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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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And things that won't happen but I have fun asking for:

- Dragon Age 2 getting re-done with some actual effort involved


..mkay, I'm done. <3



my hero :p


1. each time i board my ship a companion is using my annoying ship droid as a target or experiment.

ex: skadge or kaliyo using him as a punching bag.

blizz or mako taking him apart.

2. different /sit animation .

3. a different animation for hilt strike.

Edited by vojinsa
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the population of our server has recently just about tripled, which means 3 times as many people doing black hole dailies. any reasonable person would think about at least doubling the amount of resources for triple the amount of people. Or perhaps drastically lowering the number of people it takes to open another instance, as no one actually has to use them if they don't want to.

on top of this, we can now have 12 characters instead of 8, that's a potential 33% population increase on top of the merger. its hard enough to get dailies done for 8 characters at the current respawn rate, there won't be time to do anything else,including have a real life, if you try to do it for 12.

the over crowding doesn't promote a good community,someone will complain, someone else will tell them to ****, then the fur flies and at least 2 more people are ignoring each other soon, which does not promote a good community.

i know people can group up but a lot of people apparently don't want to, and since they pay to play the game just like everyone else, they shouldn't be forced to if they don't want to.

please raise the respawn rate of weapons crates and drall engineers drastically, or just make a permanent 3 instances with the ability to open more if those have more than maybe 30 people in them.

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1. Small random events happening all over the galaxy 24/7. Like for example tusken raiders trying to attack Anchorhead, Imps/Reps attacking bases with vehicles etc.


2. Add some life to the planets because right now they feel really static. Make people go do their every day business, enemies patrolling areas etc. It is really weird to see tons of enemies standing in middle of nowhere doing nothing.


3. Make the planets more open with tons of places to explore, hidden caves, tombs etc.

Edited by Skorz
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1. New Character Name binding program. Instead of binding the first name, give us the Legacy name at character creation and bind it to the account or server. Then, allow us to create any first name we want. The Legacy name could be what is shown on everyone's friends list with the first name in parenthesis or something. This is the best way IMO to enhance the RP aspect of the naming issue. Some of us were pretty pissed about losing toon names with this transfer...having to add vowel accents and crap to a simple names like "Liam" or "Evie". This is a very old, way out-dated issue of most MMO's...someone needs to blaze the trail on solving it.


2. Space combat minus the rails. Star Wars Battlefront on XBOX is what come to mind...giving us real SW movie type objectives while being able to fly however and wherever we want. I think that was Battlefront?


3. Space combat minus the rails PLUS...PVP =). Come on, who wouldn't want that?


4. Mini-games!


5. A simple darth can control a huge star destroyer or fleet, but the galaxy's greatest hero (the player) has a little measly ship? I suggest guild capital ships.




Yes that was 5. Do something about it :)

Edited by ObiJuanShenobi
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Beeing able to run with 3 comps out in HCs and FPs. LFG is a fickle ***** sometimes even as a tank...not to mention all the "ignore"-food you come across.


Color matching/hood control also for comps. Hood control for main. And fix the lightsaber out prob with comps. It worked long after release why not now? Roll back a subroutine ffs.


Legacy crafting mats bank sharing for all my chars.


Datacrons shared in legacy.


Thats the most important stuff for me anyho.

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1 Developers with some common sense.

2 Developers that think things threw.

3 Developers that listen to the players, instead of trying to shove thier idea down our throats, even after its an obvios fail. ( " but but wait, they have to like it, I mean it was my idea and iam brilliant, my mother told me so." )


Now 3 things I believe are the worst parts of the game


1 You cant get there from here, or having to go all the way around a planet to get 10 feet from where you are standing. ( Iam sure the artists want us to see thier work, but ya know what? after ya see it a millon times, you just get sick of it. )

2 If I can watch TV whial Iam Killing a mob, then its taking way to long to kill it.

3 nerfing a class, as unbalanced as PVP is in this game? I mean really, who cares.

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Main things I want? It's hard to narrow it down to 3 but...


1 - Spec Changes. I want to have a spec for PVP and one for PVE.


2 - A mentor/sidekick/henchmen system. Let us scale down in level to play with friends, and scale our gear/stats down in the process.


3 - Clothing dyes. There's a ton more social features I want (hood toggle, sitting in chairs, chat bubbles) but this is the one I want most.

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And it doesn't work half the time.


I've never had a problem with it. The only time I've thought it wasn't working it turned out to be other things:

1. No comparison pops up if the companion has nothing in that slot (head, ear, implant)

2. Periodically patches/maintenance seem to default preferences and typically this is an option that's easy to miss (especially if you're end game and not changing companion gear often)


From what I've seen this has never been broke it's always been one of the two above when it hasn't worked for me, could be wrong though.

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1, DAoC RVR like pvp.

2. Jump to Light Speed like space, non instanced.

3. More active planets (high and kow lvl) like Tatooine in SWG


1. Was talking about this the other day to a Friend, and really to have DAoC style RvR you need the 3 factions. The main thing I would have changed is instead of going Old Republic they should have gone the Dark Horse comics "Legacy" route.


I think Dark Horse did a lot of the promo comics before the game lauched so I'm sure they wouldn't mind using their idea. For those that haven't read them the "Legacy" comics are set 125 years after the movies Luke is dead, and based around his grandson. In this time frame, there are basically 3 factions The Empire (Imperial knights, storm troopers), Galactic aliance (Jedi knights) and the Sith Order (sith).


Wouldn't ever happen as it would pretty much be a new game, but I Think a lot of the characters are there. Smugglers, bounty hunters and Jedi could make up the galactic alaince. Troopers, and agents the Empire (add in a new charater called Imperial Knights, force users) and Sith Warrior, Sith inquistor the sith order (maybe a form of Trooper as well).


Maybe a little off topic but I thought I would add it anyway.

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1. JTL Style Space (See Elite [1984], Egosoft X Series and Independence War 2 for inspiration)


2. Instanced Housing - Not quite like in SWG where there were massive spans of deserted homes. Instanced housing like apartments or condos that could be decorated. Maybe give people a reason to visit Coruscant and DK.


3. Vehicular Combat - Vehicles should be customizable and upgradable. With weapons :D. There should be areas (ON BIG OPEN PLANETS or WARZONES) where it is appropriate to use vehicles. Digital Illusions was able to do this 10 YEARS AGO staring with Battlefield 1942 (See also Battlezone II: Combat Commander from 1999) . This is STAR WARS. Vehicles are EPIC. Make use of the IP FFS!

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1. Shorter cool down on quick travel.

2. RvR (or ideally RvRvR).

3. 300% plus speed increase mounts! as i hate slow riding :(


Maybe they will sell the 300% mounts in the shop.


Only thing with RvR though is you need more than 2 factions or it could be unbalanced as people will run to the winning side leaving one side OP

Edited by XmaceukX
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