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PvP issues I've seen...


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I enjoy the PvP but there are some glaring issues that need to be resolved:


1) Chain lightning in some cases seems to be cast well outside of normal range. I could be standing in my teams "endzone" during Hutt Ball when someone hits me with Chain Lightning all the way from the center of the arena. There is no lag when this occurs and the opposing player is able to fight without glitches with other players in the center of the arena. I can't identify any issues network-wise that would cause this.


2) The lag that does occur is annoying. It often makes a big difference when it comes time to figure out who killed who first.


3) Sith characters can pretty much run circles around any characters that are ranged based which basically means the ranged character is toast. Since most of the attacks a ranged character has relies on the character facing the enemy they typically can't use the attack. The melee attack the Sith use can just be the standard default attack and so long as they just keep circling an enemy and hitting attack they get the kill. I've seen damage being taken from these attacks when the two opposing players are back to back.


4) Line of sight has serious issues. There are several matches in Hutt Ball where Agents have been able to continue firing on someone that is clearly behind a large obstacle. A player may have been attacking the Agent intially without any blocking terrain but even though the attacking player has now moved behind an object that clearly blocks line of sight the Agent can keep using all their attacks unhindered until the player dies.


5) The 'throw' action in Hutt Ball needs serious work. There were several times where I had a clear line to a fellow team member and I was in close proximity and no enemy players around but regardless of how many times I throw the ball facing the targeted friendly player, it hits the floor and just sits there. The friendly player I'm throwing to has sometimes been within 2 paces of my character.


6) I've seen characters 'cloak' themselves (I don't recall the ability) and continue to fight like normal for an entire match. The only time you know they are there is if you happen to bump into them and they attack. At that point only the weapon they carry becomes visible. The problem is half the time this happens you can't target them at all which means free kills for them. This is a possible exploit!


7) It's a rare occasion but I have seen enemy teams able to end a match right away when they play defense. The attacking team could be going for the door and get killed while trying to open it. What happens, as it appears, is an enemy player targets the door and attacks it somehow. The moment the door is breached the match ends. I've seen this happen within 27 seconds of round 1 of a match starting!


8) Let players choose what type of PvP they want to engage in. Hutt Ball gets boring real fast if that's the same warzone you get 8 times in a row. Add in the problems observed above and one can see how the PvP experience quickly becomes uninteresting or discouraging.


These are the problems I witness most often in PvP. Other players may have different experiences and I understand that. I'm just hoping that for others that have seen similar problems will help push this thread so we can see some patches in the future.


/bug reports have been submitted. The responses I get back consist of "it has been forwarded to the relevant department." This isn't to say the /bug reports are being ignored but I hope others will see that these issues are being looked at and that the more people use this vital feature the better the future will be for this game (which is already an impressive piece of development effort).




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I enjoy the PvP but there are some glaring issues that need to be resolved:


1) Chain lightning in some cases seems to be cast well outside of normal range. I could be standing in my teams "endzone" during Hutt Ball when someone hits me with Chain Lightning all the way from the center of the arena. There is no lag when this occurs and the opposing player is able to fight without glitches with other players in the center of the arena. I can't identify any issues network-wise that would cause this.



This is SOOO annoying. I have noticed this too.

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1. Never seen this happen or heard of this happening till now.


2. Truth


3. lolz what? l2p?


4. Never had tihs happen to me, on the contrary I never seem to be able to get that last heal off before my teammate los's me


5. Never had this problem, ever pass I've has handled itself like I expected it to.


6. Never seen this... does your computer suck? (graphical issue) or are you sure whatever you are seeing isnt a part of that class's cloak mechanic?


7. Happened to me once that i can remember and I'm valor rank ~17


8. BE PATIENT, the game has been playable for a week. I am 100% sure this feature will be added before or with the addition of new warzones.

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I enjoy the PvP but there are some glaring issues that need to be resolved:


1) Chain lightning in some cases seems to be cast well outside of normal range. I could be standing in my teams "endzone" during Hutt Ball when someone hits me with Chain Lightning all the way from the center of the arena. There is no lag when this occurs and the opposing player is able to fight without glitches with other players in the center of the arena. I can't identify any issues network-wise that would cause this.


2) The lag that does occur is annoying. It often makes a big difference when it comes time to figure out who killed who first.


3) Sith characters can pretty much run circles around any characters that are ranged based which basically means the ranged character is toast. Since most of the attacks a ranged character has relies on the character facing the enemy they typically can't use the attack. The melee attack the Sith use can just be the standard default attack and so long as they just keep circling an enemy and hitting attack they get the kill. I've seen damage being taken from these attacks when the two opposing players are back to back.


4) Line of sight has serious issues. There are several matches in Hutt Ball where Agents have been able to continue firing on someone that is clearly behind a large obstacle. A player may have been attacking the Agent intially without any blocking terrain but even though the attacking player has now moved behind an object that clearly blocks line of sight the Agent can keep using all their attacks unhindered until the player dies.


5) The 'throw' action in Hutt Ball needs serious work. There were several times where I had a clear line to a fellow team member and I was in close proximity and no enemy players around but regardless of how many times I throw the ball facing the targeted friendly player, it hits the floor and just sits there. The friendly player I'm throwing to has sometimes been within 2 paces of my character.


6) I've seen characters 'cloak' themselves (I don't recall the ability) and continue to fight like normal for an entire match. The only time you know they are there is if you happen to bump into them and they attack. At that point only the weapon they carry becomes visible. The problem is half the time this happens you can't target them at all which means free kills for them. This is a possible exploit!


7) It's a rare occasion but I have seen enemy teams able to end a match right away when they play defense. The attacking team could be going for the door and get killed while trying to open it. What happens, as it appears, is an enemy player targets the door and attacks it somehow. The moment the door is breached the match ends. I've seen this happen within 27 seconds of round 1 of a match starting!


8) Let players choose what type of PvP they want to engage in. Hutt Ball gets boring real fast if that's the same warzone you get 8 times in a row. Add in the problems observed above and one can see how the PvP experience quickly becomes uninteresting or discouraging.


These are the problems I witness most often in PvP. Other players may have different experiences and I understand that. I'm just hoping that for others that have seen similar problems will help push this thread so we can see some patches in the future.


/bug reports have been submitted. The responses I get back consist of "it has been forwarded to the relevant department." This isn't to say the /bug reports are being ignored but I hope others will see that these issues are being looked at and that the more people use this vital feature the better the future will be for this game (which is already an impressive piece of development effort).






The only thing that has kept me from posting about issues i see in warzones is that im not max level. every mmo ive played it always changes at max level and i keep telling myself that. 1-49 will be different than 50. So i wait to make a formal post about pvp issues til i hit 50.


after having ranted about that im assuming ur not 50 lol....dont think anyone is yet.

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The one thing that I'd really like to see is...


When you're multitasking because you're waiting for a WZ pop because there are no open world pvp objectives (me anyway) I'd like to see a notification or something that says when you are ready to join a WZ, much like rift does when you're alt-tabbed.

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The only thing that has kept me from posting about issues i see in warzones is that im not max level. every mmo ive played it always changes at max level and i keep telling myself that. 1-49 will be different than 50. So i wait to make a formal post about pvp issues til i hit 50.


after having ranted about that im assuming ur not 50 lol....dont think anyone is yet.


I'm not the kind of player that waits until they hit the cap to play PvP. It seems kinda pointless to have PvP if it only really matters when players hit the level cap.


If you know about issues and aren't posting about them, and no offense, but you aren't helping the effort.


I like the game, but there are some issues that if they don't get addressed they will erode away what starts out as a good foundation.

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3) Sith characters can pretty much run circles around any characters that are ranged based which basically means the ranged character is toast. Since most of the attacks a ranged character has relies on the character facing the enemy they typically can't use the attack. The melee attack the Sith use can just be the standard default attack and so long as they just keep circling an enemy and hitting attack they get the kill. I've seen damage being taken from these attacks when the two opposing players are back to back.


Sorry, but #3 completely prevents me from taking you seriously.

Edited by dougan
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