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Current and future characters you intend to be


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I am not 100% sure if this is in the right section but here goes nothing.....

Okay who are the current characters you have made and are playing as and what characters do you intend to make in the future to play as (if you have any idea) please name the characters name(only if they are already made) class race and level :cool: optional: mention their intended alignment.

I shall go first:

currently made and being played as:

1.blasilver zabrak jedi sentinal lv 34 (light sided)

2.canderordo human vanguard lv 11 (neutral)

intend to make(thank goodness that you can make 8 characters):

3. unknown twilek powertech (light sided)

4. unknown cathar gunslinger (dark sided)

5. unknown cyborg commando (light sided)

6. unknown human jedi shadow (light sided)

7.unknown twilek sith warrior (light sided)

8. unknown mirilian imperial agent (light sided)

As you can tell I prefer the light over the dark the sith warrior and imperial agent will be advance classes I just forgot what they are called. I kind of hope that the game lets me make some of them hybrids, why? because canderordo is suppose to be the father of blasilver and the currently unnamed twilek powertech, blasilver is suppose to be the father of the currently unnamed cyborg commando and human jedi shadow, and the uncle of the unnamed twilek sith warrior.

Edited by saiyanjedidmv
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Top Posters In This Topic

  1. Jedi Master Uluain Voress, raised as a monsatic on Mirial, member of the Council of Reconciliation -- Mirialan Jedi Shadow
  2. Skypp Destin, First Mate on the Auric Wind -- Human Gunslinger
  3. Lieutenant Tyonn (surname pending), commander of Bravo Squad -- Cyborg Commando
  4. Savah Voress, Jedi Knight, Uluain's younger sister -- Mirialan Jedi Guardian
  5. Lord Xaath, Darth Typhonis' enforcer -- Human Sith Marauder (played RP-wise as Rattaki, may reroll with Legacy unlock)
  6. Vaaysh Rakssa, kissai caste Sith ritualist -- Sith Pureblood Sorcerer
  7. Agent Sarannan (surname pending), Tyonn's estranged sister and Imperial Intelligence operative -- Cyborg Operative
  8. Coprophage, former slave / twisted Sith experiment in survival of the will -- Rattaki Mercenary

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Current Characters being used

1. Miriallia: Human Female, Sith Inquisitor Assassin AC lvl 40 (Darkside)

2. Sabarral: Mirialin Female, Jedi Concular Shadow AC lvl 21 (Neutral/Lightside)

3. Irileth: Human Female, Jedi Knight Guardian AC lvl 16 (Neutral/Lightside)

4. Karyhn: Human Female, Smuggler Gunslinger AC lvl 12 (Lightside)

5. Heran: Human Male, Sith Warrior Juggernaut AC lvl 12 (Darkside)

6. Volgnot: Human Male, Bounty Hunter PowerTech AC lvl 13 (Neutral)

7. Murrue: Human Female, Bounty Hunter PowerTech AC lvl 16 (LIghtside)

8. Pelarra: Human Female, Trooper Commando AC lvl 14 (Lightside)

Characters for future play when current ones finished (names subject to change if already taken xD)

1. Evantha: Human Female, Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer AC (Darkside)

2. Akira: Human Male, Jedi Knight Sentinel AC (Neutral/Lightside)

3. Garth: Human or Miralin Male, Jedi Concular Shadow or Sage AC (Neutral/Lightside)

4.Yvonne: Human Female, Imperial Agent Sniper AC (Lightside)

5. Name undecided: gender undecided, Sith Warrior Marauder AC (Darkside)

6. Keiran: Human/Mirialin/Twi'lek Male, Smuggler Scoundrel AC (Neutral)

7.Name undecided: Chiss Female, Imperial Agent Operative AC (Neutral)

8. Javic : Human Male, Trooper Vanguard AC (Lightside)

And any other character types I chose to do. Neutral/Lightside means that those Jedi will have romances and Marry but will be primarily Lightside in everything else.

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1. Eleeta: Chiss Female Operative, Light Side, Level 50, Armstech

2. Zel'eena: Chiss Female Sentinel, Light Side, Level 34, Synthweaving

3. La'heelta: Chiss Female Mercenary, Light Side, Level 19, Armormech

4. Moth'reena: Chiss Female Juggernaut, Light Side, Level 16, Artifice

5. S'leeva: Chiss Female Gunslinger, Light Side, Level 1, Cybertech

6. Seleer'ee: Chiss Female Shadow, Light Side, Level 1, Biotech

7. Col'eelta: Chiss Female Vanguard, Light Side, Level 1, gathering

8. I forget the name: Chiss Female Sorcerer, Light Side, Level 1, gathering

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My characters:


Canderous Ordo - The Alabaster Legacy


1. Isaac: Human Male, Sith Warrior, AC: Marauder, Level 50 (Light Side)

2. Skradin: Human Male, Bounty Hunter, AC: Mercenary, Level 50 (Light Side)

3. Washington: Human Male, Imperial Agent, AC: Operative, Level 50 (Light Side)

4. Aerios: Human Male, Bounty Hunter, AC: Powertech, Level 50 (Neutral)

5. Gorothul: Human Male, Sith Inquisitor, AC: Sorcerer, Level 41 (Light Side)

6. Aloiysius: Human Male, Sith Inquisitor, AC: Assassin, Level 46 (Light Side)

7. Ardun: Mirialan Male, Jedi Knight, AC: Guardian, Level 43 (Light Side)

8. Jarude: Human Male, Trooper, AC: Vanguard, Level 50 (Light Side)


The Bastion - The Tangent Legacy


1. Rapter: Human Male, Smuggler, AC: Gunslinger, Level 50 (Light Side)

2. Director: Human Male, Imperial Agent, AC: Sniper, Level 24 (Neutral)

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Alt-aholics unite!


Currently playing:

1) Rjyla, human female, Jedi Consular Shadow, lvl 50, Dark I

2) J'oules, cyborg female, Trooper Commando, lvl 50, Light V

3) Iseia, Sith pureblood female, Sith Warrior Marauder, lvl 50, Dark V

4) Kasaji, Twi'lek female, Jedi Knight Guardian, lvl 31, Dark III

5) Ren'aji, Zabrak female, Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer, lvl 29, Light II

6) Palahniuk, Rattataki female, Imperial Agent Sniper, lvl 46, neutral


Created but not playing yet:

7) Tur'anga, Chiss female, Bounty Hunter (planned neutral Powertech)

8) Buck'minster, Mirialan female, Smuggler (planned neutral or dark Scoundrel)


I'm planning on 8 more characters with the opposite ACs. I'll make them look like the offspring of my first "generation" but also plan to switch factions (Rep character -> Emp child etc). Will probably roll male IA (child of Rjyla/Iresso) and male Smuggler (child of Iseia/Pierce) next time around but am waiting on SGRs to determine genders of the other characters.

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Right now I've just got one

Chamby - Lvl 35 Jedi Sentinel - Light side, human male

Next I'll roll a Sith Juggernaut, dark side, probly sith male

Then all the other classes with their intended alignments (light jedi, dark sith, heroic smuggler, jerky bounty hunter etc).

And one day I hope to play a dark side jedi, light side sith etc. But that's a ways off lol

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I've got Izzun, my Level 50 Human male Gunslinger, Lightside.

Then came Ghrubeli, my Level...34? Sith male Juggernaut, Gray, leaning light?

Next was Izzun's son, Ipikre, a level 15 human male Sage, Light.

Eventually I'll have a Human female Bounty Hunter who will be Izzun's sister and Ghrubeli's Ally.

I plan on following her with an as-yet-unnamed female Miraluka or Human Jedi Knight,

then an Imperial Agent, maybe male, maybe Chiss

then a male Zabrak trooper

and finally a female Twilek Inquisitor. Haven't got all the details hammered out, but it's a start!

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Here goes:


1. Nic, human female Gunslinger. Moral alignment: More credits plz.

2. Rho, Mirialan male Jedi Knight, Virtue is his middle name.

3. Ruth, human female Warrior, pro-Empire, slid further and further from LS as the game progressed.

4. Wynston, Chiss male Operative, solidly neutral pro-Empire.

5. Mellekor, Zabrak male Warrior, DS.

6. Nalenne, Sith female Warrior (don't judge), LS but if I level her she'll turn DS for plot purposes.

7. Niselle, Sith female Inquisitor, chaotic crazy DS.

8. Vierce, human male Trooper, LS.


Planned? A neutral/selfish/whatever female Twi'lek Consular, maybe a big teddy bear of a female Chiss BH. Hard LS and DS Agents, one each male/female. I think that'll satisfy me.

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I've been deleting/remaking characters due to lack of slots.





Naeblis: Sith Sorcerer. Human. Level 50.

Lanfear: Sith Juggernaut. Miraluka. Level 50.

Ziare: Powertech. Cyborg. Level 38.

Ra'hvin: Sith Juggernaut. Human. Level 32

Telv'isa'sdra: Sith Marauder. Chiss. Level 11.

Gwynofar: Sith Assassin. Human. Level 13.

Aludra: Imperial Sniper. Cyborg. Level 16

Lews-Therin: Jedi Guardian. Human. Level 10.



Future, when more character slots become available:


Colivar (remake): Sith Assassin. Pureblood.

Raolin: Sith Juggernaut. Human.

Unknown Miraluka Assassin.

Unknown Pureblood Juggernaut.

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- SpoeMeister Spivak ; Rattataki Operative (L50) (Adopted son to Do'chan)

- Orrusos Spivak ; Cyborg Powertech (L50) (Husband to Eve'lynn)

- Do'chan Spivak ; Sith Sorcerer (L32) (Spivak Patriarch)

- Eve'lynn Spivak ; Human Gunslinger (L32) (Wife to Orrusos)

- Salandra Spivak ; Chiss Sniper (L17) (Adopted daughter to Do'chan)


I still intend to make:


- Spoetoe Spivak ; Rattataki Commando (sister of SpoeMeister but seperated)

- Ba'chan Spivak ; Miraluka Shadow (Spivak Matriarch)

- Biccus Spivak ; Mirialan Guardian (Rival to Orrusos)

- ??? Spivak ; Chiss Marauder ( ???)

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Nightwanderer legacy, The Proginator, EU


Rach'an, father of the Nightwanderer family and founder of the feared Rach-Darths widespread reputation.

Rattataki Male Sorcerer Healer (lvl 50)


Rach'ka, daughter to Rach'an

Rattataki Female Sorcerer Ranged DPS (lvl 50)


Rach'mar son of Rach'an

Rattataki Male Mercenary Ranged DPS (lvl 37)


Rach'lia, second daughter to Rach'an

Rattataki Female Sniper Ranged DPS (lvl 50)


Rach'kol daughter of Rach'lia

Rattataki Female Maurauder Melee DPS (lvl 31)


Rach'Ano best friend of Rach'ka, saved her life on several occasions, adopted by Rach'an (not allowed to bear the Nightwanderer surname)

Twi'lek Assassin Tank (lvl 50)


Rach'kor best friend of Rach'an and his companion on several ventures (not allowed to bear the Nightwanderer surname). Godfather of Rach'ka

Human Cyborg, Juggernaut Melee DPS (lvl 50)


Rivalin sister to Rach'kor, not accepted to use a Rach title (yet, Rach'riv perhaps?) and not allowed to use the Nightwanderer surname. Not part of the family, but known by everyone since she's Rach'kor:s sister.

Human Cyborg Assassin Melee DPS (lvl 21)










Chiss Powertech (in no way associated with the Rach family)


Something Operative (might be a Rattataki Rach' but not certain)


One of each of the Republics classes.


I need more character slots. :(

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Marrius Legacy, legacy level 46(I think)


Characters listed in the order they were created

Ranadiel- 50 Miraluka Sentinel

Tiwaz- 50 Pureblood Juggernaut

Maxton(formerlly Maxwell)- 50 Mirialin Sage

Alderrok(formerly Ragnarok)- 50 Rattataki Assassin

Ancile(formerly Masamune)- 50 Zabrak Commando

Inggar- 50 Chiss Powertech

Valanga(formerly Avalanche)- 50 Twi'lek Scoundrel

Esageard- 50 Cyborg Sniper


All of them are male and LS(IV or V depending on how many points their class story gave them). Really sad I lost half of the names during the transition, but I can live with the new names. No real RP background for them. As far as I am concerned in my head canon they are all half-brothers sharing a single father even if lore says that can't happen. No planned aditions unless they add new classes in future expansions. If they do I'll probably make a Cathar for the Republic and a human for the Empire(unless there are other new races added between now and then as well).

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1. Darth Jaculus, a human male Sith Juggernaut (neutral, leaning towards evil). Level 50.

2. Felicine, a human female Gunslinger (neutral, leaning towards evil). Level 39, very close to 40.

3. Ignavus, a Sith Pureblood male Sith Sorcerer (evil, as of now Dark I but will go further down). Level 16.

4. Adolon, a human male Jedi Sentinel (good, as of now Light I but will go further up). Level 16.

5. Megelle, a human female Imperial Operative (neutral, leaning towards good). Level 10.

6. Rucks, a human male Vanguard (neutral, leaning towards good). Level 10.


Future, will wait for the species to be made playable:

1. Qereen, a Togruta female Jedi Shadow (haven't decided, probably good).

2. undecided name, a Nautolan male Mercenary (neutral).

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Here's my ppl:


1. Ayang Cardani, female Mirialan scoundrel. Straddles the line between genius and crazy. Also have her on Ebon Hawk where she holds the current title of Worst Mandalorian. LS.

2. Aranea Senecio, female human Marauder. Bleeding-heart LS idealist. Gay for Jaesa. Wants to be bros with Quinn.

3. Kanaya Ixera, female human Sentinel. Mostly LS, but doesn't mind making attachments. Meyali's former padawan and Aranea's twin sister, but they were separated at birth.

4. Meyali Cardani, female Mirialan Sage. LS but thinks she's better than everyone else because of it. A horrible, horrible person. Gets what's coming to her. Ayang's mom.

5. Meenah Ferula, female Twi'lek Assassin. Neutral and crazy. Rains karma down on Meyali.

6. Terezi [can't pick a last name yet], female human Merc. LS but idc, I just made her to see how good I was at cloning NPCs. Now she just runs around Kaas City freaking people out.

7. Vriska Alyssum, female human Operative. LS. Has a tragic backstory that makes the agent story 50000 times worse.

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Svein Eternity: Sith Warrior, human cyborg, LS but makes the tough decsisons for the Empire often kills traitors so.... Is an Imperial Loyalist


Azra Eternity: Bounty Hunter human, LS but delivers justice with a shot of her gun.


Verana Ara'ina: Sith Inquisator, Pureblood, DS for the most part (power play expert) ,but sometimes her conscience gets the best of her.


Ardon: Imperial Agent, Human, who is nuetral for the most part but as the story progresses he becomes more LS.


Raon: Jedi Consular, Human, who is light but will do whatever it takes to achieve victory and protect his loved ones. Probaly light one for majority of story.


Rexla Reeal: Imperial Agent, Cathar, and a double agent for the Republic. His mostly DS,likes to kill sith etc. progressively becomes more light but not completely


Clyde Angelica: Jedi Knight Human, LS but becomes more DS as the story progresses.


Tera Angelica: Smuggler, Cyborg Nuetral LS and is a little greedy but she tries to help the Republic.


To be added....


Serena Angelica: Trooper, Miraluka, Neutral, kills Imps but gets lighter as story progresses....


There you have it.:)

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Ja'kra - 50 sentinel - female chiss - light side (pinnacle of what a Jedi should be)

Va'atuk - 50 powertech - female zabrak - light side (prefers to capture rather than kill)

Tyet'tan - 40 sniper - female chiss - neutral / dark (does what she thinks is best for her mission and the empire, even if it goes against the wishes of the sith)

Vrin - 35 shadow - female twilek - dark side (manipulative ***** that likes to cause the worst possible outcome for everyone but herself)

Ae'tros - 32 juggernaut - female sith - neutral / light (seeks out power and the next greatest challenge, prefers not to waste time killing the week and defeated)

Dhoria - 26 commando - female mirialan - neutral / light (dedicated soldier, does what needs to be done to complete the mission)

Ptakka - 17 scoundrel - female rattataki - neutral / dark (seeks riches)

Syndur - not yet made sorcerer - female cathar - dark side (sadist, wants the galaxy to suffer)

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I play on two different servers. Many of the Level 1s I mention below just have a character created just to hold the name on their server until I can get around to playing that character actively because I am waiting until I can unlock the species I want them to be.


The first server is the Anlashok Legacy and those characters are (this was the Kanos Legacy until I moved servers and had to change names):


1. Annihillus - Male Sith Pureblood (red) Level 50 Sith Warrior (Marauder) Biochem Crafter, Romancing Jaesa (Dark Side)

2. Iantu - Male Rattataki Level 27 Bounty Hunter (Powertech/Hybrid DPS Tank) Slicer (no crafting), Romancing Mako (Neutral-Light Side)

3. Ishoola - Female Twi'lek (red) Level 23? Sith Inquisitor (Assassin/Tank) Artifice Crafter, will Romance Andronikus (Dark Side)

4. Kyr-kanos (was Kir in another life on another server) - Male Human Level 36 Sith Inquisitor (Sorcerer/DPS Healer Hybrid) Synthweave Crafter, will Romance Ashara (Light Side)

5. Grimgarou - Male Chiss Level 29 Trooper (Commando DPS) Armormech Crafter, Romancing Elara (Neutral-Light Side)

6. Villetta - Female Chiss Level 12 Imperial Agent (Sniper) Armstech Crafter, will Romance Vector unless save ses reltationships get here sooner (Neutral)

7. Sookyi - Female Rattataki Level 1 Smuggler (will be Scoundrel AC Healer spec) Cybertech Crafter, will Romance Corso unless same sex relationships arrive sooner (Neutral-Dark Side) Iantu's daughter

8. Sylx'xi - Female Chiss Level 12 Jedi Knight (Sentinel) Artifice Crafter, will Romance Doc (Light Side)


The second server will have to move with the mandatory move when that becomes mandatory since the current destination server is the same as the first server I already have characters on. This server has the Kanos Legacy and those characters are:


1. Mal - Male Mirialan (bronze with red hair) Level 22 Smuggler (Gunslinger) Armstech Crafter, incorrigible flirt and will romance anything that breathes, but will likely end up romancing Risha when forced to choose (Neutral-Light Side)

2. Zurseek - Male Zabrak (black with white hair) Level 18 Jedi Knight (Guardian/Tank) Artifice Crafter, Romancing Kira (Light Side)

3. Khalisa - Female Sith Pureblood (purple) Level 18 Jedi Consular (Sage/Healer DPS Hybrid) Slicer (no crafting), will Romance Iresso unless same sex option becomes available before then (Neutral-Light Side)

4. Kir - Male Human Level 16 Imperial Agent (Operative/Healer DPS Hybrid) Cybertech Crafter, will romance anything, but will likely choose Temple when forced to, but wants to romance Watcher Two above all others and if that would be threatened by romancing Temple he will choose Watcher Two even though she is not a companion. She is his Ms. Moneypenny. (Neutral)

5. Sorscha - Female Cyborg Level 12 Sith Warrior (Juggernaut/Tank) Artifice Crafter, will Romance Quinn unless same sex romance becomes available first (Light Side)

6. Wyam - Male Miraluka Level 1 Jedi Consular (Shadow/Tank DPS Hybrid) Synthweave Crafter, will romance Nadia (Neutral-Dark Side)

7. Kymirra - Female Twi'lek (green) Level 1 Bounty Hunter (Mercenary/DPS Healer Hybrid) Armormech or Biochem Crafter, will romance Torian (Neutral-Dark Side)

8. Sylvar - Female Cathar Level 1 Trooper (Vanguard/Tank) Armormech or Biochem Crafter, will romance Aric Jorgan (Neutral-Dark Side)

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Iuguolo legacy, Begeren Colony


Haberl, ex-farmer turned soldier, fighting to defend the ideals the Republic stands for after losing his family to slavers and the war

Human Male Commando Healer (lvl 50)


Kadato, Kidnapped son of Haberl who fought his way out of Slavery and into the Mandalorians, willing to kill any, for a price

Rattataki Male Powertech Tank (lvl 50)


Betallor, Adopted son of Haberl who found him as an orphan of war during the service and brought him to the Jedi a bit overconfident due to his savant like skill

Mirialan Male Sentinel Melee DPS (lvl 20)


Naala, Primary contact between Kadato and the Empire who is loyal to a fault to the Empire before all others, including Kadato and her husband

Chiss Female Sniper Ranged DPS (lvl 12)


Dalknoth, Husband of Naala and secretly working to try to drag the Empire into the Light by climbing the ranks of the Sith

Sith Pureblood Male Assassin Melee DPS (lvl 19)

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I currently have:

LVL 50 sage - Zakiri (LS)

LVL 50 scoundrel - Zakera (DS)

LVL 33 Juggernaut - Keepes (LS)

LVL 20 Sentinel - Zakorin (LS)

LVL 13 Vanguard - Zakbane (DS)

And plan on leveling:


Inquisitor (can't decide which AC)

Bounty Hunter (same as Inq)


i want to have a tank, a DPS, and 2 healers on my Rep side, and the others will be just for fun.

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Presid – female Mirialan Jedi Consular shadow infiltration (light side dps)

Presos – male Human Jedi Knight guardian defense (light side tank)

Prestal – female Cyborg Smuggler gunslinger sharpshooter (dark side dps)

Presmetark – male Zabrak Trooper commando combat medic (neutral healer)


Presmil – male Chiss Bounty Hunter powertech shield tech (light side tank)

Presoth – male Rattataki Imperial Agent operative medicine (dark side healer)

Presage – male Sith Pureblood Sith Inquisitor sorcerer lightning (dark side dps)

Presilee – female Human Sith Warrior marauder annihilation (neutral dps)


That's one of each advanced class as well as one ranged dps, one melee dps, one healer and one tank in each faction. If I'm feeling ambitious, I'll add two more so that I have all three kinds of healers and all three kinds of tanks:

female Twi'lek Sith Inquisitor assassin darkness (light side tank)

male Miraluka Jedi Consular sage seer (dark side healer)


Of course, I can keep going. I don't have a dps trooper/bounty hunter yet, and I love stealth, but don't have all the stealth ACs. So I could add these:

female Cathar Bounty Hunter mercenary arsenal (dark side dps)

male (new race) Smuggler scoundrel scrapper (light side dps)


At that point, though, I would have an unhealthy number of characters. :D

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1) Mitthrawdo - Chiss, Male, Imperial Agent/Operative, Neutral/Pro-Empire, Level 36

2) Asbiorn - Human, Male, Jedi Knight/Guardian, Dark Side, Level 15



1) Nyywa - Chiss, Female, Sith Warrior/Marauder, Light Side

2) Qaen - Human, Male, Smuggler/Gunslinger, Slightly Dark Side

3) Axec - Sith Pureblood, Male, Sith Inquisitor/Sorcerer, Dark Side

4)Anexii - Mirialan, Female, Trooper/Vanguard, Slightly Light Side

5) Exac - Rattataki, Male, Bounty Hunter/Powertech, Dark Side

6) Kalycci - Twi’lek, Female, Jedi Consular/Shadow, Light Side

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Currently made and being played on Canderous Ordo

1. Sollyni - Miraluka Jedi Guardian, Lvl 50 (Light)

2. Brixyl - Cyborg Gunslinger, Lvl 41 (Light'ish)

3. Annifryd - Human Commando, Lvl 35 (Light)

4. Mai'ty'lee - Sith Pureblood Juggernaut, Lvl 28 (Dark)

5. Lor'rysi - Chiss Operative, Lvl 28 (Neutral)

6. Ydris - Miraluka Sith Sorceror (and Sollyni's son), Lvl 13 (Dark)


Planning on playing:

7. Syrth - Rattataki Bounty Hunter (not sure what spec) (Unknown, probably Dark)

8. Unknown Mirialan Jedi Sage (Light)


If/when we get more *()@*#(@*#)(@ character slots/server:

9. Jynn - Female Miraluka Scoundrel and Sollyni's daughter (???)

10. Unknown Cathar (when they're released & depending on class availability)

11. Varryc - Zabrak Commando (???)


And maybe I'll play a twi'lek someday...

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My current characters:

➤ Master Yoru Vin (Human. Female. Jedi Sentinel. LS IV. 50.) Headcanon-wise, is my Exile from KOTOR2. It's a long story...

➤ Lord Akeema Dekah (Human. Female. Sith Marauder. DS II. 50.) Self-proclaimed rival to Yoru and heir to the great House Dekah.

➤ Lunarisia Arcosé (Cyborg. Female. Operative. Neutral. 50.) Designated as Cipher 13 and specializes in medicine, infiltration, and deception.

➤ Crucia Daggarrus (Human. Female. Mercenary. LS III. 42.) Born on Hoth and known far and wide as The Frostflower.

➤ Captain Integral Melkos (Mirialan. Female. Gunslinger. LS II. 33.) A cowardly lion who's not sure what side of the fight she wants to (or should be) on.

➤ Laeythys Kallig (Pureblood. Female. Sorcerer. Neutral. 26.) No one really knows who's side she's actually on.

➤ Lieutenant Illyncia Moonshade (Chiss. Female. Vanguard. LS I. 19.) An Imperial turncoat trying desperately to prove her loyalty to the Republic.

➤ Galileya Tendo (Miraluka. Female. Shadow. Neutral. 16.) A naive girl with dark roots, unbeknownst to her.


My future characters:

➤ Blayne Fynnénn (Cyborg. Male. Sniper.) Designated as Fixer 31, he's missing half his mind; figuratively and literally.

➤ Erteszeké Tendo (Miraluka. Female. Juggernaut.) Galileya's older sister.

➤ Orphiel al'de Baran (Mirialan. Male. Assassin.) Twin brother to Orphielle.

➤ Orphielle al'de Baran (Mirialan. Female. Powertech.) Twin sister to Orphiel.

➤ Nisha Ghanthi (Pureblood. Female. Sage.) A flower which blooms at night, only to die the following dawn.

➤ Ephio'na Lighthal (Mirialan. Female. Guardian.) Not much is known about her.

➤ Aishur Shoko'ta (Chiss. Male. Scoundrel.) Has possible connections to Illyncia.


Uh... I accidentally a lot of characters. And that's not even counting the ones that exist in RPs only. Whooooops.

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1. Stealthychicken Male Cyborg Scoundrel 50

2. Feistychicken Male Fat Twi'lek Gunslinger 50

3. Skinnychicken Male Fat Twi'lek Gaurdian 50

4. Spicychicken Male Human Powertech 30

5. Zestychicken Male Sith Pureblood Vanguard 29 (He loves to serve the republic)

6. Sourchicken Female Sith Pureblood Sorcerer 25

7. Sweetchicken Female Miraluka Sage 15

8. Kung-powchicken Male Fat Zabrak Warrior 2 (Intended to be a Marauder)



Nothing beats Fat Twi'lek parlor dance!

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