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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You know you have played SWtor to much....


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I have a few (some things that have popped in my head in RL too, lol!). You know you have played too much SWTOR when....


You desperately wish for an aggro dump when you are arguing with your girlfriend.


While cleaning out your garage you wonder how many more boxes you need to find to complete the bonus.


When standing at a buffet line you get the urge to cut in front of someone and quickly grab the cheese cake to avoid having to wait for the respawn.


You wonder if you can avoid the long line at the post office if you switched to a different instance.


And last but not least.... You begin to wonder if your relationship with your girlfriend would be better if it were F2P.

Edited by Qarran
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Maybe you havent played enough if you at the start of a combat with some solo-boss try to pause the game to micromanage your companion. Instead the character jumps and you have to figure out what just happened. Also pressing F5 before attacking the boss is quite a good sign.
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You know you play star wars too much when your spouse is playing a game on Xbox 360. Keeps getting there butt kicked having to watch video before hand. You say "Can't you just push esc or wait...this is xbox.


You know you play Star wars too much when you dream of playing the game. Or a have dream like your actually in Star wars fighting the baddies...



(Done both of these. I got a quit a few dreams i have had since playing Star wars.):cool:

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I dream about my guildies and I hear their voices matched with what my brain thinks they would look like in real life.


I wish I could put my pets (cat and a dog) away because they keep following me around the house while I'm doing house work.


Wishing I could send my companions to do RL errands for me.


Just like someone else wrote I wish I could force choke or lightning someone I either dislike or when I see someone doing something really stupid. I do it in my mind .... I have a good imagination.


Hearing my daughter out of the blue start humming the imperial theme song and realizing I may of watched to much Star Wars with her when she was a baby.

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When you ask your spouse to do something and wind up wishing you had a mission timer, and that he was as reliable as C2-N2. :rolleyes:


Bwa ha ha ha =)


I have got SWTOR-dreams, my husband says that he wishes he could join me in them. They are always fun and full of action. Yeah, that would be my sure sign of too much perhaps. But it's fun :p

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When you start waking up from dreams, wondering if your orbital attack worked...:eek:


And then wondering, if maybe you were just high from paint fumes, from your bedroom being painted again. Same colour, but...fresher.

Edited by Lunafox
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