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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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I am actually surprised at people saying "a better quest system". ToR has the best one out to date. An actual story line with you being able to select responses. And not every quest is kill x amount. A lot of them have objectives. All other mmo's i just auto accept quests because there is no story or anything.


Those who want a better questing system I would love to hear then your ideas for a questing system that will level you 1-50 or 60 without having to kill x and bring back y etc.


TOR has the best "quest text delivery system" i.e. voice acting rather than reading text. Thats where its uniqueness ends. The quests themselves are bland for the most part. The storylines are nothing special.


Some things that I'd change to the questing system that would, in my opinion, make the game better:


1) Make choices in conversations have REAL consequences. If I get the choice to help or hinder someone, that should have a genuine effect on me, the quest, and preferably other people too. It makes you feel like you are living in a proper world, not playing through it.


2) Remove quest indicators completely. Don't know which game did it first, but man, way to pander to the ez-moders! By having quest indicators in an MMO, it reduces your need to follow the story. It reduces your need to use your brain. It removes an important part of the leveling process: interaction. It also encourages social interaction, e.g. "Can anyone tell me where to find X?" At the moment, we just follow the blip on the radar :S The same happened in LOTRO. At launch, no quest indicator. Lots of community interaction. Everyone got to know every bit of landscape because you HAD to explore to find everything, not just follow an arrow. After they introduced quest indicator, questing felt bland, uninvolved.


3) Show quest rewards in advance. I regularly over-level due to pvp, but I don't feel I can miss quests because I might miss out on loot. If I could see the loot in advance, I could pick and choose what quests to do based on all the information.


4) Questing in this game is too linear. Go to quest hub -> complete quests -> go to next hub -> repeat. Apart from the class quests and bonus series, there are no long arching quest lines. There are very few "stumble upon" quests. There are virtually no quests that are triggered by random deeds. Its a very efficient questing system, but its not fun.


5) Big rewards. Seriously, did any of you ever get excited about the rewards from a quest? Its like we're treated like bumbling idiots from 1-49 and only treated like grown-ups at level 50. Why are there no armour sets with bonuses pre-50? Why are there virtually no purple rewards from quests pre-50? In LOTRO, you'd get full / partial armour sets roughly every 10 levels after level 20. You'd get horses for completing deeds. You'd get some pretty epic weapons on a regular basis. In TOR? Basically just get rubbish blues, green and comms from 1-50.

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Things to add.

1. LFG tool that includes a daily for HM ops.

2.JTL like space combat with some meaningfull rewards for space that makes the space game more than a minigame that it is now.

3.Make the fleet stations no viehicle zones to stop the blocking of mail boxes and the gtn by lots of players being on viehicles making object imposible to target.

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1. Get rid of the Gear Treadmill for PVP along with the Expertise Stat. - 50 pvp is a mess. IMHO this is ruining the game. A little rant sorry, but I think the Gear Treadmill is a bunch of crap, its so greedy, instead of a level playing field and rewarding people cosmetically we're going to reward people who play more with stats so they can beat you down more...this is designed to keep people subscribing...what it is really doing is making people unsub.


2. Achievement System - Not the broken codex...a real achievement system...i feel embarrased this game doesn't have it in 2012...around January James Ohlen was commenting how it was important for retention...this gives players something to do and work on/for.


3. Add something else to the game - Wether it be 3D space or Pazaak/Sabaac which needs to be pvp....You guys could throw a FP, WZ, & OP at me every week and it just really doesnt do it for me...take advantage of the Star Wars License.

Edited by Darththai
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1) Refine lfg to support cross server groups and ops/hms

2)Expand Legacy: more perks and make levels reduce the costs

3) More conversations in instances. But make em relatively short so people who skip em dont have to wait for long.

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1. Allow mats to stack to 999

2. When you log into the forum have it take you back to the page you logged in from

3. Fix group companion bug where if a larger than 2 group drops to a 2-man group the companions don't auto-call when you jump off your speeder

4. Improve the loot system. The need or greed system gets abused in pick up groups.

5. Hard Mode Flash Point loot drops - make Bind on Legacy instead of Bind on Pick Up; this is important for the crafting schematics and vehicles

6. Long term - would be nice if you could train crew skills on the starter planets to help people get started with gathering low item mats

7. Character consolidation transfer option so we can have our main characters on the same server.

8. Fix the bug with crafting missions. If you have, for example, 400 slicing and are leveling Archaeology and send companions off on missions to level Arch, then when you go to send another off on the Slicing, it won't display the 400-level Slicing missions, but instead whatever you are on for Arch.

Edited by pooks
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1) At least 10 new races from ones that already have models and speak basic...see other threads for suggestions.

2) Guild Bases of Some Sort, Plus Guild Enemies/Allies - There is little significance of being in a guild right now other than it being a glorified friends list (gamewise)

3) Sandbox instances on planets that are explorable - maybe even randomly generated with some intelligence

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1) improve grouping with lower levels; namely implement a sort of "master and apprentice" mode that allows you to group with a low level player and help them through all their quests, not just their repeatable quests. Don't "remove" high level abilities but instead implement a feature that will scale the power of the abilities to be 5-10 levels above the current quest's recommended level (allow it to be toggled on/off on a 15 or 30 minute timer so if necessary the high level can bail their low level party out).


2) alter crafting so failed reverse engineering attempts gradually improve changes of learning a new schematic.


3) flexibility in weapons based on role + weapon training. For example allow all Jedi DPS classes to have the option of single saber, double blades saber, or dual sabers. Let all Smuggler DPS classes have the option of dual wield etc. It is kind of annoying that my Jedi Shadow has training in other weapons besides double bladed sabers but has to use double bladed sabers if I want to use some high level abilities.

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1. Better "Space" -- 3D, Ship Decoration, Pilotable, Multiplayer Co-Op in ships and turrets

2. Better Crafting UI -- Hierarchy Grouping, Mouseover item name on left side of screen to show item stats

3. In-game Voice Chat -- Without it meeting/playing with new people is short, curt, and difficult to know them. Vent. etc. is fine for existing guildies, terrible for meeting future ones.

Edited by Stryklone
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1. Space upgraded with no rails. (ex: Jump To Lightspeed)


2. Legacy Cargo Hold. (Have a Legacy perk to access a cargo hold to all your toons to store crafting materials etc.)


3. Instead of having voice overs based on class, update it based on species. Granted I know this is more time consuming and costly. Yet playing the same class with a different species that sounds exactly the same is kind of weird. (That way when you do release new playable species it's like adding a different play through, instead of listening to the same voice as before.)

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1) When I am looking in and tabbing over inventory and I have my companion up in my my screen I want to see the difference in their stats when equipped not in mine.


You can do this already:


Preferences - User Interface - Tooltip (scroll down a bit) - Enable Companion Comparitive Tooltips


Pick again :D

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I'd like the legacy to work in between certain servers. There are too many things that I want to do to contain within 8 characters. :p


Also, I'm sure it's already been said, I'd LOVE to see more armors. I think more headgear should be able to be equipped without interfering with the hoods on certain body armors.


As for an add, perhaps a style-based outfit system? Something like what DCUO does? Like if you find a better helmet but the one you have looks cooler, you can wear the better helmet but make it look like the cooler one is on?


Oh yeah, and maybe some ship skins? Like, laser-scoring, damaged or exposed circuitry, or different colors?


I dunno, just a thought.

Edited by Blightspawn
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Same Gender Romance

Cooler PVE armor styles for level range 30-45 (especially consular)

Edit: Legacy-wide social points


Runner up (got edited out): More faction exclusive flashpoints

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1. Paid transfer system. No limits on what server you can go. This should include options to change your race,sex and name.

2. Cross Realm flashpoints and pvp.

3. Better travel. Right now, going between planets is a pain. Add options like "teleport to ship" or to set somewhere as "home" so you can teleport there whenever you need.


A few extras:

4. Add more quickbars! I'm the kind of player that needs to have everything on a quickbar (even if not used frequently), and I'm dramatically running out of space.

5. Add more customization options for the UI.

6. Mod swapping cost should be much less expensive (or even free).

7. Add more crafting recipes that are competitive at end-game.

8. While I don't think a "Jump To Lightspeed" system would be so good. I still would love "X-wing vs. TIE fighter" type scenarios to play either alone or with friends.

9. Add more mini-games. Pazaak, Sabacc, pod-racing, holocron-like scavenger hunts could be nice options.

Edited by cach-x
adding more...
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1. Cross-server transfers / consolidation of all characters to a single server with added character slots. (Free for cross-continental transfers/people who have been here since the beginning.)


2. Open world PvP.


3. Nightmare mode flashpoints.

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I've always found this bizarre. Games often get criticized because "you just go to point X to get y and maybe fight some people".


Isn't that a staple of every single RPG??? Fallout 1/2/3/NV, System Shock 1/2, Skyrim, Baldur's Gate, the Bard's Tale...


These are the more unique of the RPGs and if you think about it... you always go to point x to get y and maybe fight some people.


Heck, that describes my job on a daily basis!!!


The fun is in unique environments, the challenge (yes, harder and more unforgiving games are better), and the rewards you get.


- Arcada

Exactly. And that is why I felt ToR did an awesome job of not making it feel so bland. There were a lot of quests involving things besides kill x and get y. You had to save people, plant bombs, turn off gasses, etc. But it was just go there do it and return. The cut scenes, environment, etc. made it a lot more enjoyable.


But there is no other system really. The Secret World even does this and there is no levels. People just need to realize that, that is how it is. I would love for a complainer to come up with a better system that will get people to max level without running short of quests.

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1: Full color pallete armor dyeing. If you like the style of an armor but you hate the color you are just plain out of luck. And make it for the companions too.


2: Space Combat more like JTL. I like Space Combat but I would like it so much more if it was free flight in a ship of my choosing.


3: More companion customization.

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