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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1: To fix all of the bugs that are still in the game 9 months later.

2: To fix all of the bugs that are still in the game 9 months later.

3: To fix all of the bugs that are still in the game 9 months later.

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1) PVP: Would like to see the old Ilum battle turned into a Warzone for 8-16 players on each side. Also more Huttball arenas that are randomized as players spawn into the Warzone. Removal of Expertise from PvP gear. Keep stats different from PvE gear as far as Crit/Power/Alacrity/Surge allocations to give players incentives to do both PvP and PvE to fully optimize their gear. Removal of Expertise will allow players that enjoy PvP to gear up mainly through PvP, but still be able to compete in PvE content. The same is true for PvE -> PvP. This would breathe life into both aspects of the game, as more PvE players would try out PvP, and vice versa, without a pure PvP stat standing in the way of both. Obviously, players with no Expertise get crushed in PvP, and players with a lot of Expertise are very suboptimal for PvE. Fix this, please.


2) Space: Full 3D space battles, including PvP space fights. No more of the flying along a set path stuff, please. It's very boring. Also, increase rewards for doing space missions. Include Guild Capital Ships, plus faction Capital Ships that can be attacked in PvE/PvP scenarios for special ship upgrades/potential new ships. If anyone on the Dev team is familiar with EVE/STO, that is definitely the model to take a look at when considering ideas for how to improve the SWToR space combat. Get familiar with what those games offer, and make it better.


3) PvE: More variety in PvE leveling content. The leveling system is too linear, currently. Adjust planets to have a larger range of leveling (i.e. Starting World from 1-10, Dromund Kaas/Coruscant and Taris/Balmorra 10-20, Nar Shadaa/Tatooine/Alderaan 20-30, Taris/Balmorra (high end)/Quesh/Hoth 30-40, Belsavis/Voss/Corellia 40-50). Meaning any one of those planets in the listed range can be used for the full range of leveling. This would require slight adjustments to the XP rewards and level ranges of all quests on each planet. Class quests can be kept as they are, encouraging players to at least visit the planets their class quest takes them to. This change would be an overall decrease in the time required to level. This is an option I believe should be explored after more end-game content is added.


4) Side Content: Pazaak, "Pod" Racing, Nar Shadaa Casino Gambling, etc etc. Add things that give players something to do outside of PvP/PvE/Space content. It's fun. Pazaak was one of the more interesting time-wasters we had in the KotOR games. It needs to return here, and be competitive. Players should be able to play against each other, and an AI opponent. Allow players to bet credits on games. Also, another fun thing to add! I recall a portion of a KotOR game where players had a quest to fight opponents in an arena 1v1, while the story around them had people betting on the outcome of the fights. Allow players to participate in this kind of action, with either AI vs AI fighting, or Player vs AI, or Player vs Player, and allow side betting to occur for players that watch. Side content should be a HUGE focus right now, I think. Games within games, as it were. Your MMO competitors are focusing on this quite a bit (See: World of Warcraft Pet Battles).




Thanks for your consideration!

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I guess if I had to choose three things:


1. Big Space update. Guild ships, ship customizations, Ship to ship/boarding party combat (PVE and PVP stuff here. I realize that there are a few flashpoints and Voidstar that sort of focus on this, but I would like to see more and taken in other directions. IE, guild ships attacking each other), off-the-rails space missions/content. I like the space missions, and I like Starfox, but I loved X-Wing and Tie Fighter even more. True Doggfighting.


2. Star Wars mini-games. What I mean by this are things already in the lore that can easily give people more play options. Pazzak, Holo-chess, Pod racing, Swoop/Speeder racing. The customization options for all of these alone would make for good opportunities for crafters.


3. More story content, voice acted. Class and companions (existing ones, not just HK) This is the driving force of the game, the selling point for many of us. We came to play our own Star Wars saga. This is what sets it apart from games like WoW and other MMO's. It's the gimmick that you gave it, it's a BW staple, and you should definetely not take shortcuts here.

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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?



Mine is simple!

1. Transfers to other servers

2. Class change. For example, I am a Juggernaut and I wish I were a marauder. Boom, now I am. Oh and the training and re-gearing cost is on my shoulders since I chose to change the class

3. Character modifications….appearance, armor coloring, etc.


What are your top 3?



Much, much, much, much better character customization.

Many, many, many, many more playable species.

The ability to use whatever color lightsaber I want despite my "Force level"

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In a more serious post from me...


1) More playable races (and not just Star Wars and the Amazing Technicolor Humans)

I'm talking Rodian, Wookie, Sullustan, Trandoshan, Mon Calamari, Duros, Nautolan, Droids, Jawa, Kaleesh, Kel Dor, Selonian, Gormak [especially Gormak])

2) More Space Battles and Space Battle-type variety.

New missions (not harder versions of the same missions), Multiplayer Co-op (either more than one ship or one ship and 1+ gunner), Multiplayer Vs (Even StarFox 64 had this and that's the closest system that this space combat gets to)

3) More Fluff

New toys, better/different animations, not penalized greatly by flavor items (like a 10 hr cooldown on a toy that lasts 3 seconds)

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Top 3 things would be tough. I wish it was top 5 but ill list 3 of my 5.


1. Real space. Space that you can multiplayer, pvp, raids, missions etc. I want to fly to planets, around planets, around the systems.


2. Things to do outside of what we have... mini games like swoop racing and casino games... they have to be multiplayer. I want to race real people not NPCs. I want to play casino games against real people and not just the "house"


3. Housing like Rift is adding.

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1. Pazak

2. Multi Player Space Mission

3. Guild Ships/Fleets, a "imperial Fleet" or "Ziost Shadow" type vessel, which guild need to work together to obtain; to obtain them you would need to complete mission. These missions can have a variety of items which are needed i.e. A special type of Guild Cred(which could be obtained through special missions/missions already in-game, Crafting Materials(After all Ships require resources) and much more. By completing these missions you can unlock the vessel and add things to it. Star Trek Online has this already and it's very fun.:eek:

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1. real space IE 3d not on rails (but keep the rail system also even if its not the best thing it can be fun)

2. more OPS its nice we know about one coming but there needs to be another one after that with in 3 months

3. world vs world or world vs world vs world combat and server wide bonues for wining both pvp and pve

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Major bug fixes:

1. Fix ability lag, it is here from launch, you made some fixes to this bug, but it is not completely fixed.

2. Fix performance of engine


Small advice for pvp: balance classes before adding new tier of gear/


Want to see:

1. PVP in space, with ability to change ship, type of ship, customization of ship

2. RvR would like to see imperials on corruscant....even just for event

3. Pod racing, like in good ol' game, just google pod racer


Well everything is impossible tho.

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1. More dev responses and attention to the pvp forums and PVP in general. You guys need to come clean with what the fudge you plan on doing for us pvp fans. I think its time we had some answers. ILUM? Do you remember a planet called Ilum devs?? NO??!! Man, you guys are the ones that created it lololol. :mad:


2. Cross server pvp queues.


3. Merging the questing areas for both republic and empire where possible.



I think its time the devs stopped focusing all their attention on useless pve crap and paid attention to us pvp'ers just a teeeeny bit.

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1. What we really need is a poll-system.

That way we could vote on the community top 3 not only voice our personal top 3.


2.They could also do like a monthly top 10 where we vote on the top 10 things we want done.

The first 5 get done in priority order, the second 5 get put on next months list together with 5 other issues.

That way they could easily see what we want and how badly we want it.

It would also help the community in that, just like the charakters they play, everyone gets a voice. People would actually get the feeling that swtor is not only a game they play, but their game!


3. I dont really have a 3, someone else take mine...^^

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1. The class and role balance in level 50 PVP should be fixed.


2. The time it takes to gain the attributes of top tier PVP gear should be lowered. Note that gining the look (shell you put the mods in) of current and future top tier gear however I am OK with taking a long time, that can be a prestige thing, a way to show off what you've accomplished.


3. A dual spec feature should be implemented.

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Well # 1 has a few top spot needs done.

1- Fix sever lag and bugs (very very annoying not seeing hot fixes on these issues)/ CONTENT - weather it be pvp or pve. The interviews an the promises that are said about content month in and month out have been total BS LIES. Please for Christ sakes do what you say youre gonna do.


2- crafting. It would be really nice to be able to craft the greens items that have some pretty fair looks into blue/purple/orange (open slots for mods). While reverse eng them of course to learn better schematics on that same item look that was green at start. I could of swore a dev said in a interview a long time ago that crafters that spent lots of time doing it would an or could be able to craft rare items that could make them one of a few people on server to make that items. Maybe not in that exact wording but roughly that.


3- for the love of god adjust the damn prices on everything by half if not more in some cases. Training gets way to expensive. Learning new crafting items get out of hand fast. ALL THE PERKS THREW LEGACY ARE EXTREAMLY HIGHT. I can understand why a perk that requires level 25 is F U EXPENSIVE.


An a bonus tip for BW since they are going f2p ( which I'm totally against) leveling is way way to fast. I strongly suggest you slow that down a lot. I started a new toon yesterday, did all the quest on first three planets and started the fourth. I did roughly 2 sections of nar shadda. Mind you I also did some flashpoints here n there. Plus it is a different server, which means zero help from any other toon nor legacy. I reached the level of 27 an still haven't finished half if not more of the 4th planet.

IMO when I am about to finish a planet, I really should be struggling to get one more level so I can move on to the next one. I mean really, why have repeatable heroics on the planet if they aren't even needed to blow threw the planet without touch 50% of the content on that planet.

So slow that down big time

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1) Monthly updates the first of each month with -NEW- content. Not re skinned, textured slightly tweaked items that already exist in your database.


2) Developer communication with timetables of what is coming when. NOT CS reps saying the same we don't know and "Soon"


3) Better looking customizable gear. Most of your gear looks like garbage. You need to fire whoever designed it and hire some people who know how to make appeasing gear on the eyes. A WIDE Variety of it.

Edited by Darth-Malice
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1) 3 Dimensional Space Combat.

Jump to Lightspeed is a great example, it would also open the floor to PVP and guild capital ships.


2) Ranked Raids.

I want to be able to see how much damage/healing/defense/etc I do during Operations compared to the rest of my team. This is important for learning our strengths and weaknesses. You could also open the floor to game mods and have someone else make it for you.


3)Guild Wars.

SWG had the ability to declare war on another guild. This leaves anyone whose in that particular guild "attackable" to the opposing guild, regardless of whether or not they are imp or rep. I think it would be a fun for people who find the PVP grind dull.




Its not on my list, but I am curious where is the Bioware same sex love? Its something Bioware is famous for. Is it fear of a lash back to certain countries? If thats the case block it on certain servers. Don't let the rest of us suffer for it. However, as I said its not really on my list and can wait. Least in my opinion.

Edited by ZackAlklazaris
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