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PVP needs to be divided by valor ranks!!!


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Level 50 pvp is absolutely atrociously one sided. It is always one sided w/ war heroes, warlords, and conquerors on one side vs. player that are in recruit or battlemaster gear. Players w/ valor rank 70 need to be separated from players below valor rank 70. It is not fair to always be subjected to the relentless farming that players above valor rank 70 do in warzones. I don't mind having to work to get geared but this is downright pathetic lately. What needs to change is simple. Keep players in battlemaster gear and below together and keep valor rank 70 and above together. This will prevent the assinine farming that is so prevalent lately in warzones. All i'm asking is to keep the warzones a little bit more balanced or at least change the matching system so that it is more balanced.
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Level 50 pvp is absolutely atrociously one sided. It is always one sided w/ war heroes, warlords, and conquerors on one side vs. player that are in recruit or battlemaster gear. Players w/ valor rank 70 need to be separated from players below valor rank 70. It is not fair to always be subjected to the relentless farming that players above valor rank 70 do in warzones. I don't mind having to work to get geared but this is downright pathetic lately. What needs to change is simple. Keep players in battlemaster gear and below together and keep valor rank 70 and above together. This will prevent the assinine farming that is so prevalent lately in warzones. All i'm asking is to keep the warzones a little bit more balanced or at least change the matching system so that it is more balanced.

how do you feel about much longer queue times?

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Man I hate it. 91 valor and itemized all the way to the hilt, its stressful on days that I get put on teams with 5 people that are 15k hp or less with a note from bioware saying " **** you, have fun carrying them".


I try to be a good sport, but when 6 of them go middle to fight 3 players and get wiped, while I'm holding 3 off a node on my own - I can't help but want to shout BADDIES in ops chat.


its even worse when 4 of them run for the enemy node, forget our turret, and don't even stop the cap - let alone capture it.


I wouldn't mind a system where I am put on teams with players who are closer geared to me so it's not such a large gap of experience. Guild pvp is dying on my server, barely any of the guilds run with just their own members - it's just combination teams.

Edited by Order-Sixty-Six
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eh that really wont solve the "problem". While I cannot deny that there is a gear gap I know people that have been sending their alts WH modded legacy gear so when their alts hit 50 they are DTF. They need to divide by expertise if anything. Heck I watched a video just last week about a guy who dinged 50 in a 10-49 prior to the game and equiped a set of WH gear armor.
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As mentioned, they'd have to do cross server queues first, and Bioware seems quite against that.


Which is hilarious now considering Biowares response to that has always been "But teh communiteeeeh"


You'd think that argument would be dead after the server mergers, with rumours of even more mergers circulating.

Edited by Luxidenstore
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Completely disagree. The issue is not with the valor ranks. It's with the GEAR. By the time you get to valor rank 70, you usually have WH gear and an insane amount of expertise. Which basically makes PVP play based in this Stun Wars game based on gear instead of talent.


I could suck at keeping up a decent rotation, but provided I played enough warzones, even if I LOST THEM ALL, I would still eventually have a full set of WH gear that would give me almost 7K more hp, more damage reduction and more damage done against people in recruit and BM gear, so that the fact that I sucked as a player wouldn't really matter much to my ability to win.


In my honest opinion, the amount of expertise you get with recruit gear can stay the same, the amount you get with battlemaster gear needs to be lowered by 25%, and the amount you get with WH gear needs to be dropped by 50%.


WHY, do you ask? Because it will level the gear field and make PVP more about a player's natural ability to play their character as opposed to how much time they have dedicated to grinding WH gear so they can smack people around in PVP.

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Completely disagree. The issue is not with the valor ranks. It's with the GEAR. By the time you get to valor rank 70, you usually have WH gear and an insane amount of expertise. Which basically makes PVP play based in this Stun Wars game based on gear instead of talent.


I could suck at keeping up a decent rotation, but provided I played enough warzones, even if I LOST THEM ALL, I would still eventually have a full set of WH gear that would give me almost 7K more hp, more damage reduction and more damage done against people in recruit and BM gear, so that the fact that I sucked as a player wouldn't really matter much to my ability to win.


In my honest opinion, the amount of expertise you get with recruit gear can stay the same, the amount you get with battlemaster gear needs to be lowered by 25%, and the amount you get with WH gear needs to be dropped by 50%.


WHY, do you ask? Because it will level the gear field and make PVP more about a player's natural ability to play their character as opposed to how much time they have dedicated to grinding WH gear so they can smack people around in PVP.



Im sorry, but only weak players say that the game is about gear, its an excuse and nothing more. I have a sage in my guild that put up 680k damage in full recruit gear. I've taken all my gear off and still topped the charts.


And your math skills are awful, you think recruit gear should have more expertise than war hero? That's probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard on these forums, and people say some dumb ****.

Edited by LiveandDieinLA
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The WZ ques are already dead in the off hours. WZ's are not available between 3am and 9:30am any longer. Thats 6.5 hrs of downtime. Bioware is just a mess, I don't see this situation improving at all. I don't think they get that is like a scheduled maintainenece for 6.5 hrs every single night.


Yes they need to match people but Bioware doesnt have the budget to make such a drastic change and it will make the ques even longer. This is a financially gutted game, you cannot expect the same level of competence or resources that swtor used to have.

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Im sorry, but only weak players say that the game is about gear, its an excuse and nothing more. I have a sage in my guild that put up 680k damage in full recruit gear. I've taken all my gear off and still topped the charts.


And your math skills are awful, you think recruit gear should have more expertise than war hero? That's probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard on these forums, and people say some dumb ****.


I call Bull$#!^ on the 680K damage in recruit gear. The most I have ever seen done in a WZ is 500K by a Merc in full WH, who happens to be a guild mate. Personally, I have played both a vanguard and a powertech to 50, mainly through pvp. I routinely find myself at the top of the board in both damage and medals on both characters, even in recruit gear, but I still find it extremely difficult to kill other players who are in full WH, while I find that I am abnormally squishy when I face them as well. I am not a weak player and I am not saying that it is only the gear, but I do feel that people who have the time and inclination to grind out a full set of WH gear are dis-proportionately rewarded by the amount of expertise that they are given.


And no, my math skills are not awful, you simply didn't understand what I meant. So let me spell it out with an example:

Current expertise stats by full gear set (hypothetical for argument sake):

Recruit - 800

BM - 1350 (Which means that the full set adds about 550 expertise over Recruit gear.)

WH - 1800 (Which means that the full set adds about 450 expertise over BM gear.)


Now, what I am proposing would look something like this:

Recruit - 800

BM - 1150 (Which is only an additional 350 Expertise over the Recruit gear.)

WH - 1350 (Which is only an additional 200 Expertise over the BM gear.)


There is still a bonus for people to get full WH gear, but there is not such a huge disparity between expertise levels among pvp'ers at level 50.

You say that the whole gear thing is simply an excuse from poor players. But at the same time, you say that the gear doesn't matter. So why would you object to my proposed change in the first place? As you say, the gear doesn't matter.

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I call Bull$#!^ on the 680K damage in recruit gear. The most I have ever seen done in a WZ is 500K by a Merc in full WH, who happens to be a guild mate.


Hate to break this to you, but I routinely break 500k in huttball (as a Merc) and often do considerably more in CW/VS. Top PTs/VGs, Sorcs/Sages and Maras/Sents can push a million damage in a lengthy civil war or VS.


I don't doubt 680k in recruit at all if they were allowed to DoT/AOE with impunity through a long match.

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Im sorry, but only weak players say that the game is about gear, its an excuse and nothing more. I have a sage in my guild that put up 680k damage in full recruit gear. I've taken all my gear off and still topped the charts.


And your math skills are awful, you think recruit gear should have more expertise than war hero? That's probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard on these forums, and people say some dumb ****.


I hope you're not serious about this. PvP is mostly about a gear check. In fact I can tell what gear a player has after just a few shots. There is a big difference in damage taken.

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Hate to break this to you, but I routinely break 500k in huttball (as a Merc) and often do considerably more in CW/VS. Top PTs/VGs, Sorcs/Sages and Maras/Sents can push a million damage in a lengthy civil war or VS.


I don't doubt 680k in recruit at all if they were allowed to DoT/AOE with impunity through a long match.


The only reason you are hitting 500k in hutt ball is because your team is way better than your opponent and you are farming them after a few goals. I have never seen any player do a million damage in a match, even during extended heal-fests in civil war.

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The only reason you are hitting 500k in hutt ball is because your team is way better than your opponent and you are farming them after a few goals. I have never seen any player do a million damage in a match, even during extended heal-fests in civil war.


Then you haven't seen the best players in said civil war healfest :D


This was a while ago (near the start of RWZ) and shames me to post as it was a loss, but hey. If it makes the point... Not quite a million, but near enough.




On the huttball, not so much. Check out my vids if you like (mostly pugged). Not all big numbers, but commonly enough. Most of the serious PvPers have left for warmer climes now, at least on my server, which is why you don't see it that often. I haven't been able to break 600k in huttball just yet, but its a goal.


And I get DESTROYED by top players of the better classes.


A good proportion of the players here just simply haven't fought a top team. Ever. Then go on about how Mercs/Mandos are awesome in PvP or whatever because they simply haven't a clue... But that's another story ;)

Edited by Jherad
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eh that really wont solve the "problem". While I cannot deny that there is a gear gap I know people that have been sending their alts WH modded legacy gear so when their alts hit 50 they are DTF. They need to divide by expertise if anything. Heck I watched a video just last week about a guy who dinged 50 in a 10-49 prior to the game and equiped a set of WH gear armor.



Yep its a wonderful thing too till bioware figures it out and stops us. But ill exploit that to the fullest till then.

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The issue is not with the valor ranks. It's with the GEAR. By the time you get to valor rank 70, you usually have WH gear and an insane amount of expertise. Which basically makes PVP play based in this Stun Wars game based on gear instead of talent.


This can´t be done by dividing valor ranks. They only show how much you have played PvP. Some have valor rank 50 when they ding 50 (I have done it three times in warzones) or some dont PvP at all until level 50 with a very low valor rank at level 50. The focus must be on the gear and not valor ranks

Edited by Icestar
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I call Bull$#!^ on the 680K damage in recruit gear. The most I have ever seen done in a WZ is 500K by a Merc in full WH, who happens to be a guild mate. Personally, I have played both a vanguard and a powertech to 50, mainly through pvp.

Something tells me u haven't played as much 50 bracket pvp as u let on.

Edited by AngusFTW
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