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>> Top 3 Changes / Additions You Would Make To PvP & Vendor Rewards


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Post Your Top 3 Changes / Additions You Would Make To PvP & Vendor Rewards!


Here are mine:

1. Make Ranked Prestigious Gear actually look Prestigious, not just a different plain color. (Greater Incentive on PVP Rewards)

2. Cross Server PVP & Cross Faction PVP - Unite the playerbase. More people to play with = more fun. Keep faction separation in story and lore for PVE.

3. More fun obsticles in warzones - Currently every warzone (minus huttball) feels like a flat playing field without much action and excitement such as cannons, walkers, droids, lazers, air strykes, special abilities for certain amount of kills without dying...

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What are Your Top 3 Changes / Additions You Would Make To PvP & Vendor Rewards


Here are mine:

1. Make Ranked Prestigious Gear actually look Prestigious, not just a different plain color.

2. Cross Server PVP & Cross Faction PVP - Unite the playerbase. More people to play with = more fun. Keep faction separation in story and lore for PVE.

3. More fun obsticles in warzones. Currently every warzone (minus huttball) feels like a flat playing field without much action and excitement such as cannons, walkers, droids, lazers, air strykes, special abilities for certain amount of kills without dying...


1) recolored enemies/gear is the cheapest, stupidest content ever

2) I kind of like that we get to fight people on our own servers but it's plain as day that there aren't enough people on any one server for ranked. Fighting the same team over and over all night every night = bad pvp. While I think the regular queues are fine as single server, I agree that ranked needs to be cross server.

3) I think they would've if they could've. I mean they obviously took ideas from WoW except for huttball. Yeah so where are the vehicles, the turrets, the actual objectives other than grab that node. I'm hoping they get with the program in the etherial 'soon to be' warzones.

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1 - remove expertise (no I wont go into detail, there are tons and tons of threads/posts discussing this)

2 - 4v4 maps, 16v16 maps

3 - valor ranking (vertical unlocks) will give you access to buy unique vanity items and outfits etc


+ - a fun open world pvp environment..

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1. balance

2. less CC

3. more 1 vs 1 (make people show their skill)


1v1 is not a show of skill for classes that are not built well for 1v1. If there was more 1v1 my commando would go from "pretty bad" to "completely worthless". My shadow and sent would have a field day though.


On topic:



1. Buffs to current underpowered classes

2. A LOT more warzone maps. Like triple the maps.

3. Cross Server cues.



1. Recruit gear changed to purple gear with level 56 mods (Columi equivalent) and no set bonuses

2. Cap on Warzone Commendations increased to 4000-6000.

3. No shell required to purchase War Hero gear (perhaps just the first one, but not for extra pieces).

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1. Make WH purchasable via a codex unlock ,even if it doesn't show, part by part (having a BM chest once would allow me to buy any WH chest whenever even if don't have it anymore) instead of trading BM. As a tank in tank gear, I can't respec without re-do the grinding and get BM I don't have either, it forces me to start as a recruit back.


2. Give a purpose of tank gear. When an half of abilities ignore them, why even have them ? Giving a crappy gear and good spec to balance things is a fail, because when you mix this good spec with a gear which is effective (DPS gear) you get something that can be OP.


3. Increase Internal/Elemental dmg reduction for everybody. These damage types are meant to deal better damage against the ones who have a good dmg reduction on regular dmg, but when it also does on people who don't have a good dmg reduction (light/medium armor ones - in fact against everybody) it is not good. Total of Int/Ele dmg reduction (base + Inq/Cons buff) should be as high or higher than the dmg reduction provided by light armor.

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1v1 is not a show of skill for classes that are not built well for 1v1. If there was more 1v1 my commando would go from "pretty bad" to "completely worthless". My shadow and sent would have a field day though.


On topic:



1. Buffs to current underpowered classes

2. A LOT more warzone maps. Like triple the maps.

3. Cross Server cues.



1. Recruit gear changed to purple gear with level 56 mods (Columi equivalent) and no set bonuses

2. Cap on Warzone Commendations increased to 4000-6000.

3. No shell required to purchase War Hero gear (perhaps just the first one, but not for extra pieces).


These are great ideas. I especially like Vendor #3. How would they program that to detect that you already purchased the 1st warhero piece, and when you get to an alternate war hero piece, you no longer need the battlemaster shell.

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These are great ideas. I especially like Vendor #3. How would they program that to detect that you already purchased the 1st warhero piece, and when you get to an alternate war hero piece, you no longer need the battlemaster shell.


Codex. When you purchase a BM part of gear (for exemple Chest) it would do an unlock in the Codex that they could name "BM chest" (but it would not be see-able by players in order to keep the codex clear), and if you have the Codex entry it allows you to acquire WH chests. And you do it for each part that need an exchange. If you want you can do it with 1st WH buying instead. (There is no difference with rate requirement in order to acquire rated WH shells)

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1 - remove expertise (no I wont go into detail, there are tons and tons of threads/posts discussing this)

2 - 4v4 maps, 16v16 maps

3 - valor ranking (vertical unlocks) will give you access to buy unique vanity items and outfits etc


+ - a fun open world pvp environment..


Everyone seems to agree about valor unlocks and having

A greater amount of rewards with more enjoyable applications, even if it's just a COOL new armor skin. These skins do not have to tie in with SWTOR lore, they just have to make you look BOSS. Other rewards can include more warzone comms for each 10 valor levels so that you can min max faster, get gear for of specs, and get gear for alts

Via transfer of legacy items.


For open world pvp, there was a video on reddit interviewing a BW head employee stating that illum will be revived around January as an estimate. It was mentioned that it is a big project that will be alot of fun. Hopefully it will be highly incentivized with a greatly thought out reward system that makes sense and also doesn't make the smaller faction want to quit after a week.

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  • Game-Wide PVP queue
  • Spec/Role balancing mechanic (pug only). I find this to be the biggest cause for "zomg pvp y u no balance??" as when any good ability can be stacked, it becomes the issue.
  • More maps of the same 3 1/2 game-types.

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1- Balance within 30s, 90s, 180s, and 300s windows (only way to ensure that classes are equalized) - defensive cool downs especially need to be looked at

2- More HB type matches where team compozition is not faction specific (ie, mixed teams)

3- Game wide queues



1- Armor/weapons unlocked based on Valor rank with Recruit gear being rebalanced so as not to put the user at such a risk

2- Level tiered legacy gear and "fun" stuff to buy with comms or valor+cash other than 2 speeders and 2 vanity pets

3- Mods, enhancements, and crystals obtainable via comms

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1- Armor/weapons unlocked based on Valor rank with Recruit gear being rebalanced so as not to put the user at such a risk

2- Level tiered legacy gear and "fun" stuff to buy with comms or valor+cash other than 2 speeders and 2 vanity pets

3- Mods, enhancements, and crystals obtainable via comms


I really like this. Maybe it can be tiered like this:


Recruit Gear Requirements:

lvl 50


Battle Master Requirements:

Boots - Valor 10

Bracer - Valor 15

Primary Weapon - Valor 20

Chest - Valor 30

Belt - Valor 35

Head - Valor 40

Gloves - Valor 45

Offhand Weapon/Item - Valor 50


War Hero Requirements:


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Not just for PvP: if for whatever reason you can't have a planetary comms-style 'Modification commendation vendor' for BM/WH, how about at least an option when getting a new piece of moddable gear to 'Disassemble' for free that removes all the mods and destroys the shell, but can only be used before the first time you equip the item. Would make min-maxing a little less painful (I really don't feel like grinding dailies for creds in addition to WZ for comms).


Also, remove expertise from either mods or enhancements and put it on the armor/either mod or enhancement. This would allow some PvE stuff to actually be useful in PvP without making it a complete alternate route to PvPable gear.

It would also remove a little of the pain some ACs have with the way BM/WH gear is so horrible set up (Accuracy and alacrity, I'm looking at you!).

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1) Remove much of the CC - make it pve only (JK/SW aoe mezzes, for example, should be pve only - most of the mezzes should be, aoe knockbacks need to pve only as well - give classes with aoe knockbacks single target knockbacks for pvp but on longer timers).

2) x-Server wzs with choices of which ones to queue or not queue for after daily is done.

3) Give my sentinel access to the marauder legacy set.

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Summary Of Popular Changes Requested So Far:


1. Most People want Game-Wide Ques (Cross Server / Cross Faction)

2. Most People want More Warzone Maps Like huttball

3. Most People want More GOOD Rewards From Vendors & the ability to purchase hilts, armoring, mod, enhancements individually from the entire armor piece, and remove/significantly reduce extraction costs. Also, at a certain valor level and after purchasing the battlemaster piece, it is saved in your codex so that you can purchase the warhero piece directly if getting gear for an offspec or alts (reduce the cost of getting warhero gear after the 1st set)

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Increase damage reduction and healing bonus from expertise >= to damage bonus


Revert lag "fix" from 1.3 to fix rubberbanding


Fix targetting (tab/target nearest/etc) and make nameplates clickable + fix areas where you can't see nameplates (example: voidstar by the bridge when the forcefields are up)


Remove extra warzone debuff icons (at least in the ops frames) Trauma, Bolster, Medal Count, Medal Count Max


Make respawn timers longer (especially in ranked) and have the speeder in Civil War land you farther back on the side nodes. Voidstar attackers should have a respawn timer.


Make dropping combat easier (~12 seconds of inactivity) - dots shouldn't keep you in combat


Remove the roof and power lines from civil war mid (the power lines **** up targetting)


Fix roll into cover and cover in warzones


Fix Assassin's Whirlwind/Shadow's Force Lift to break on damage (as intended)


Make AS vanguards/Pyrotechs damage stoppable either by decreasing range or making railshot/HIB a cast


Nerf Guard to ~ 30%


Fix Focus Target (give the option to remove the reticle and allow for binding off focus without only using the focus modifier)


Add a dueling area in fleet and increase the duel radius


Allow target binding for all 8 ops members

Edited by madtycoon
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I really like this. Maybe it can be tiered like this:


Recruit Gear Requirements:

lvl 50


Battle Master Requirements:

Boots - Valor 10

Bracer - Valor 15

Primary Weapon - Valor 20

Chest - Valor 30

Belt - Valor 35

Head - Valor 40

Gloves - Valor 45

Offhand Weapon/Item - Valor 50


War Hero Requirements:



This would absolutely suck out loud for classes that didn't start PVPing till long after 50 since it would keep them in recruit gear even longer. Valor unlocks for different shells, or access to being able to just purchase mods makes a lot of sense, but don't keep people in recruit gear for even longer because they come late to the PVP game.

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General PvP changes

1. More Huttball maps. So many possibilities.

2. Standardized expertise.

3. Two MVP votes per person. Sometimes I want to acknowledge somebody that had a clutch stun and the tank that was guarding me the whole match.


Vendor Changes

1. War Hero crystal schematics for every normal color purchasable without RNG. Purple, orange, yellow, cyan - all of them. Keep the black cores locked away, I don't care.

2. Individual mods/enh purchasable for comms.

3. 30-minute comm refund (or shorter, maybe even only 10) to trade the full piece and mods back in for comms. An alternate fix is for me to no longer buy things late at night.


Random: fix the range you can see target markers at. Too far.

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1v1 is not a show of skill for classes that are not built well for 1v1. If there was more 1v1 my commando would go from "pretty bad" to "completely worthless". My shadow and sent would have a field day though.



That is not true at all. Just because you dont have the best class for it or even loose does not mean you dont have skill. Skill is shown on how people know their class, other classes, and how you react under these interactions.

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2. WOW!! Your actually reading this. keeewl. Now Id like to bring to your attention that there is an aspect of this game called the pvp. Yeah I know your familiar with pve, but Im talking about pvp. You should familiarise yourself to this.


3. Stop mucking about and tell us the **** is up with world pvp. Wil your zero engine ever produce something worthy for us?? We are tired of waiting for news and honestly, Im just waiting to level my SI and IA to 50 for the story, which might take another couple months. And then Im out.






Oh well, I tried. I guess Bioware doesn't care.

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2. WOW!! Your actually reading this. keeewl. Now Id like to bring to your attention that there is an aspect of this game called the pvp. Yeah I know your familiar with pve, but Im talking about pvp. You should familiarise yourself to this.


3. Stop mucking about and tell us the **** is up with world pvp. Wil your zero engine ever produce something worthy for us?? We are tired of waiting for news and honestly, Im just waiting to level my SI and IA to 50 for the story, which might take another couple months. And then Im out.


Oh well, I tried. I guess Bioware doesn't care.




New WZ, yeah they stole the idea from warhammer ... go jeff hickman. Please let us know when you ep a third game. I want to keep my kittens safe.

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