quake Rocket Arena "Capture the Flag" except for an equipment and ability unbalance in the system.

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I completed my Sith Warrior class story at lvl 46 so it is possible. I have a really high presence bonus though so it definitely helped me.


I think once you buy the XP bonuses, they should be active for all of your characters, IMO.


As I mentioned in my original post. I was able to finish my 2nd character (Smuggler) at level 46.. playing solo all the way through. I was asking if there was a possible way to do it lower than that. Cause I was hoping with each character I play through, it could be done faster each time. However, it doesnt seem that you can, as itès nearly impossible to kill enemies once they are 5 levels or more higher than you - as your hits miss almost everytime.

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This is the direction Blizzard has taken its MMO and, for better or worse, a lot of people are trying to capitalize on that formula (9+ million subscriptions can't be wrong, can they?).


The whole class story thing aside, I largely agree with you. The planets do feel restrictive and small. It's almost a bit like City of Heroes, where the setting is supposed to be this big city but every neighborhood is its own zone. There's no real sense of there being one larger area to explore, only a collection of smaller areas. There's no real sense of life, either.


But that's a discussion that's been taken up in plenty of other threads and I've no suggestions on how they'd meaningfully go about changing those things.

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