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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1: bigger warzone maps 16 vs 16

2: 4v4 rated warzone/arena

3: ranked duel 1v1



1: a small raid with only 1 or 2 bosses that are exstremly hard and no trash! :p

2:bigger world bosses

3: 3D open space for pvp and pve endgame content


and a new game engine would be great! if you need to take down the game for a week i dont care ! i want big pvp fights like 50 vs 50++ :D with out lagg!!

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1 - Longer operations. 10 bosses. Each boss drops 1 slot gear.

2- More e-peen items. Hard work = Exclusive. Like "warstalker" tittle, but with amors, mounts, pets etc.

3 - Re-design of Crew Skills. We need things to do. Allow to farm materials and schematics all around the galaxy to be a better crafter. The best crafter can't be the people chosen by their guilds to do RE.


Just, hard work, better rewards. That's the entire idea to improve a game with very few things to distinguish yourself.

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1) more stories regarding your companions. The only one you got do any quests with is your first companion usually, the others take off on their own to do the quest.. I'm guessing Bioware ran out of time to put them in (shrug)


2) put back in the companion consequence system, it would add depth to the decisions you make... As it is now doesn't matter what you choose, it all comes out the same more or less..


3) Add more unique random item drops in the Operation runs, that way I won't mind running it for the 100th time if there's something new I could get... As it is now you might get one unique item (usually speeder) and your gear and thats it, once you have that stuff there's no point in doing it anymore.... If guildies are going to force me to run it so they can get equipped it would be nice if new items are added every once in awhile to older operation runs to give me so incentive to do them.


#3 would also go a long ways in proving that it's not all about the Cartel Shop...... Because the way it looks now, is you guys are going to put minimal stuff in game and put all the cool stuff on the Cartel Shop and try and milk customers for everything you can.


Edited by Monoth
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1) GTN: Make schematics sortable (under crew skill subcategory) by the schematic's crafted item's level - not the schematic's level. Thus, a level 1 schematic that makes a level 29 blaster should show up under Armstech searches as level 29.


2) Post - 1.4 crashes: I'm on an old Win XP SP3 system with 3G of RAM and a 1G graphics card ... SWTOR crashes to the desktop about once every 90 minutes when I'm questing or in low action areas, and about once every 45 minutes in WZs, FPs or on fleet. I don't have this issue with either WoW or LOTRO. Please fix.


3) Allow companions in story mode Operations.

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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?



Mine is simple!

1. Transfers to other servers

2. Class change. For example, I am a Juggernaut and I wish I were a marauder. Boom, now I am. Oh and the training and re-gearing cost is on my shoulders since I chose to change the class

3. Character modifications….appearance, armor coloring, etc.


What are your top 3?


You pretty much said what i wanted to say too =)

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1. Buy Set-Bonuses for Armorings

<- For a specified (high!) amount of credits you can upgrade any "neutral" armoring with a freely selectable set bonus: E.g. Armorings ripped from endgame gear (rakata, etc.), crafted armorings or armorings bought in AH can get one of the three set-bonuses suitable for your character's class attached at a work station. Should be very expensive though (I'm thinking 1 Mio Credits). Only like this is social gear and cartel gear a viable option for endgame usage.


2. Switchable Second Gear

<- For quick changes between e.g. PvE and PvP-Setups: Simply add a tab on your character screen that shows a second version of all slots. Any piece of equipment can be used in both setups. The stuff that's included in the currently inactive gear-tab shows up in your inentory, but is somehow highlighted (or even put in an extra tab or section of the inventory) and can not be sold.


3. Key-Bindings and Qick-Slot configurations can be saved and reloaded.

<- I like to use different sets of key-bindings for PvE, PvP, Space missions and when I've respecced (but that's a lot of work so sometimes I just refrain from playing that content at all.) You can chose to either save the configuration of the quickbars and the abilites placed there along with the key-bindings or chose not to.

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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1. Fix/Add appearance options.

- Toggle Hood up/down

- Fix clothing lapping so my lightsaber doesn't go through my robes.

- Appearance tab similar to LotRO, SWG, etc.

- More lightsaber designs, original and iconic.

2. Further rewards for subscribers.

- Cartel market discount on all items.

- CE Vendor items.

3. Add more features to the legacy system.

- Legacy wide mounts.

- More rewards we can purchase.

- Perhaps a 'talent' system; in which we receive points every level that can be used to purchase unlocks.

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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?



Mine is simple!

1. Transfers to other servers

2. Class change. For example, I am a Juggernaut and I wish I were a marauder. Boom, now I am. Oh and the training and re-gearing cost is on my shoulders since I chose to change the class

3. Character modifications….appearance, armor coloring, etc.


What are your top 3?


Why even keep going, this guy just nailed all 3.

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1) Chat Bubbles


2) ALL Fleet vendors available on all planet main city or base. I want to hang out on Korriaban, not fleet while i pvp/pve que


3) Gear color matching to other items.

Edited by kirorx
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1. Animal Mounts, also increase the mount speeds to more so reflect speeders in the Star Wars universe. Come on, they released a cool looking pod racer that looks like a turtle could outrun it?


2. More playable species (The more non human the better).


3. More stuff to do endgame besides PVP and PVE raiding. (mini-games, collecting rare artifacts, collecting pets, chance for rare world drops).

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1) Guild Capital ships, which then expand to Guild fleets the bigger the fleet depends on the wealth of the guild and then GuildVGuild space battles (battlefront 2 style)


2) Full 3D space travel/battles


3) Mini games we all know what I'm on about


Any of these will keep me a happy player :)

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There's lots that I'd like changed, but the ones most annoying me at the moment are:


  • Having to give individual gifts to my companion. When I've got a stack of ~50 grade 2 gifts, that takes quite a while (& why is there a timer?), could we not just give the entire stack in one go?
  • Not being able to RE a bunch of items in one go if you're not a Biochem. Biochems can RE a stack of consumables in one go, but my Armourmech has to sit through REing a huge bunch of green lvl 49/50 belts one at a time to get the stuff for Augment kits.
  • There not being a smartphone app to enable me to send out my companions on missions (I'd buy a smartphone just for this, worryingly).
  • REing doesn't give back even amounts of the mats used to make the gear. On the above lvl 49/50 belt example, I get back twice as much (on average) Durasteel as I do Zal Alloy despite said belt needing the same amount of each. I don't mind getting back 50% of the mats used, but I'd like it to be properly random, or even so that over a large sample, I don't build up a large stack of Durasteel & run dry on Zal Alloy.

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