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Make it possible to choose which Warzones you want to queue for!


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I love the pvp in this game, except Huttball!


Everytime Huttball comes up I want to shoot myself in the face and I always leaves right away. I know this isnt cool against everyone else in the team but I cant stand it.


You should make it possible to choose which ones you want to queue up for, like in the PvE groupfinder. I know everyone has a map they hate. I would be glad to queue a little longer to get rid of that damn Huttball game...

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I don't know I hate it too I only stick with it when its for my last daily. I don't get the impression that its a popular as it may seem in the forums because its the only map I have been on where I see people exit as soon as they zone in.
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That would make for very fast Huttball queues, and no queues for anything else.


The OP would seriously regret his suggestion if they actually listened to him.


Agree to disagree. I belive that many people feel the same way as I do. And maybe someone hates Voidstar, then they can untick that one. Im sure that it would work.


Btw, the pattern is very simple to see. Everyone on the imp side loves Huttball while the reps hate it, cuz we lose 90% of the matches.

Edited by Snoizer
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Agree to disagree. I belive that many people feel the same way as I do. And maybe someone hates Voidstar, then they can untick that one. Im sure that it would work.


Btw, the pattern is very simple to see. Everyone on the imp side loves Huttball while the reps hate it, cuz we lose 90% of the matches.


Here is a link to my Rank The Warzone Maps thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=465002


Per the data collected, Huttball is by far the most popular map, getting more number one rankings than all other maps combined.

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Btw, the pattern is very simple to see. Everyone on the imp side loves Huttball while the reps hate it, cuz we lose 90% of the matches.


Speak for yourself.


Also, OP's idea is not something I would want.

Edited by Pistols
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Here is a link to my Rank The Warzone Maps thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=465002


Per the data collected, Huttball is by far the most popular map, getting more number one rankings than all other maps combined.


Good then all you you people who want to play huttball can choose it. You should have no que problems. Let the rest of us choose the ones we like to play. There is enough people playing that que times should be just fine. Personally I would que for all other warzones and then every once in a while play huttball.


Let us choose. Its ridiculas that we can't choose what we want to play. Besides quoting an 11 page post which we all know that the actual posters in this community as a percentage of those who play is small at best. Your stats are worth very little.


Oh and for the record I know many many people who very much dislike hutball and would prefer never to play it.

Edited by Morath
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Good then all you you people who want to play huttball can choose it. You should have no que problems. Let the rest of us choose the ones we like to play. There is enough people playing that que times should be just fine. Personally I would que for all other warzones and then every once in a while play huttball.


Let us choose. Its ridiculas that we can't choose what we want to play. Besides quoting an 11 page post which we all know that the actual posters in this community as a percentage of those who play is small at best. Your stats are worth very little.


It's a terrible idea, one that will never happen, cheers.

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It's a terrible idea, one that will never happen, cheers.


No its not. What exactly is your reasoning for it being a terrible Idea? You want to force people to play stuff they don't like? What the rational? EA did it with warhammer.. I wouldn't be to sure about that..

Edited by Morath
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It's a terrible idea, one that will never happen, cheers.


Lol i dont see the problem! If Huttball is so damn popular why do you huttball-lovers care, it will just give u shorter queues. And we who hates it can either chose to sit in a longer queue or just tick huttball and play that to if it takes to long.


It wont hurt anyone, it will be the exact same thing as now but with an option to choose if you really want to.

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I think they will probably add the choice when they add free to play, so they can charge for any new warzone types.


I think the reason people like different warzones also relates to the class/role they play; obviously some classes have abilities that make them have more fun in huttbull than the others.

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I LOVE that its random. the last thing i need is to join agame with 8 juggs in huttball. thats what you would deal with if we could pick the ones we wanted


Exactly. Some peeps tho, want easy mode wins, and sadly request dumb stuff.

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Good then all you you people who want to play huttball can choose it. You should have no que problems. Let the rest of us choose the ones we like to play. There is enough people playing that que times should be just fine. Personally I would que for all other warzones and then every once in a while play huttball.


Let us choose. Its ridiculas that we can't choose what we want to play. Besides quoting an 11 page post which we all know that the actual posters in this community as a percentage of those who play is small at best. Your stats are worth very little.


Oh and for the record I know many many people who very much dislike hutball and would prefer never to play it.


Lol, nothing beats challenging actual data (a ranking poll) with anecdotes for a good laugh at the irony. Thanks for that!


FYI - I never said I was opposed to choosing, I merely pointed out that people who hate Huttball will hate the game even more when they never get any queues to pop since the vast majority of people will be playing Huttball.

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