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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Which Class is the Best


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There are a lot of classes out there but which one is the best? Well I want to know what everyone thinks so Im going to have a vote. Here is how this is going to work. All you do is vote like this. Example: 1 Bounty Hunter Which means one vote for Bounty Hunter. Thats all you do. Ask me if you have any questions and ill try to awnser them soon.

One vote per day and I'll tally the votes through out the voting. Please no comments unless they are votes or questions. The voting ends on September 8th. Well what are you waiting for start voting!!!!!!!! :D


Happy Voting may the best class win!

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the one you enjoy most.


personally i originally liked my bounty hunter (mercenary), then i started really liking my assassin, now im at a point where i really love the operative.


if you enjoy it you are more inclined to want to play it which means you will want the best stuff for it, which then means it will be the best (for you)

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You might want to refine this. Because there are ADV classes which bring different flavors to the base classes. Now if you are shooting for class story, then I would vote for BH, dark side. I like it because it fits my personality. The most heroic iconic story is probably the Knight my second favorite. The trooper story starts out really good, but fizzles during the middle. The consular story is really lame and boring at the beginning but picks up near the end of chap 2, and all of chap 3. Warrior is real good if you love the rule of two, even though its not identical, it comes close enough to really enojoy ( I like this one pretty close to knight in enjoyment). I didnt get far in the Inq storyline or smuggler, and the Imperial agent story is real good as well, probably top rated if youre a cloak and dagger fan.


If youre looking for best class, I would probably say Marauder/Sentinel for damage, Operative/scoundrel for heals, Sniper/gunslinger for range dps, and Powertech/Vanguard for burst dps.

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