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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Social points from Warzones


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Hey guys i just wanted to ask if it would be good to make this happen. Cause i am more of a solo player than a flash point player (i do Warzones) and you get social points from flash points in a group but you are as well in a group in warzones, so why not just make it possible to get SP from warzones as well?


Sorry if it is a little weird in dialouge not good with this and sorry for bad english =)


Sorry if this is in the wrong forum =)

Edited by CrusherKing
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As long as you can also get Valor ranks from doing PvE quests, to make it fair.


Of course, at that point you may as well just create a new system that combines the two or just eliminate them both...


Since when is social activity limited to PvE? Warzones are far more social, and require far more teamwork, then anything outside of an 8-man ops.


You are comparing apples to oranges, imho.


It's just BEAware continuing to punish its players who PvP full time in their game. Seperate, but not equal.

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I had a thread for this, and it may be the same guy who says the same thing about valor ranks. Valor ranks means nothing, zero. They're not even needed to get gear.


Social points, on the other hand, are a must for much of the adaptive armors in the game. Some of which look pretty nice.

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I'm in the same boat. I PvP for my social interaction in the game and so I have no Social Points at all. In the scavenger hunt event we just had I could earn the tokens to buy the gear but could not equip it because it was all Social I. Maybe one day Warzone activity will provide the same access.
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As long as you can also get Valor ranks from doing PvE quests, to make it fair.


Except that there are zero benefits to valour ranks for a pve person (and nearly zero for a pvp'er)... oh except you could wear crafted pvp shells for your armour rating.


Social points get you all kinds of adaptive gear and other little trinkets. And as said, pvp is WAY more social than these piddly boring pve flashpoints... seriously, I could sleepwalk through them and talk socialize more.

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There for PvP'ers must be special "anti-social" rank: each kill of enemy player on WZ = 1 anti-social point (and +1 point of dark side too). :rolleyes:


Indeed, its quite ridiculous, when nice legacy things and nice sets of gear depends from social rank. I'm not PvE'er, but I wanna that emotions and gear, and why they demand social rank? Its quite boring. :mad:

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Since when is social activity limited to PvE? Warzones are far more social, and require far more teamwork, then anything outside of an 8-man ops.


You are comparing apples to oranges, imho.


It's just BEAware continuing to punish its players who PvP full time in their game. Seperate, but not equal.


Because its true. PvP and PvE are two very different things. While you have the same games its the competition from other players your after. With PvE its the story content and teamwork in annihilating NPC characters.

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I don't understand the 'Valor in Flashpoints' rebuttal...


Why would you get valor in a Flashpoint? You aren't fighting another REAL player, which is how you get Valor.

In Warzones you actually Socially interact with your entire team of REAL people.

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I don't understand the 'Valor in Flashpoints' rebuttal...


Why would you get valor in a Flashpoint? You aren't fighting another REAL player, which is how you get Valor.

In Warzones you actually Socially interact with your entire team of REAL people.


that is why you should get social points as well :) you play with real people just as in group flashpoints

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As long as you can also get Valor ranks from doing PvE quests, to make it fair.


Of course, at that point you may as well just create a new system that combines the two or just eliminate them both...


How do you figure? Are you an anti-social cretin who Rambo's his way around the WZ. Social points are for teamwork. There is teamwork required in *successful* pvp. Why not reward it. If you truly want your anti-socail rank 1 social, just play GW2. Otherwise wake up and smell reality, PvP AND PvE are both social in an MMO.

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How do you figure? Are you an anti-social cretin who Rambo's his way around the WZ. Social points are for teamwork. There is teamwork required in *successful* pvp. Why not reward it. If you truly want your anti-socail rank 1 social, just play GW2. Otherwise wake up and smell reality, PvP AND PvE are both social in an MMO.


^THIS PVE should get valor for , well PVE, however PVP andPVE are social. if anything PVP in WZ's is more social

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Because its true. PvP and PvE are two very different things. While you have the same games its the competition from other players your after. With PvE its the story content and teamwork in annihilating NPC characters.


annihilating NPCs is 10 times easier...

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How do you figure? Are you an anti-social cretin who Rambo's his way around the WZ. Social points are for teamwork. There is teamwork required in *successful* pvp. Why not reward it. If you truly want your anti-socail rank 1 social, just play GW2. Otherwise wake up and smell reality, PvP AND PvE are both social in an MMO.


The point is that Valor was designed to be the point system that PvP players use and Social was designed to be the point system that PvE players use. You can't let the PvPers have access to PvE gear/points without likewise giving PvEers access to PvP gear/points. The names are irrelevant, so the argument that there is more "social interaction" is both irrelevant and unprovable.

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See, the thing is, you don't ONLY get social points from doing flashpoints. You get them from adventuring with other people. Social points were designed to make people want to team up with each other. I run in a solid four man on one of my toons and he's rank three and we JUST got to Taris. In a pvp warzone you don't have a choice. You HAVE to be in there with other people or there's no game. In pve you have a choice. If you choose to NOT be a dysfunctional hermit, you get rewarded. The social points are in actuality rewarding your decision to team up, not the acts which result in said team up.That being said, if you want to play an mmo by yourself (which in my opinion is ludicrous) then no, you do not deserve the rewards given to people who do not solo the game. (in mine, and apparently bioware's opinion)
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Well after reading all the comments untill now, i just cannot get it why both of them are divided (valor and social) cause when you are in a group you get social points and when you do Warzones you get valor ranks.


But when you defeat destructive monsters or save people should not the valor increase? Cause valor as i see it is when you ger renowned for all the deeds you do and same for Warzones you play in a big group (hope they will create a 16 man group) that it makes me wonder why you do not get social points when you are in that big a group.





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The point is that Valor was designed to be the point system that PvP players use and Social was designed to be the point system that PvE players use.


You have absolutely zero evidence to support this statement. Both PvP and PvE use points aka COMMENDATIONS for rewards. And not only are they different systems and not interchangable, they have different sub-systems too.


Well after reading all the comments untill now, i just cannot get it why both of them are divided (valor and social) cause when you are in a group you get social points and when you do Warzones you get valor ranks.


Valour *was* a means of basically signifying how much time you've invested in pvping. It no longer rewards anything at all. Social points are a way of encouraging grouping, and rewards are fun and cosmetic but still rewards not available to pvpers.


Valour could just as well be taken out at this point, as the only thing it offers are titles. Nobody's asking for PvE titles for doing PvP. What we WOULD like are the other rewards for grouping, because participating in PvP warzones IS GROUPING.

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You have absolutely zero evidence to support this statement. Both PvP and PvE use points aka COMMENDATIONS for rewards. And not only are they different systems and not interchangable, they have different sub-systems too.


It is self-evident, as one can only obtain Valor through PvP and Social through PvE. Your failure to recognize that is not a concern of mine.

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It is self-evident, as one can only obtain Valor through PvP and Social through PvE. Your failure to recognize that is not a concern of mine.


Your failure to understand what is actually be said seems to be the issue here.


No one is actually disputing that valor is obtained through PVP and social through PVE.


What is being said is that there is no reason for valor. There are no rewards for valor. I could care less is you get valor for doing pve if that is what you want. Have at it, it's all yours.


Either make WZ's give social, or sell the social adaptive gear for credits with valor ranks as unlocks.

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