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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1) Ability to select War Zones

2) Either server transfers or make class buffs account bound

3) Ability to select War Zones - we just check the boxes of the arenas we wish to join. If they're not popping fast enough at any given moment then one could just check the box to select all.

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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?



Mine is simple!

1. Transfers to other servers

2. Class change. For example, I am a Juggernaut and I wish I were a marauder. Boom, now I am. Oh and the training and re-gearing cost is on my shoulders since I chose to change the class

3. Character modifications….appearance, armor coloring, etc.


What are your top 3?


I would like all the ones you mentioned.

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1- Cross faction chat and friends: mainly for guilds wanting to operate on both sides but also so that I don't have to renew contact with the same people every time I make a new alt or whatever.


2- Improved legacy utility: a legacy hold/bank woul be nice but would also like some sort of legacy level bonus. Farming millions of credits to unlock everything I had on my main is not much fun, maybe costs could decrease the higher your legacy level.


3- Fix resolve...please. I don't know how, I'm no games designer but do something, anything, so that I can actually hit someone at least once before they kill me.

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1. Planets with no quests, just explorable. Also have your own home.


2. Own star destroyer. I want a big ship, with my own troops.


3. All classes have lightsaber or blaster proficiency. Sith/Jedi can use any type of lightsaber and all the skills can still be used.

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1. Dot Monitor/Differentiation


2. Incentive for random pvp (even on pve servers)/city/base attacks


3. Dual Spec.


First: I'm sure someone already posted these (I didn't read all 101 pages), sorry i repeated.

Second: You guys have a great game here, but you have to listen to your players more. Interact with them, maybe have some in-game GMs. Don't be the general who sits in his office all the time, be the First Sergeant who gets down in the trenches with his troops. Lead from the front, not the rear.

Third: If something is wrong with the game, let the players know (ahead of time if possible) and if you know, let them know you know. Respond and keep responding, put the players at ease.


P.S. Sorry for the military terminology and thank you guys for all your hard work

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First off thanks for fixing the lightsaber bug... that was really really rough and made playing jedi waaay less fun for me.


But here is my list.


1.) The ability to assign rolls to your companions. For example Kira is a DPS character... however it would be nice if the players could decide to make her a healer instead. The reason for this is so that players could take the characters they like with them on their missions as opposed to the ones they end up taking with them due to the companions abilities.


2.) A Hoods up or down toggle for robes would be a welcome addition.


3.) More missions at higher levels on worlds that we have already visited. Give me more reasons to go back to Tython, Taris or Tatooine for example. New worlds are cool, but lets not forget where we have been.

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1.) :hope_06: Click on/off box in preferences for:

(TRUE PUG) Do not join any PvP matches consisting of any # of Premades 2/8, 3/8, 4/8 5/8, 6/8, 7/8 8/8.


2.) Armor Dye shop/NPC on Fleet.


3.) :csw_xwing: Nightly Guild vs Guild battles consisting of Space fighting, Landing in hangars or Space walking on the hull, Fighting On Foot to the bridge, offense and defense at the Same time, ON CAPITAL GUILD SHIPS!



Edited by mtsr
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  • 3 weeks later...

Now this may be quite hard to do but I've wanted it for ages. A defection system and it would work based on the amount of lightside/darkside points you have


For example if you are a sith with Light 3 and above you are given the option to defect and to train as a jedi (this will means there will have to be 8 new story lines put into the game) But to prove that you are going to defect to a jedi you must complete a series of quests to prove yourself.


This goes the same as a jedi with lots of darkside points, you are given the option to defect upon completing quests such as Kill 5 jedi within a secret jedi training ground.


Note that if you change from a jedi to sith you will not continue off of the sith story line but a new storyline would be made.


Yahh that's it

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My 3 things would be:


Fire the entire Bioware staff with the very first to go would be the armor designers, cause I've never seen uglier armor then the ones in this game. And replace the BioWare staff with people who actually know what they're doing and those who really listen to player feedback.


Get rid of this corny space games they have and replace them with something like what SWG had.


Give permanent discounts to players who have subs, on the cartel market. I mean, you pay monthly and on top of thiss you also have to pay full price as do the f2p?


If it wasn't for 2 and 3 I would say that 1, 2 and 3 would be replacing bioware staff. Everyone of then. All. Todos.

Edited by RikHar
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1: Make the world ALIVE! Add NPC's, droids, animals what ever it takes, to make the world feel like it's an actual world, not just a shooting range with hostile mobs. There are so many areas, which are huge, like several cantinas, and there is just 1 NPC standing there. It's just obvious that those areas are not completed. Making the world alive, would go a long way of keeping the players in the game.


2: Add mini-games or something to do in the cantinas. And reduce the number of huge cantinas. See point 1, but walking into an stadium size cantina, with nobody there, is just depressing. Put small cantinas in most planets, and bigger one to core worlds. I cannot really see how RP will work in the cantinas, as you are not going to get thousands of people into those stadiums to make it feel alive.


3. Space combat needs a total remake...anything is better than the current version.

I quote this feedback.

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1 ) bigger warzone 16 vs 16 and a beter pvp rated system

2) remake the tatooine pvp zone give it quest that make you want to go back there

3) give commando healers a better aoe heal. maybe give it a hot that heals 40% of total heal over 6 sec

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1)SERVER TRANSFERS!!!!! (including EU to NA etc)

2)Barber shop/Character re-customization (re-select race, hair, skin colour bla bla bla)

3) Group Space Combat PVP and PVE.


Its coming on a year and a bit, and the character I made on an NA server around June when the population of the game almost died, is sitting around doing nothing while Im on EU servers.

Edited by Darth_Exar
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1) Ability to change sides between Imperial and Republic, so that Light/Dark points would have a real siginficance. I'd even pay for such an expansion, as we did in CoH, since it would take a good deal of work to make class stories make sense.

2) Ability to check companions' gear when they are not present, so that you don't have to summon each one when trying to decide on a reward -- or, if any are on a mission, wait till they get back before accepting the reward.

3) A different icon above a contact's head if the mission is designed for mutiple players, so that solo players don't have to go through all the dialogue just to find they will need a team before proceeding.

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  • 3 weeks later...

1) Player housing, even if it is our ships to be decorated.

2)Character transfers, any server type to other non-pvp server types. PVP to any server type.

3)Better Character customization, like Galaxies had.


Thank you for your time.

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I don't know if this is already possible but being able to look at the breakdown of mods before we buy in a particular mod-able piece of armor, clothing, or weapon to tell what pieces have what stats. I know we can buy it and then look, but you can't have two mod-able pieces open (weapon or armor/clothing) at the same time to compare. I know this would mean you would need 3 windows open at once including inventory to strip mods but you should be able to move them from one piece to another directly.
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1) Change the art style so the characters aren't so cartoony (Oy! You didn't ask me to put something they'd really do!)


2) Add a lot more races. Alien ones (and I don't mean different hues of human)


3) Change the combat to be like Guild Wars 2, except with the addition of universal cover mechanic. (Again, my dreams not my reality.)

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1. Guild ships.

2. Allow Consulars and Inquisitors to wear any armor they want but with a heavy penalty. Why? Cause for RPing heavy armor toons can wear WHATEVER THEY WANT, and Cons and Inqs are limited to adaptive or light. It's crap.

3. Overhaul the social point system so it's not "the flashpoint system".

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1: Make worlds more alive with day/night time and more things that are not killing or finding stuff.


2: Cantina duels for 1v1 fights


3: Bigger PvP maps I hate the reference to WoW but kind of like Alteric Valley "spelling"

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1. Sandbox planet with player housing

2. Scavenger hunted house decorations

3. PVP on said sandbox/housing planet that results in the burning of houses and results in emotions that manifests themselves into vendetta mentality.

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