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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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Great thread!!


My Top 3


1- More Character slots!! IMO there should be 16 total per server. Considering the Legacy system, I've unlocked differnt species, so I have 2 of some races and zero for others, I would love to create a Cathar, but I want them in my Legacy, and as it stands now, I won't be able to, unless I roll on a different server and start from scratch.


2- Alternate quest paths, the zones are supposed to be PLANETS, open different zones up, with alternate planet quests and quest hubs, give us more choice in how and where we can level. Even if we still need to hit all the planets in the same order they are in now for the class quests, give us something new to see and do on them.


3- Make Legacy levels over 25 mean something, I'm at Legacy level 38, but I still can't afford ANY of the cross character perks, lower the prices as levels are gained, titles, fluff items, just have them mean something.

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I tried to limit to 3, but I can't.


1. Fix the raid-wide lag spikes in operations.


2. Armor dye kits.


3. Increase the spawn rate of mobs/quest items with the number of people doing the quest, especially in the dailies areas. I don't want more instances or green doors, but I DO want to be happy to see lots of people from my own faction in an area!


4. Open PvP. Like your new live-action trailer....but in the game!


5. Open PvP in SPACE!!


6. Massively improve internal testing and QA. Stop introducing very obvious bugs to systems/ops.

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1. Option to purchase Custom Equipment Endgame Inserts with BH commendations (or other appropriate commendations) instead of equipment with inserts installed. This would save the needless cost of removing them to put into a piece I actually like.


2. More Story.


3. More Character Slots (and/or information as to when we will see them)

Edited by Baldak
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1. Make the world feel more alive. I know this is an MMO but I feel like I am going past statues in a museum. I would like to have NPCs act like they do in Skyrim.


2. If possible make it possible to change the order in which we have to visit planets for our story quests. It seems like I am doing the same thing over and over when I change characters. Yeah there are 4 or 5 quests which are different but there are 20 - 30 quests which stay the same. If the order of the planets could be less stringent it would feel less like a game and more like an actual adventure.


3. Have each character seem more different than each other. For example There are a few times like I actually feel like a bounty hunter (the bounties on Belsavis) and I would like to continue to have that experience. Those bounties felt so unique to that character that I wish that was how the game was set up instead of all repeated quests. Instead I feel like I am just using a different weapon and different looking armor but everything else stays the same for each character.

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1) Target Forwarding - if I target the tank, and throw a heal it heals, if I throw damage it damages the tanks target.


2) Ready Check - seems simple but it makes it easier for everyone to get going at the same time, a simple system for someone to either hit ready or not ready with a light or some other indication to let the Operations Leader (only) know if people are ready or not.


3) Raid Assist Targeting - Also very useful tool. basically a overlay screen that can be enabled or not by the Operations Leader, usually used for the whole group to see not only the assigned members health (usually the tank) but also their Targets health. This helps when trying to DPS 2 (or more) separate targets which need to die at the same time. It is also useful if you just have more than one tank, (i.e. if you are having to switch tanks for a buff or some other mechanic).


4) More side content - Think LOTRO deed system or Faction Rep, etc...

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1) my toons on the server i want them on not the server im told to put them on....


2) A team that give us info not a team that holds onto it in the hope that people will get bored of asking and give up....


3) Player bounty system

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1) Server Transfers. Allow us to move to any open server we choose, paid or not, I don't care at this point.

2) Spawn rate increase. For the love of God, increase the spawn rates of the crates for BH dailies.

3) Fix the search on the GTN. Some of the filters simply do not work! Add the ability to CTRL click an item to auto search for that item.

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Out of game, I would like to see Bioware give us a video developer blog that does not reveal release dates for what they are working on but rather shows us a behind the scenes look at what they are working on right now so that we can see what is coming down the pipe without making any promises about it. I think that would be awesome and I would like to see one every week, though I know that might be unrealistic. Maybe once every two or three weeks would be more practical.


I understand that there are three development teams. The blog could be rotated between these teams for each episode and would reveal only one thing that team is currently working on in each blog episode. This way we minimize the interruption of their work for the interview, but still get to have some interaction and news from the developers that would go a long way to making the community happy. This means that if they were on a once-every-two-weeks schedule for the blog each of the three teams would only have to make a blog once every six weeks - longer if the blog schedule itself is actually on a once-every-three-weeks or more schedule.


I would love this. EVE does a similar thing where the devs have a running blog for separate sections of the game they are working on and they keep everyone updated. Why are things taking so long, what are we doing exactly, take a peek at this, etc., This kind of interaction buys you a ton of leeway from the community.

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My top 3:


1. Shorten the cooldown on Revive. Maybe make it 5 minutes or resets with each wipe. Nothing worse than being a class that can stealth when a wipe is called in ops, and you are unable to revive the healer because you revived him/her the last wipe 5 minutes ago. It would help speed up operations.


2. More content please. I love the class stories.


3. Pod races on Tatooine!

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- Way less CC.

- Way less spike damage.

- A replacement for Ilum open world PvP that's actually fun.



- Continue the class stories. It's by far the #1 reason people play.

- Same sex [Flrits]/romances

- Dual specs

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1. More character slots per server


2. More "smaller" story content (I'm thinking quests, even bonus series, that allow us to catch up to something like the Dread Masters meta-plotline without going into Hardcore-PVE aka Operations). New planets would be nice too, but I think that's too big to hope for.


3. More unique and classic armor designs (for everyone through new crafting schematics or the upcoming F2P-store, not just as part of the next line of operations gear). Because it's not only my Sith Sorcerer who doesn't like to look like some Dungeons and Dragons-Sorcerer but a full-blown Sith Lord.


3.1. Or even something like crafting-schematics as the PVP-Vendors sell them, but for PVE. So we can craft our own orange Black Hole or Gree armor, only without the mods. If it should be exclusive in some way you could bind it to social V or so.


3.2. It would also be great if you could introduce something like a variety of armor shells without mods but a setbonus, so we can maintain our viability for endgame, but be able to come up with a more individualistic style (if we don't have access to the right campaign gear armoring).


3.2.1. As an alternative i would vote for revamping the current system with Tionese, Columi and Rakata shells and bind the set bonus on their armorings instead.

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1) Revamp the Resolve bar in PvP. Getting stunned 12 different ways from tomorrow is no fun.


2) Retain the Star Wars style in armor. None of this Ironman Samurai / Centurion shiz (at least for Jedi Knights)


3) Continuation of character story lines and improved interaction within the Legacy. I saw the idea posited of being able to utilize legacy characters as companions. This would be freaking awesome!

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