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CoH players coming to TOR


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Also looking forward to the CoH community. It was my first MMO and I absolutely loved it and the people I'd meet randomly. I welcome them to this game if they choose to try it. I used to be on Justice server myself in 05 - 07and still reference that game all the time. Very sad to see them shut that one down but all good things come to an end.


I wish more of the current MMO gaming population had stated on CoH instead of WoW. The community would be completely different.


I honestly believe you are right in saying this but we will never know :(

Edited by Master_Nate
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Slim Pickens. Protector server.


Fire/Rad controller. Anyone remember the days of having like 12 fire imps? Had a friend with a fire/fire tanker and we used to pull entire maps herd and nuke... good times.


Crashed the whole server doing monkeys on monkey island in Peregrine once. no kidding.


Havent played since around 2008. Was a great community. I hope some of them come over.

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I'm both a TOR and a CoH player (LOL I typed KOTOR at first - well that too). Both games are good, but there was something really excellent about the way CoH was built. No other MMO that I have ever played has managed to come close. The way the teaming, chat, and social options were done just meshed perfectly to make CoH a wonderfully social game. In some ways CoH has never been bested and I wonder if it ever will be.


If I may presume to give our own devs some advice, there are three factors you should aim for: Make it easy to communicate (text, not voice, too many people don't like voice chat), make it easy to team up and play together, and have one central location that everyone has to pass through occasionally (a game-wide social hub).


You might also look at hiring some of those CoH devs. :D Their work over the last couple of years has been exceptional.

Edited by Trigan
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Slim Pickens. Protector server.


Fire/Rad controller. Anyone remember the days of having like 12 fire imps? Had a friend with a fire/fire tanker and we used to pull entire maps herd and nuke... good times.


Crashed the whole server doing monkeys on monkey island in Peregrine once. no kidding.


Havent played since around 2008. Was a great community. I hope some of them come over.


Fire tanks herding all of Perez Park. Dumpster diving with the Freaks in the bad part of Creys Folly back before the Warzone revamp. Yes sirree. :D

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SWG was my first MMO, but CoH is how I judge other MMO's. It may not have been perfect, but it got a lot of things right that no other games have. I'm very sad to see it go.


I was kind of sad to see that some of the really innovative stuff that they came up with didn't take off with the MMORPG genre in general. A lot of companies could learn from the stuff Cryptic and Paragon Studios did.


If I may presume to give our own devs some advice, there are three factors you should aim for: Make it easy to communicate (text, not voice, too many people don't like voice chat), make it easy to team up and play together, and have one central location that everyone has to pass through occasionally (a game-wide social hub).


Yeah, TOR badly needs an Atlas Park, some kind of social hub and an area where even 50's would go and do things. The fleet kind of serves as that, sort of, but it's not the same thing. Well, that and the unbelievable lag.


Also, seconded the Hire the CoH devs - they did some good work over there!

Edited by El_Kabong
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For anyone who hasn't seen this sort of thing in an MMO before, you have to watch the first minute of this:



Lol, farming with EM. But yea, those were good times. Before they put in target caps and aggro caps. In the very early days, before the police drones at the zone exits, we used to heard the whole map of Perez Park next to the entrance from Atlas and watch lowbies zone in and be dead before they were finished loading. Ahhh good times.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, the good old days of City of Heroes, I remember it so well. I played Lady Tara, Invulnerable/Super Strength Tank and a proud member of B.O.S.S. on the Champion server.


There were so many things to love about that game.

Hamidon raids. How can you not love 200+ players grouped in one area to kill one major B.A boss? The lag was unbelieveable and so was the fun. No other game has ever come up with a event that big.


Costumes. There were so many different costumes you would never see another one quite like yours. The ability to customize your look was endless and I would spend hours just looking through new looks.


The community. Never before and not since have I found a better group of players and Devs. The Devs would come and chat with you in game and indevidual players would become legends. Everyone knew everyone, it was more like a family.


And there were things to hate about the game.

The Vision. Statesman had his vision of what the game should be, and no matter what we said that is how it was. I began to hate that vision. If he had bent just a little the game might have continued much longer and evolved.


No end game. You got to level 50 and that was it. They never progressed the game, never raised the levelcap. After filling 2 severs with level 50 toons the game got really stale.


We can only hope that the Devs here learn from games like CoH.

1, keep in contact with your player base. Hire community reps if you have to. People want to know they are being listened to.


2, if players care about their toons they will play more. If you are just running a copy of every other toon of your class then it just comes down to game mechanics. People like to be unique, they like to stand out.


3, keep advancing! I would gladly pay for a new expansion every year to be able to advance my toons and their story. A idle game is a dead game.


4, change is good! That said, revamping the system every 6 months so players have to relearn how to play their toons is not so good :) but giving us new ways to play or new toys to play with is always welcome.


CoH was a awesome game and we can only hope that the legacy it brought to the MMO will survive and help Devs improve their games.

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I'm so sorry to hear about City of Heroes. I played on the villain side for a little while. While the game was entertaining, I had other priorities at the time, so never got into it past level 20ish.


But I remember one of my characters was a Mastermind (I think that's what they're called,) with necromancy as her primary power. I made her costume look like a Catholic School Girl and role-played her like one of the four teenage witches from the movie: The Craft.


I added elements of Alma from F.E.A.R. to her as well. Cute and creepy at the same time. Aw yeah, plaid mini-skirts and blazers while hovering around, subjecting good guys and bad guys to my horde of undead!! Good memories.

Edited by KindlyOne
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Played CoX for awhile too. Never got all that far, didn't know anyone else who played so I got bored and quit.


But man, character creation/customization was awesome in that game! I spent hours getting my dude finished. Made my guy look exactly how I wanted him. Never been able to do that before and I don't really recall getting something so exactly right ever again.


Wish more games had great character customization. I mean, your character is the one thing you look at for so many levels. Wouldn't it be nice to make them look like you want, not how some arbitrary designer wants you to?

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With the recent announcement about CoH closing down I am expecting to see at least a few people come from there to here :) I was also a long time CoH player, Justice server. Went by the name of Wrend on the forums, my main toon (and badge hunter) was Firekraker.


Currently I am playing on Jedi Covenant. I have toons on both Republic and Imperial sides, but I consider my "main" to be my Bounty Hunter Tickdoff Nerfherder. (all Bounty Hunters are Imp side if you are new to the game). I also have toons named Imnota, Corsa and Lisbeath on Imp side, my primary Repub toon is Notanother (Sentinel).


Feel free to look me up at any time, I would love to see some more people from CoH, that game still has the best community of any MMO, at least untill Nov 30th.


I think there are quite a few of us, former City of Heroes players here. I was sad to see that game finally get the axe. I haven't played it in over a year, but I easily played if over 4.5 years of total gaming there over the years.


and I am still boggled why Wow did so well. The first time I cancelled my Coh account after playing it for 9 months, I tried out Wow that was released 3 months before. After trying to play that game for 3 days I immediately went back to Coh. It was by far the superior game in about every way back then.....

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I've been a City of Heroes player for over six years. Continued to pay the monthly subscription even after they started the F2P option, there was just too much good VIP-only stuff for me to want to give it up, and besides, I wanted to support the game. At no time, from the beginning to now, did I ever even consider canceling altogether (although I switched to the 'Premium' account option for a few months here and there when money was tight).


I continue to log onto CoH on a daily basis, spending several hours in-game. Even when I'm not in the mood to run missions or join TFs or whatnot, I still at least RP with friends, or even just chat about stuff. There's such an awesome community in the game, and I love seeing all the player interactions.


Now, contrast that with TOR... here, I'm about to cancel my subscription until the FTP Option launches. Why? Well, there's no one specific reason. I dunno if it's the smaller/less-active RP community, the limited ways for the factions to interact, difficulties in finding/joining teams, limited character customization, the disappointing space combat system, the limited chat system, or any of a number of other issues. But mainly, it's the lack of a real sense of community.


In any case, TOR just isn't enough fun for me to warrant paying a monthly fee anymore.


I guess I just expect more from an MMO now than I did six years ago. I'm of the opinion that every new MMO simply must incorporate all of the features of previous ones, as well as adding new ones, in addition to having its own unique look-and-feel. TOR has the flavor of Star Wars, but that's about all it has going for it... the game just doesn't have enough features to support the gameplay and RP style I'm used to. Or maybe I'm just spoiled by what I have in CoH.


In any event, I don't know what I'm really going to do once CoH turns out the lights. I expect I'll be playing CO more (at least that game is in the same genre as CoH, even if the graphics style is too cartoony for my tastes). I will play TOR again once F2P hits, to be sure, but until then, I'm going to enjoy what little time I have left in CoH.



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Don't care if this tread gets deleted.


I played CoX from 2004 through the better part of 2009. Loved that game, and my favorite PvP was the consignment house. I was a flipping master and made billions of influence. Though I left it to explore the great big MMO world, it was my first MMO love, and you never forget your first.




QFT, I never played myself, but my 2 brothers did with severe enthusiasm. Welcome to SWtOR, and RIP for those who are grieving. another niche giant killed by the public market sector.


Just on a side note: hopefully you've been keeping up on many of the changes in the game. I've seen many come in with expectations set too high. while this is a fun game, its definitely not a CoH2. so take it as it is. A KotOR with other people in it at the same time you are (and some end game material). if you can handle that, you'll be fine.

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Don't care if this tread gets deleted.


I played CoX from 2004 through the better part of 2009. Loved that game, and my favorite PvP was the consignment house. I was a flipping master and made billions of influence. Though I left it to explore the great big MMO world, it was my first MMO love, and you never forget your first.




Marketeering WAS CoH's PvP. I had one of the Crazy 88s as a sgmate and he taught me the principles of flipping. The problem was after I cleared my first couple of billion it got too easy so I stopped. I never saw the point of owning more capitol than I actually needed to bay the bills.


I am (was?) an active subscriber even while playing TOR and I never stopped popping back in to chat with friends. A few have headed to TOR but most aren't. We're keeping our SG website open just for the chat and most of us are Facebooked (I love how that's a verb now.) I've known some of these people, RPed with them for almost a decade, and we're determined to keep our corner of the community together wherever we end up.

Edited by Flaminica
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I played CoX for about 5 years. It was my first experience with MMOs and its sad to see it go. I left because the game started to feel a little too dated and I wanted to try other games. Its been a couple of years since I've been back. I bounced around to CO and STO but nothing captured me quite like CoX did. It wasn't even the game play so much that kept me in it as the character creator and costume options. I played almost exclusively on the Justice Server for my time there my main was Atomantium (an homage to iron man... really). I was even lucky enough to meet up with some fellow COHers here in the DC area. I've been playing this game since the jump start and now reside on the Ebon Hawk with a very cool guild that has helped recapture some of what I enjoyed so much about COH. Hopefully the displaced COHers will find a new home here on TOR (the cools one's at least).
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