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Protect your Healers.


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I was just in a match where no one protected the 3 healers we had and wanted to QQ in chat that we weren't healing.. If you want heals guard them so they can heal instead of fight.. Even fighting I still managed to get off 58k heals..
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As a Sent I obviously can't guard you but when I'm not killing the opposing teams heals I always try to peel dps off of you guys. If you're low on health when I get there I start with Force Stasis or Awe to give you time to heal yourself and get some distance. But that's me...
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I was just in a match where no one protected the 3 healers we had and wanted to QQ in chat that we weren't healing.. If you want heals guard them so they can heal instead of fight.. Even fighting I still managed to get off 58k heals..


LOL, I stopped playing my sage because of this


Id see imps run through 7 team mates to come attack me and not one would try to stop them and almost never would any turn to help me.


Yet they all screamed for better heals


On the odd time I was teamed with someone who got it and would protect me, we did huge damage and were a force to be reconed with.


But it was just to rare a happening so I shelved my War Hero Sage and started to PVP with my DPS commando and Bounty Hunter and DPS Inquizitor and must say, life is much more enjoyable now because of it. Now when someone targets to attack me I have the skills to drop them for doing so. QUICKLY!


I should add im guilty of feeding on healers myself when I play my imps.


I know the republic side will not protect their healers so its now me running through the troops to drop their healers in short order. And I do. Often.


When I play my BH, many matchs will be me hunting healers. I usually end up with mid 30s in kills by doing it with maybe 1-2 deaths most matchs.


Simple truth is WZ pvp doesnt promote anything beyond basic tactics and the pre 9 pm crowd (it does get better after 9pm, least on my server it does) just dont care about tactics and stratagy, they only interested in the kill and their damage count.

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At some point you will realize the addition of healers only helps in limited situations, and start insisting on no healers at all. Each healer who is "healing" takes 1 dps away from the combat, which if they were fighting at your side would kill the opposing player rapidly limiting the amount of damage you take. The healer is not able to heal more than 1 person at a time in a fluid match, meaning the battle moves and keeps moving.


The simple answer is that healers should be able to go 1v1 with any other class with a chance of winning.



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And this is why I say PROTECT YOUR HEALERS...


58k...lol I wouldn't give you my guard if I was in a game with you..thats just amazing low heals,even getting focused without guard my commando healer will get atleast 200-300k.58k is a bit of a joke..

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As a healer, I definitely appreciate guard/peels. However, you have to help your team help you by positioning yourself well, kiting, using los, etc. Sorry, but 58k heals is pretty low. You need to be able to rely on yourself first, then rely on your team.


-Hedley Melange <Physics>, Dreshdae-->The Shadowlands-

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58k...lol I wouldn't give you my guard if I was in a game with you..thats just amazing low heals,even getting focused without guard my commando healer will get atleast 200-300k.58k is a bit of a joke..


the people in his team are the true joke

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the people in his team are the true joke


lol not really,If I was on his team I wouldn't waste my guard on a healer only putting up 58k heals..would rather put it on the dps putting out 300k damage or a different healer if there is one..

You have to show you are a good healer then you will start getting guards..but putting up 58k heals will not make tanks guard you,if they see you putting up 300-400k they will start guarding you..

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(From tanks point of view) Are you in pve gear? as a tank i won't bother to toss a guard on someone who cant bother to get and wear the free pvp gear.I would rather it go to a sentinel or other dps that at least tried. If i guard and peel for a healer ,but gett no heals in return for my effort that healer will never see my guard again. if your getting 58k heals your probably trying to stand in one place and cast.this will also make me put that guard on someone better deserving of it. It seems to me you probably have alot to learn about pvp and are frustrated taking it out on the tanks you feel should do more for you and your poor playstyle.


FYI: its people like you OP, that make tanking frustrating,unrewarding, and as much fun as a kick in the nutsack.find someone else to blame for it instead of the tanks that may or may not have even been there in the first place.

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Healers need protection from all the a**pounding we get. But asking to defend you is situational. For me when the burst is too high, it is pointless to get them to protect you. Kite and keep yourself alive. However when in rare occasions I can keep up 1-2 people up easy, I prefer someone to peel for me when the opposing team realizes what I'm doing.


Although the best part of having some people chase you constantly is they're pretty much on your leash. It's like you have a pet :) +10 to tunnel vision. Kite them off objectives.

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Is that sub 50? At 50 you really should get off more than 58k, even if your team is terrible and facing a double premade you should be able to get to like 120k easily.


If you don't i suspect your positioning is bad, find yourself a pillar to hump, use your defensive stuff wisely, like, knockback then move behind said pillar and get off your big heal, slow the mara then force speed around a corner so he doesn't have los to leap on you. Generally keep moving, dispel yourself, watch for snipers shooting at you from somewhere in the back, etc...


If you can manage to bubble / hot some guys on your team while running away often they'll realize that you need help, the trick seems to be to survive the first 15 or so seconds of the attack to give your team time to react.


Also, if you do get guard keep the guy alive at all costs, when im on my tank i frequently guard healers that only heal themselves when attacked, even full tanks go down very quickly then, and the healer usually explodes the moment guard and taunts are gone. As a healer i try to die the same time than the tank.


All that said i agree, PROTECT YOUR HEALERS! ;-)


edited to add, note that a really good tank (im not one of them) will not keep the healer guarded, but instead guard whomever is being focused, thus allowing a good healer to heal through way more burst than he'd regularly be able to, so just because you dont get instaguarded doesn't necessariyl mean the tank sucks.

Edited by sanchito
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edited to add, note that a really good tank (im not one of them) will not keep the healer guarded, but instead guard whomever is being focused, thus allowing a good healer to heal through way more burst than he'd regularly be able to, so just because you dont get instaguarded doesn't necessariyl mean the tank sucks.


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