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Funniest moments in ToR


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So the funniest thing happened to me the other day. Made me think there's gotta be more so I thought I'd start this thread for fun. If you have had any funny moments, quests, things friends said or did, post 'em here and share.


Ok, my funny moment. I'm on the Fleet, talking to this npc going through the dialogue to accept a quest back to Alderaan. I come out of the quest, and my toon is dancing. I guess someone threw that stuff that makes everyone dance. Perfect timing. I'm thinking, "Well, guess he's excited to go back to Alderaan, and everyone else is happy for him...".

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Last June, I was in the throes of a horrible ear infection. I was in too much pain to think straight, so I had to take some time off from my summer class. I also had some painkillers that made me a bit loopy. I was playing SWTOR one night during this ear infection when I heard there was open world PVP on Voss. Now, I haven't claimed my recruit gear, none of my characters have any Valor, and I was in excruciating pain, so I figured that me going in to fight wouldn't be very fun or memorable for me or the Republic. So, I came up with another idea.


My most brilliant idea.


I went to Voss, found the world PVP, stayed unflagged, and /yell-ed limericks at the Republic forces.


Yes. Limericks. They were SWTOR themed and included names of the various members of the Republic raid group. I think I have them saved somewhere. I came up with all the limericks on the spot. HOW I was able to do that in excruciating pain and on pain killers is beyond me, but I did. I think I still have the limericks saved sitting in a word document somewhere, just waiting for the next world pvp bonanza on The Shadowlands..

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I went to Voss, found the world PVP, stayed unflagged, and /yell-ed limericks at the Republic forces.


You are my new hero.


My favorite in-game glitch was the time I was on my Sith Warrior, tag-teaming with a PvP-flagged Jedi Knight through the Czerka complex on Tatooine. (PvE server, I'm intensely PvP-phobic.) So we're getting along, I have my AoE abilities turned off to avoid flagging myself, everything's great. I down the elite for the bonus mission. We wait for respawn. I help the Knight down it again. We bow. Everything's just lovey-dovey helpful and nice.


I turn around to leave and find Quinn is shooting Kira in the face, yelling something about the Empire.


To this day I have no idea how that man managed to aggro and flag me for PvP. Like I said, AoE abilities were off. I guess his hatred just couldn't be contained once the mission objective was down.


So I did what any brave Warrior would do and fled into the quest instance so I could take a safe minute or two to yell at my companion.

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I turn around to leave and find Quinn is shooting Kira in the face, yelling something about the Empire.


That's so Quinn :D


Unfortunately I don't really have any funny incidents that come to mind. It's not like my guild is super serious business, but more that the only distraction things that happen when we're around each other tend to be in the form of sending each other stupid letters because someone dropped a post box.

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My funniest moment was in the BH story at the end of chapter 1. When Kellian Jarro waves his hands and says "You will lay down your weapons and surrender", I had to respond with the "I can wave my hands too." option on the convo wheel.


"And you will realize what a complete idiot you are."


Just the way Mako and I exchanged looks before the actual comeback was funny as hell. Then the deadpan way my BH said it was Epic. :D

Edited by Captain_Zone
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You are my new hero.


My favorite in-game glitch was the time I was on my Sith Warrior, tag-teaming with a PvP-flagged Jedi Knight through the Czerka complex on Tatooine. (PvE server, I'm intensely PvP-phobic.) So we're getting along, I have my AoE abilities turned off to avoid flagging myself, everything's great. I down the elite for the bonus mission. We wait for respawn. I help the Knight down it again. We bow. Everything's just lovey-dovey helpful and nice.


I turn around to leave and find Quinn is shooting Kira in the face, yelling something about the Empire.


To this day I have no idea how that man managed to aggro and flag me for PvP. Like I said, AoE abilities were off. I guess his hatred just couldn't be contained once the mission objective was down.


So I did what any brave Warrior would do and fled into the quest instance so I could take a safe minute or two to yell at my companion.


He just doesn't know when to stop lol.


It's especially good when you are doing Belsavis dailies and you have to capture the Savants. It's hard enough because I'm carnage spec. He turns around and starts shooting it when I'm chanelling the mission objective.


"Oh I see you didn't finish that off, here I'll help you brah" :D


I haven't seen you fire a single shot in the last 20 minutes and now you want to shoot lol

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That's so Quinn :D


Unfortunately I don't really have any funny incidents that come to mind. It's not like my guild is super serious business, but more that the only distraction things that happen when we're around each other tend to be in the form of sending each other stupid letters because someone dropped a post box.


Or someone drops a repair droid and a sparkle powder fight breaks out.


In one of our OP runs we all grabbed sparkle powder and decided to target one person. The stacks of sparkle powder were too much for his comp and he dc'd haha classic.

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I turn around to leave and find Quinn is shooting Kira in the face, yelling something about the Empire.

That's so Quinn :D

My love/hate with that character goes back a long, long way.

One of my favorite in-house moments was an Agent spoiler on Voss, from back when I was playing my male Agent a few feet away from my husband playing his female Agent...

So we're running our class cutscenes in parallel, each of us going into our own instance than meeting up afterward. We get married to our respective Voss.

Me, snorting: The "Rite of Ardor"? That's subtle.

Husband: Wait, what?

Me: The Rite of Ardor. Didn't yours offer you one?

Husband: No. I'm done.

Me: Um. Did you, uh, flirt with yours earlier?

Husband: No!

Me: Oh. I'll just be a minute.

Husband, with infinite scorn: I'm getting a drink. Let me know when you're...done.



I laughed my *** off. Sheepishly. :rolleyes:

Edited by bright_ephemera
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My love/hate with that character goes back a long, long way.

One of my favorite in-house moments was an Agent spoiler on Voss, from back when I was playing my male Agent a few feet away from my husband playing his female Agent...

So we're running our class cutscenes in parallel, each of us going into our own instance than meeting up afterward. We get married to our respective Voss.

Me, snorting: The "Rite of Ardor"? That's subtle.

Husband: Wait, what?

Me: The Rite of Ardor. Didn't yours offer you one?

Husband: No. I'm done.

Me: Um. Did you, uh, flirt with yours earlier?

Husband: No!

Me: Oh. I'll just be a minute.

Husband, with infinite scorn: I'm getting a drink. Let me know when you're...done.



I laughed my *** off. Sheepishly. :rolleyes:


Oh I missed that :o This is what I get for having a gay Agent in this game, none of the fun stuff! Oh well, I have another one to level, he can be my James Bond.

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Found them. Spoiler-ing for length.



There once was a Sith named Lu’cerna/On the fleet when she turned-a/Round towards Voss/Where she rhymed like a boss/And didn’t flagged though she yearned-ta


A powerful Pub called Psylentknight/Wanted to put up a hellafight/but instead he was rhymed/by a Sith with too much time/and can’t find his sanity with a flashlight


A Healicious Healer with that name/played SWTOR, a lovely game/But got into a battle/where their resolve would rattle/but in the end this rhyme brought them fame


My group said they just killed Youn’jai/Pity, I’m sure they were a swell guy/But this is PVP/And as you can see/If you expect mercy from Sith, oh my.


Well, the empire was fighting the Pilgrim/But the Republic wouldn’t let us kill him/So they started a war/after an hour or four/the outlook for productivity is grim


Hey look, a pub called Maddx/What even rhymes with Maddx?/Well he came up to me/and as you can see/This isn’t a good limerick, sorry Maddx


Over there, a Jedi named Shredder!/The imps want to see them deader/but with their strong spirit/ And this rhyme-when they hear it/they can make their health bar get redder


A pub in a car named Bootsie/Is driving, they look so cutsey!/But mess with their Voss/They’ll show you whose boss/and put your face to their bootsies!


Both pubs and imps are fighting/under some beautiful lighting/But who will win?/When the battle is fin/the one less easily bored will be striking



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Once, when I was leveling on tatooine, there was a big pvp battle going across the world. To help with this, I sent my level 50 operative.

We decided that instead of making an ops group, we would stay separate so we can keep our companions out- At one point I decided to scout out the outlaws' den in stealth, since someone wanted to use the GTN booth there.

When I was scouting out the building for them, I saw a flash of someone else's stealth, called the alarm, and began fighting said person.

After a while of fighting, we noticed that it was just a bunch of us imperials forgetting that everyone that you aren't grouped with shows up as hostile in that area. :csw_jabbapet:

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Found them. Spoiler-ing for length.



There once was a Sith named Lu’cerna/On the fleet when she turned-a/Round towards Voss/Where she rhymed like a boss/And didn’t flagged though she yearned-ta


A powerful Pub called Psylentknight/Wanted to put up a hellafight/but instead he was rhymed/by a Sith with too much time/and can’t find his sanity with a flashlight


A Healicious Healer with that name/played SWTOR, a lovely game/But got into a battle/where their resolve would rattle/but in the end this rhyme brought them fame


My group said they just killed Youn’jai/Pity, I’m sure they were a swell guy/But this is PVP/And as you can see/If you expect mercy from Sith, oh my.


Well, the empire was fighting the Pilgrim/But the Republic wouldn’t let us kill him/So they started a war/after an hour or four/the outlook for productivity is grim


Hey look, a pub called Maddx/What even rhymes with Maddx?/Well he came up to me/and as you can see/This isn’t a good limerick, sorry Maddx


Over there, a Jedi named Shredder!/The imps want to see them deader/but with their strong spirit/ And this rhyme-when they hear it/they can make their health bar get redder


A pub in a car named Bootsie/Is driving, they look so cutsey!/But mess with their Voss/They’ll show you whose boss/and put your face to their bootsies!


Both pubs and imps are fighting/under some beautiful lighting/But who will win?/When the battle is fin/the one less easily bored will be striking




LOL those are awesome

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Once, when I was leveling on tatooine, there was a big pvp battle going across the world. To help with this, I sent my level 50 operative.

We decided that instead of making an ops group, we would stay separate so we can keep our companions out- At one point I decided to scout out the outlaws' den in stealth, since someone wanted to use the GTN booth there.

When I was scouting out the building for them, I saw a flash of someone else's stealth, called the alarm, and began fighting said person.

After a while of fighting, we noticed that it was just a bunch of us imperials forgetting that everyone that you aren't grouped with shows up as hostile in that area. :csw_jabbapet:


Thats too funny

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I can't think of too many off the top of my head, but one that comes to mind is fighting a Champion-level Sith mob on Alderaan with my Scoundrel, slowly wearing him down by self-healing and letting Risha DPS him... Then landing the killing blow with Dirty Kick.


So Smuggler :D

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Wasn't aware this game allowed humour :p ... Funniest moment is me and my brother dancing round naked in Nem'ro's cantina and the usual passers by on their quests who normally don't notice you all stopped to join in so there were about 7 naked characters dancing on the Cantina stage. it only lasted for a moment, but it was the best moment in game, (since then I've lost all will to try and romance my companion who afterall is just a pre-recorded polygon), first and only time I laughed or saw anything social happen in game. It made me mish real human interaction within an mmo, I wish this game had a social community.


I randomly Whisper to passers by who have the social interaction of a dead tortuse " Do you wanna buy some Deathsticks?"

Edited by NiborBinks
typos I'm a perfectionist.
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