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Rage Marauders???


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Am I the only one that's noticing more of these guys?


Pretty beastly too. I once asked if there was a advantage that the marauder would have over a jug in rage spec since rage is the only marauder spec I haven't tried yet. No one responded with anything useful. Can anyone shed some light on this? Not familiar with it at all but what I do know... is after watching a few of these guys put in some serious work.... I'm curious.

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Am I the only one that's noticing more of these guys?


Pretty beastly too. I once asked if there was a advantage that the marauder would have over a jug in rage spec since rage is the only marauder spec I haven't tried yet. No one responded with anything useful. Can anyone shed some light on this? Not familiar with it at all but what I do know... is after watching a few of these guys put in some serious work.... I'm curious.


I still think Juggernaut does it better, thanks to the Force Push resetting Leap.


But either AC works fine for the job. Mara has a bit more survivability.

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I still think Juggernaut does it better, thanks to the Force Push resetting Leap.


But either AC works fine for the job. Mara has a bit more survivability.


That was what I always assumed since I almost never saw rage marauders.


But now I see one every few WZ's. Which NEVER happened before. Dudes are hitting like trucks too. It's making me want to check out the spec... as much as I want to try something different. I hate re-spec'ing too so just looking for some insight.

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Meh... It's for those Maras/Juggs that can't cut it in the other two specs.


They are actually very useful to the team. In our ranked teams we have a Marauder that runs all the specs very well, has won tournaments with Anni etc, he regularly specs Rage or Carnage when it's time to form our ranked team.

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I've found it to be a powerful spec for killing off healers primarily because you get the extra jump and slow from the abilities, plus people have a tendency to stack on the healer when you target them which allows you to blow up more of them causing the healer even more pain (i.e. "Do I run away and live or do I stay and try to heal all these guys who just blew up?").
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Am I the only one that's noticing more of these guys?


Pretty beastly too. I once asked if there was a advantage that the marauder would have over a jug in rage spec since rage is the only marauder spec I haven't tried yet. No one responded with anything useful. Can anyone shed some light on this? Not familiar with it at all but what I do know... is after watching a few of these guys put in some serious work.... I'm curious.


Yep. They are starting to come out now. I had played one for the longest when everybody said they were a joke. I always knew how powerful and useful they were. Expect more of them to show up at a local WZ near you.

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I've found it to be a powerful spec for killing off healers primarily because you get the extra jump and slow from the abilities, plus people have a tendency to stack on the healer when you target them which allows you to blow up more of them causing the healer even more pain (i.e. "Do I run away and live or do I stay and try to heal all these guys who just blew up?").


Interesting... never thought about it that way but being a healer hunter that makes A LOT of sense.


That alone may have me re-spec'ing tonight. :cool:

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Interesting... never thought about it that way but being a healer hunter that makes A LOT of sense.


That alone may have me re-spec'ing tonight. :cool:


The downside is that once you get flagged as the Healer Hunter you'll need to time your engagement carefully to avoid getting focused.

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The downside is that once you get flagged as the Healer Hunter you'll need to time your engagement carefully to avoid getting focused.


If you don't mind... shoot me build and rotation. Already looking at different ones but the more I have to work with the better.

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Hello there


My favourite advantage to rage marauder - as opposed to juggernaut - is the ability to quickly build fury, then use berserk to gain a 4-stack of shockwave. It is faster than the Juggernaut alternative, which has a 1 minute cooldown. This can even allow for hybrid specs, if you're feeling creative.


In any case, you should experience it for yourself, as I'm certain you will enjoy it to an extent, if you enjoy marauder.

Edited by vimm
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Hello there


My favourite advantage to rage marauder - as opposed to juggernaut - is the ability to quickly build fury, then use berserk to gain a 4-stack of shockwave. It is faster than the Juggernaut alternative, which has a 1 minute cooldown. This can even allow for hybrid specs, if you're feeling creative.


In any case, you should experience it for yourself, as I'm certain you will enjoy it to an extent, if you enjoy marauder.


Thanks man... love the marauder but playing it for this long and not trying rage has made me curious. Especially now that I'm seeing more of them around.


Even though I prefer annihilation... it's just fun. It's good to change it up sometimes.

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Thanks man... love the marauder but playing it for this long and not trying rage has made me curious. Especially now that I'm seeing more of them around.


Even though I prefer annihilation... it's just fun. It's good to change it up sometimes.


I just play all three specs; it's almost like playing a new class, lol. Annihilation is my top choice as well, as far as fun factor goes.

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Meh... It's for those Maras/Juggs that can't cut it in the other two specs.


More or less what I think about it, which isn't to say the spec is without its uses. If they jump into a crowd that's focusing somebody, they do significant damage to all targets. There's no wiping a rage mara's smash with one recuperative nanotech cast (which would be the case with most multi-target instants). But in most situations Carnage does more individually and for the team. And Annihilation has more success freelancing.

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More or less what I think about it, which isn't to say the spec is without its uses. If they jump into a crowd that's focusing somebody, they do significant damage to all targets. There's no wiping a rage mara's smash with one recuperative nanotech cast (which would be the case with most multi-target instants). But in most situations Carnage does more individually and for the team. And Annihilation has more success freelancing.


Right, I did not say it was useless, I just don't have a lot of respect for the spec or the skill level it takes to play it.


It hovers in the PT Pyro skill level area.

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I play both juggs and maras frequently and know all theirspecs inside an out. I have weighed all of theirutilities and overall usefullness, along with the specs best for 1v1, orfor sheer fun.


The comment about rage juggs only going rage because they cant cut the other specs it just ignorant. Rage juggs do offer more than rage maras, hence why you'll often see more rage juggs than maras. Threre are more synergies for the juggs which makes them not only a huge hitter, but more usefull than a mara.


Really the only two viable specs for competitive pvp for juggs is rage or immortal, all of the vengeance fanbois are having fun, but are basically far less viable in objective play and 1v1.


A rage jugg is simply somebody that love the huge numbers but can still offer a lot towards shifting the outcome of a warzone.


A immortal jugg as most of us already know are a must have for huttball, and are absolutely phenomenal pvp tanks.


Mara's however have far less utility for team play while rocking rage spec, they can put out just as large smash's, a little less often, and for me I really only play it when im utterly bored of the FAR more competitive and useful annihilation and carnage specs.


Simply put, carnage is required in almost all serious pvp teams for its group usefullness and impressive ST burst when that's needed.


Annihilation is in my opnion second in 1v1 to... well none. perhaps a very skilled sin tank. 0 yard leap, with the shortest interrupt in the game along with powerful bleeds and a longer vanish makes them nearly invicible when cooldowns are up.


Also, no better healer killer comes to mind when weighing out strengths of all 5 (6 in my opnion because of synergy differences between rage jugg and rage mara) of the warrior specs.





TL;DR Rage is viable in rwz for juggs, maras have a hard time justifying it however. Vengeance is lacking for juggs.

Edited by Huggsnotdruggs
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Right, I did not say it was useless, I just don't have a lot of respect for the spec or the skill level it takes to play it.


It hovers in the PT Pyro skill level area.


I cannot agree with that. Managing the stacks and buffs is not that hard, but it does take some creativity to actually put them to work. The spec requires you to be unpredictable as much as possible, or else your going to end up wasting a smash thanks to a knockback. That, and a good rage player is going to always be looking for ways to maximize the damage. Dumping a 6k smash on a single target, when there is a group of people just a little ways away is foolish. The spec can really put pressure on healers, having 3-4 people suddenly lose 5-6k hp is tough to keep up with. The spec is wanted in ranked matches just for that. Is it the simplest of marauder specs? Probably, but it still requires effort.

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Juggernauts can lock down a healer easier due to force push, they also hit harder due to talents in the vengeance tree and free force scream after force charge/obliterate is very useful for extra burst without having to think a lot about resource management.


However, I think marauders have more single dps and less rage problem due to berserk giving 6 free vicious slashes that grants rage on critical hit. Just take a look at this screenshot, 955 dps, how many classes can do that?



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Rage Juggs have better smash damage (on average) due to single-saber mastery's force damage bonus while in Shii-Cho. That said, rage marauder can hit harder once (lucky if they can squeeze off a second fully empowered smash in time) every 5 minutes via bloodthirst. But... rage jugg + bloodthirst (from a teammate) is best possible damage. The stat difference between off-hand saber (mara) and jugg weighs in favor of the marauder, but it doesn't come anywhere close to compensating for the single-saber mastery force bonus damage value.


Also, rage juggs have much easier times getting full stacks of shockwaves (even against sorc/sages) due to push (which also helps them isolate targets from the pack more easily, use charge more often -which is huge with vindicator set bonus-, etc...).


Bottom line: both bring something the other cannot do (maras have FF survivability potential and camo for a postioning set-up or retreat), but all-around viability certainly goes to the Jugg.

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Just take a look at this screenshot, 955 dps, how many classes can do that?




After looking at that screenshot, I'd say quite a few in that circumstance (pocket healers that use their heals on that one person even if it means dying themselves - i.e. 1 death for mara, much more for others, particularly healers). Not to mention it was a voidstar. I'd waiger that an AP powertech would've racked up over 1M in that warzone if they were everyone's heal-focus like the marauder was.

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I play both juggs and maras frequently and know all theirspecs inside an out. I have weighed all of theirutilities and overall usefullness, along with the specs best for 1v1, orfor sheer fun.


The comment about rage juggs only going rage because they cant cut the other specs it just ignorant.


I think you misunderstood the comment in question. The guy wasn't saying rage was mostly used by juggs who couldn't cut it in any other spec. You want to DPS as a jugg in a warzone and not be a hybrid tank? Rage is your spec, regardless of skill.


He was saying that Marauders who can't cut it in any other spec use rage because while, as you said yourself, it's the least useful mara spec (which, again, isn't to say it's useless), it's also the easiest to play and have some success.

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