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Will day ever end, will the weather ever change?


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Grayseven, gameplay isn't everything. This is an online persistent world and as such they should try to make it as realistic as possible. Sacrifices are made for the sake of fun and playability like a shortening of the day/night cycle you see in all other mmo's.


How is day and night not a part of the Star Wars universe? Does not Obi Wan say that Sand People come out at night? Is the iconic vision of the youthful dreamer Luke Skywalker not him staring off into the beautiful sunset of the twin suns on Tattoine? Do they not close the doors on Hoth at night to avoid the freezing temperatures, leaving Luke stranded? Come on man. It's as basic as trees. Would you be cool with Bioware taking a no tree stance, since, after all, trees are not an explicit Star Wars thing?


None of these memorable moments are reflected in the Universe Bioware has created due to their ridiculous exclusion of day/night.


Better gameplay? I agree. Fix bugs? Absolutely. But you will never fix all the bugs. This is an mmo after all, if we wait to get anything new or interesting on the premise od fix all the bugs first, you will never have anything new or interesting.

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People want holidays in this game like "Life Day" but if I can't have day/night cycles then there shouldn't be holidays either since "time is set in stone." You guys choose to live in fake worlds but want life day... seriously? Where is the logic.


Holidays can't exist in this game if everyday is the same day and time is set in stone.

Edited by DuckKing
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Oh wow, this old chestnut.


I'd certainly like to hope that weather changes, day / night cycles, zone phasing, dynamic events, dynamic npc reactions and ambient music changes based on the time of day or combat status are all on the wall of crazy.


It's a bit hard to convince me that in a story driven game, the story has progressed yet the world isn't showing a reflection of the passage of time or the chances as a direct result of my actions. It's certainly not a make or break feature for the game but it would go a long way to bring the current static environment to life.


Well, you have to also take into account that it isn't just 1 world, as there are multiple Worlds, including a Planet W/ a Moon. So, if they went for a true Night/Day Cycle, then they would have to have it TRUE for each and every world, taking into account every factor.

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If BioWare does start doing holidays then their claim that "time is set in stone" is ******** and proves they are lazy about adding day/night cycles and used "time set in stone" as a lame excuse and can now be officially debunked if they actually greenlight holidays in TOR. Edited by DuckKing
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Balmorra seemed pretty darn different between factions to me. I think the impact of day/night is more personal than you think(not necessarily something that applies in a general fashion). In LOTRO I found it annoying more than anything.


That's probably because the maps are very different, much more so than Taris.


However the feel is still very much the same, due to the Day/Day issue.




Conversly Taris demonstrates the power of the Day/Night cycle by making them feel like completely different planets dispite the maps being almost the same.

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Taris does NOT have a day/night cycle. The Republic version is always day. The Empire one is always night. Neither one has a "cycle" between day and night. It's a completely different map, for a different faction, with different quests and significantly different level ranges. So, of course, it feels "different".


If they added day/night cycles, I'd think that was cool and interesting for about a minute and then I'd go back to playing the game. It's like these people who think it's a crime that there's no "swimming" in the game or you can't ride your speeder for endless miles in empty sand on Tatooine. Those are the kind of things you try once and think it's neat and then move on. If anyone thinks BW should invest money in creating swimming so they can virtually "swim" on Ord Mantell for an hour a day, then they have way too much free time on their hands, lol.



Taris DOES have a Day/Night cycle, it's actually the only planet in SWTOR that does............. it just has a factional one not a time based one. :)



It also shows the power of Day/Night cycles in MMORPGs because Taris does feel so different from Empire to Republic.

Edited by Goretzu
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Simple question, any idea? Will the game always be as it is, and the weather, hour etc never change? Not being snarky, I just really wonder, if the devs ever adressed this, and what they said. It can't be hard, even lotro has day and night lol


Hard or not, they have no intention of doing it.... It was an artistic decision, simple as.

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Wow had it like...hmm...6/7years ago?...plus a way better engine...sometimes I wonder where all those millions went to,would love to see a spread sheet of the costs,because technically this game lacks ALOT compared to other titles almost a decade older,shouldn't technology and it's use be progressive specially with the highest investment ever? If I had to guess I wouldn't ever bet on storage as the mos expensive development .. Something is fishy about all this
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Their engine sucks (the incomplete garbage version they licensed) and they didnt preplan for it so dont hold your breath ... day/night will probably never happen even on new planets.


Yes, day/night cycles are easy now. At least basic simple ones are. I remember it being a cool "new" eye candy being added to Ocarina of Time so its been around for over a decade.

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Their engine sucks (the incomplete garbage version they licensed) and they didnt preplan for it so dont hold your breath ... day/night will probably never happen even on new planets.


Yes, day/night cycles are easy now. At least basic simple ones are. I remember it being a cool "new" eye candy being added to Ocarina of Time so its been around for over a decade.


Yeah Everquest 1 had a proper 3D Day/Night cycle and weather by 16th of March, 1999, when it was released.


Druids could even make a thuderstorm and stop one too.


It is very old tech, as old as the 3D MMORPG in fact.

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Sabers and Star Wars motif gear make it Star Wars...


Lol I am sure there are many people that wishes this were true. To me Han, Chewy, etc. make it Star Wars. Everyone has their own criteria I guess. Face it, people, day/night would have distracted from the real point of this game... Voice-overs. Lots and lots of voice-overs.

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But not near as much quality as fixing bugs over one year old. And ultimately, if you are playing long enough in a sitting to notice day/night or sunny/rainy...


These are non-issue fluff. There are more important things to do. Once they've fixed all the real problems they can get back to the fluff.


That's the thing. The fake, plasticy look of this game is one of the main things that drives me crazy. Has since beta. You can call it fluff but it's still a major problem with this game. MMOs are supposed to feel like living worlds when you log in. TOR isn't even close in that regard. I don't buy the "stuck in time" theory either. That's just making excuses for BW and their supreme arrogance.

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Not one argument made for a day/night cycle says a thing about how this would improve game play...


There have been plenty of good arguments. You just aren't listening. Face it, TOR planets look about as realistic as a Super Mario board. This has been a sticking point for many players since beta. Ignoring people's opinions does not make them invalid.

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Day and night wont happen, because they want you to play each planet at a specific time, and a specific place. Like the inquisitor is Darth Nox, they want your character to be at a certain planet at a specific time. It's already set in stone.


Yeah and this is just bringing in tons of players.

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People want holidays in this game like "Life Day" but if I can't have day/night cycles then there shouldn't be holidays either since "time is set in stone." You guys choose to live in fake worlds but want life day... seriously? Where is the logic.


Holidays can't exist in this game if everyday is the same day and time is set in stone.


I guess once we leave a planet we should never be able to return either since that future time couldn't possibly exist since time on each planet is frozen.

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Lack of day and night cycles and weather is not normally the highest complaint on the list when people rate what is wrong with the game around the net, from what I have seen.


The two biggest complaints seem to be the space combat system and the Hero engine implementation and issues connected with it. However, the lack of life in the game is usually mentioned in the list, sometimes day/night and weather directly.


So it doesn't seem to be one of the biggest complaints, but it is a common complaint none the less.

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Lack of day and night cycles and weather is not normally the highest complaint on the list when people rate what is wrong with the game around the net, from what I have seen.


The two biggest complaints seem to be the space combat system and the Hero engine implementation and issues connected with it. However, the lack of life in the game is usually mentioned in the list, sometimes day/night and weather directly.


So it doesn't seem to be one of the biggest complaints, but it is a common complaint none the less.




I actually think the frozen in time idea works pretty well with Taris, I like for that.


It works less well be still ok for Balmorra.




However where it makes no sense at all is everywhere else, where the two factions can mix, there being frozen in time has not plot issue (as it does in Taris and Balmorra - in fact the only places it does Correlia and now Belsavis daily areas makes it plain confusing as you're in the same world which now is supposed frozen in a much LATER moment in time).


So in all the rest of the planets the frozen in time idea just makes them feel extra static and like film sets, here a Day/Night cycle would be an improvement.


Weather would be an improvement everywhere, even frozen in different moments of time like planets such as Taris/Balmorra.

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That's the thing. The fake, plasticy look of this game is one of the main things that drives me crazy. Has since beta. You can call it fluff but it's still a major problem with this game. MMOs are supposed to feel like living worlds when you log in. TOR isn't even close in that regard. I don't buy the "stuck in time" theory either. That's just making excuses for BW and their supreme arrogance.


Well there's a few theories with that.


One is that their single player game heratige got the better of them (SWTOR is a pretty good single player game after all), and they did decide to freeze things in time for "artistic" reason.


Another is that they were running low on development time and took this as a short cut.


Another is that the version of the engine they bought didn't (and maybe doesn't) support this more advanced features that the retail version of the Hero Engine does.

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