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Do you have a rival?


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My rival is anybody that is playing the class I am playing that warzone::D

It ussually makes me play better having the competition,although there are a few players I will single out and hunt every time I see them because they are good players,they should take it as a compliment :p


Well on my tank I don't have rivals, I mean if i were to engage in duels with other tanks we would end up fighting for ages before anybody lost.

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You know, you beat one or two guys, and after the battle a super noob come from nowhere and take you down with 10% health. I usually go after him for the rest of warzone.




I had that happen today while playing my BH


Super noob runs over (actually ran through the middle and around corner to find me so had to have been looking for easy hurt prey as ignored healers and others of full health to reach me) and stands on me (was a jedi sent) and drops my final 10% health (I had somehow survived a huge battle in mid of ACW where people were dropping like mad and had just retreated to try and heal up).


I laughed and said in general "you gotta love newbs like *insert name* and then I went sentinal hunting and killed this female sent at least 5 times before end of WZ.


But yeah you can just see them strutting that they took you down that final 10%.

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exodus is my rival, well most of the old iron citadel members any way. used to love fighting neffatari and brutus, hated fighting ggthnx cause i never got him 1v1 always someone in the way. I always feel like every op thinks i'm thier rival cause i'm a smugg. i'll catch them wandering arouns the wz refuseing to leave stealth till i've opened up on someone else. h8rs
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Because I'm a Hybrid DPS Sorc, I find that it's usually the Sents/Maras and occasionally the Scoundrel/Operatives that try to rush me, thinking I'm a free-kill. Then I laugh in their faces while I melt them with insta-cast Crushing Darkness and Force Lightning.


As for rivalries, it's always the Pyro Powertechs that come after me. I hate them so much that I grab a Jugg and double-team them.

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