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subscription pricing in recent mmos


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Why has it always been 15 dollars a month? Why not drop it to 10 or even 8? You would still make a ***** load of profit.


Would you play an mmo that was 8 dollars a month with content that keeps coming and a sandbox world that is beautiful and fun?


People don't make mmos for fun and pleasure anymore. All it is these days is about money. That should not be. It is nice to make a profit and be rich, but companies need to know what players wants and if the majority of the players want it, it should go in very soon. To keep them happy, thus keeping the player base happy and word of mouth gets out that the devs listen to you. Am I right?

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Why has it always been 15 dollars a month? Why not drop it to 10 or even 8? You would still make a ***** load of profit.


Would you play an mmo that was 8 dollars a month with content that keeps coming and a sandbox world that is beautiful and fun?


People don't make mmos for fun and pleasure anymore. All it is these days is about money. That should not be. It is nice to make a profit and be rich, but companies need to know what players wants and if the majority of the players want it, it should go in very soon. To keep them happy, thus keeping the player base happy and word of mouth gets out that the devs listen to you. Am I right?


The surprise is that it is still only $15 a month, compared to how prices have risen on everything else $15 has been the standard for many years.

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The surprise is that it is still only $15 a month, compared to how prices have risen on everything else $15 has been the standard for many years.

well what if a company changed that price to be lower because they know people are aching financially. Also the company should know players really don't like free to play all that much. Would you pay for 8 dollar a month constantly updated game where the devs listened to you?

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DAOC was 9.95 until WoW launched. And even though it bled subs to WoW, it raised it sub to 15 to take advantage of the new ceiling WoW established.


15 is the industry number. Has not moved in years.


Very true. I don't see this moving any time soon either (at least not down) for subscription fees. Although I would like to be proved wrong here. :)

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Unfortunately huge gaming companies don't want to make games we all want to play for a long time. They use the same formula over and over with a different genre and name and make a lot of money selling the copies and then doing it all over again.


They then pay game review sites to give them good ratings to give the game community a false sense that this one will be something new.


The only company I can think of that we can hope will offer us products we all want is Valve. Trion seems pretty good but I just started playing their mmo. We'll have to see what defiance is like.


I will never buy a product with EA on it again.

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Why has it always been 15 dollars a month? Why not drop it to 10 or even 8? You would still make a ***** load of profit.


Would you play an mmo that was 8 dollars a month with content that keeps coming and a sandbox world that is beautiful and fun?


People don't make mmos for fun and pleasure anymore. All it is these days is about money. That should not be. It is nice to make a profit and be rich, but companies need to know what players wants and if the majority of the players want it, it should go in very soon. To keep them happy, thus keeping the player base happy and word of mouth gets out that the devs listen to you. Am I right?


Yeah I'd pay that price a month to support, even if I'm not going to play SWTOR as much anymore.

EA management should take a look at dropping sub prices so that more ppl will stay and play EATOR... I mean SWTOR. Especially for those that paid for the game. CE/DD/Standard

I will be continue to sub if they drop the price.

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The truth is that $15 a month is peanuts for most folks. As long as they are getting the value for the money, they will continue to spend it. Unfortunately, brainiacs (like those at EA) think that they are losing subs because $15/mo is some kind of rich person territory, they don't see them losing subs because the game sucks and isn't worth the equivalent of one movie a month, or 1.5 drinks at a bar.
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Unfortunately huge gaming companies don't want to make games we all want to play for a long time. They use the same formula over and over with a different genre and name and make a lot of money selling the copies and then doing it all over again.


They then pay game review sites to give them good ratings to give the game community a false sense that this one will be something new.


The only company I can think of that we can hope will offer us products we all want is Valve. Trion seems pretty good but I just started playing their mmo. We'll have to see what defiance is like.


I will never buy a product with EA on it again.


Well, I can assure you. In the next years there will be a certain mmorpg that doesn't have any of the same formula. It will be built from feedback and fans. I have started a company for gaming recently and we have already started production on it. No details yet, just know that it is not going to be anything you have EVER heard of before mechanic wise and skill wise. It's going to be very fun, addicting, and we plan on having the people spread word about the good game. Not pay off sites to say it's good.


You will love the game. It is not the same old same old with a different skin plopped on it. Just think FUN sandbox where nothing ends, and it's all fun. Not boring, lame sandbox, where there's nothing to do or nothing that is in depth. That is what you will see from my company in the coming years :)

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Well, I can assure you. In the next years there will be a certain mmorpg that doesn't have any of the same formula. It will be built from feedback and fans. I have started a company for gaming recently and we have already started production on it. No details yet, just know that it is not going to be anything you have EVER heard of before mechanic wise and skill wise. It's going to be very fun, addicting, and we plan on having the people spread word about the good game. Not pay off sites to say it's good.


You will love the game. It is not the same old same old with a different skin plopped on it. Just think FUN sandbox where nothing ends, and it's all fun. Not boring, lame sandbox, where there's nothing to do or nothing that is in depth. That is what you will see from my company in the coming years :)


I hope you have a good ignore feature and a channel just for trolling. That way we can ignore the mean trolls but still laugh at the funny ones in their own channel :p. I have met some hilarious trolls in this game that made fun of me in very creative ways :)

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Sounds like you are wanting The Repopulation. And it will be F2P from the begining and never pay to win. http://www.therepopulation.com/


Nop. I do not. Free to play games have a...gist to it people don't like. They aren't free. Yes they don't have to be pay to win but it's still not free. It's gisting people into buying cool looking things in a cash shop. People who design their game around that have no souls :(

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The truth is that $15 a month is peanuts for most folks. As long as they are getting the value for the money, they will continue to spend it. Unfortunately, brainiacs (like those at EA) think that they are losing subs because $15/mo is some kind of rich person territory, they don't see them losing subs because the game sucks and isn't worth the equivalent of one movie a month, or 1.5 drinks at a bar.


Very much so agreed.

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LOTRO does have a sub model and it is 9.99 per month. And Rift..if you sign up for a year's sub, it is 9.99 per month. Most MMO's do charge 14.99 per month because they know they can. But nothing but greed means they have to charge that much. Dropping the subs down to 9.99 per month could be a good move for some. 14.99 to 9.99 only seems to be 5 bucks less....but you add that up over a year's time and it is around 60 bucks.


Beleave it or not...but there are plenty of players where 60 bucks in thier pocket instead of a MMO company's, can make a nice difference for them. Maybe some still live at home where all they need to worry about is thier car payment and insurance..but there are a lot in today's economy who do struggle to pay bills and every little extra adds up.

Edited by Valkirus
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The truth is that $15 a month is peanuts for most folks. As long as they are getting the value for the money, they will continue to spend it. Unfortunately, brainiacs (like those at EA) think that they are losing subs because $15/mo is some kind of rich person territory, they don't see them losing subs because the game sucks and isn't worth the equivalent of one movie a month, or 1.5 drinks at a bar.


It is all relative. The rich donot care if the price of gas goes up a buck or two a gallon, because that is chicken feed to them. But the buck or two increase of gas can have a severe impact on some. A lot of the time, the very rich have no clue what it is to struggle and think spending 500 bucks for a purse is nothing. For them it is like what the 1 or 2 drinks cost at a bar.....chicken feed. So even tho 14.99 per month is no issue for me..does not mean it is not for others. :p

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It is all relative. The rich donot care if the price of gas goes up a buck or two a gallon, because that is chicken feed to them. But the buck or two increase of gas can have a severe impact on some. A lot of the time, the very rich have no clue what it is to struggle and think spending 500 bucks for a purse is nothing. For them it is like what the 1 or 2 drinks cost at a bar.....chicken feed. So even tho 14.99 per month is no issue for me..does not mean it is not for others. :p


I do concede, you have a point there. Unfortunately, that part won't factor into corporation's decisions on what to charge, for the very small percentage that can't afford $15 per month.

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I think its funny hearing mmo gamers whine about paying $15 a month for a game mean while they are all siting down in from of 24 inch monitors attached to an Alienwar pc. The irony of it all.


All? My screen is 19" and my computer only cost $ 1250. And I did not buy it to only play MMO's with. I use it for a lot more than gaming. Narrow minded thinking will lead to all kinds of misjudgements. :cool:

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Well. Here is where I think it should be headed. Subscription prices should not be so high. To some 15 dollars is peanut change, pocket feathers. But to some that 15 dollars a month is the last part of the payment on the electricity bill. BUT they still want to play an mmorpg that is good because they can escape this world and go into another world that they can do whatever they want. People still want that, and not for a lot of money.


I think 8 dollars a month is a very stable price for mmorpgs. In people's minds, the minute they see double digits of things, especially Entertainment, where they have pay a lot of money a month to play it, it shuts it down for them instantly. I can guarantee you right now there are millions of gamers out there waiting for that right...mmo that they can wisp away to, fully immerse themselves in, where their feedback will be taken to an extent and put somewhere in the game that isn't the "free" to play conundrum that is negatively looked down upon. It will be an affordable price with regular content updates that has a team of people who CARE. Who aren't just out to make money. When that game hits, people will FLOCK to it. If you respect people, you will earn respect back. Both as a person and a company. ;)

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Why has it always been 15 dollars a month? Why not drop it to 10 or even 8? You would still make a ***** load of profit.


Would you play an mmo that was 8 dollars a month with content that keeps coming and a sandbox world that is beautiful and fun?


People don't make mmos for fun and pleasure anymore. All it is these days is about money. That should not be. It is nice to make a profit and be rich, but companies need to know what players wants and if the majority of the players want it, it should go in very soon. To keep them happy, thus keeping the player base happy and word of mouth gets out that the devs listen to you. Am I right?


Don't you understand that when that false term "free to play" is used in an MMO that subscription price means very little. I mean, would you rather pay $5 for a wheel of cheese or get it from the government for "free". Hey, no one "pays" for it so it must be a good thing. So, $15 for a sub is gonna be so yesterday now that "free" gaming is here.

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Now, to be more serious. If anyone can not "afford" whatever the subscription is set at, then maybe people should not be playing and paying for that MMO. People that can't afford a Mercedes Benz shouldn't be trying to pay for one. THAT is basic personel finance. We all would love to have a big ole castle with tons of cars and such in our garage but until or unless we can afford it we shouldn't just expect it to happen.
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The surprise is that it is still only $15 a month, compared to how prices have risen on everything else $15 has been the standard for many years.


Thing is however, it's not true that the prices on everything have risen on everything else. If we look technology service wise in many instances ISP's have gotten more affordable.


Around 10 years ago when MMO's cost 15 bucks, a subscription with my ISP cost around 60 Eur a month to get a 2 mbps connection in order to be able to actually play decently. That was cable internet alone. Now for 45 Eur a month I get a 50 mbit connection, TV, Film Channel and telephone combined.


Did MMO's start bundling up and reduce to around 10 Eur a month? In case of EA for example publishing a package consisting of SWTOR, WAR and TSW in such fashion? No, they keep sticking to the same pricing model.


Why did ISP's do this? Simple, the market started to saturate, they needed to compete in something, and they're competing in favor of the consumer.



Cellular plans are still behind a bit. However, if we look at around 10 years ago, I paid roughly 25 Eur / mo on a 120 minute plan, which came with like... 25 sms or so included. That was sim-only. Now for that same price I can get a galaxy S II, 500 MB internet, 150 minute/sms. Pricing stayed similar, but I get a 350 Eur phone along in the deal.


Once again, the market got saturated, these companies adjusted by starting the competition.



The MMO market, is also saturated, better yet, it's stagnating. What does the MMO industry do? Stick to the same pricing 'because everybody else does it'. Industry standard as they'd commonly call it. In my ears it sounds more like publicly anouncing a price cartel, but yeh.


It's probably not going to change anytime soon in this field I'm afraid. There's just no competition going on in the video game industry. Just a lot of crying over why their products ain't selling. And as long as piracy remains the easy target, publishers aren't going with the notion that an inferior product doesn't sell for the same price as a superior product. And with limited MMO experience for most, they appear to apply the same logic there.

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Well. Here is where I think it should be headed. Subscription prices should not be so high. To some 15 dollars is peanut change, pocket feathers. But to some that 15 dollars a month is the last part of the payment on the electricity bill.


Two relevent pieces of research:


Mobile gaming..... it's hard driving the rest of the game market to shift models. But the really interesting point is the average mobile gamer spends $21-$29 per month.


The percentage of U.S. gamers who regularly download games or gaming apps to their mobile devices increased from 7% in 2008 to 18% in 2011, growing in parallel with rising adoption of smartphones and tablets, according to a new whitepaper from Parks Associates. Among tablet owners, 71% of adults and 79% of teens play games on the device at least one hour per month. This growth of mobile gaming is expanding the revenue stream for Facebook games, where gamers already spend $29 per month, and free-to-play games, where gamers spend $21 per month to purchase virtual goods and upgrades.

Source: http://www.parksassociates.com/blog/article/parks-pr2012-gaming-wp


More specifically to MMOs, US Market....


US MMO Market


Of all 50 million MMO gamers in the US, 23 million spend money on free-to-play or subscription MMOs. This is 3% higher than last year. On average, they will spend $127 for the full year, 11% more than in 2011. Overall, the US market is expected to grow to $2.9bn this year. When zooming in on transaction data for a single month, the ARPPU for individual titles in May 2012 was $17 compared to $27 in October 2011. This apparent contradiction can be explained by an increase in purchase frequency, a lower average transaction size and spending on a number of different games.

Source: http://www.superdataresearch.com/global-mmo-games-spending-exceeds-12bn/


And, since you say you are working on an MMO title, you really need to see and embrace what is going on in the market move from subscription to free..


Free-to-Play or Pay-to-Play, that is the question


In the US, the share of revenues coming from free-to-play MMO games continues to rise, reaching 50% this year, up from 39% in 2010. German free-to-play spending already passed the 50% mark in 2010 and is expected to grow above 60% in 2015. At the same time, Europe witnesses a rebound in spending on pay-to-play MMOs. Many newcomers, drawn in by free-to-play games, are also signing up for triple A paid MMO games like Diablo 3. By increasingly offering free trials and in-game purchases, pay-to-play games are implementing the success factors of free-to-play games. The distinction will become harder to make in the future, as business models mix and merge.

Source: http://www.superdataresearch.com/global-mmo-games-spending-exceeds-12bn/


Market data and consumer tastes do not support your contention that $15 is too much money to pay.


Also, Market data shows rapid movement and growth to continue into monetized free-2-play, even in the face of purchase to play titles like Diablo3 and GW2 and in fact points to monetization across platforms (PC, tablet, Mobile). Which to me discounts the premise of this thread to a good degree.


If you are intent on developing and introducing an MMO, I feel you need to get ahead of the curve on how MMOs are being monetized by the big dogs over the next several years.

Edited by Andryah
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