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Grand Acquistions Race Vs Rakghoul Plague


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Oh I nearly forgot, one part of the story that I really enjoyed in the Rakghoul event (though I can totally understand why other's didn't ) was how it felt more immersive, for example, if you travelled to the fleet via your ship rather than your fleet pass, when you arrived in your hangar there was containment crew waiting to scan you, if you were infected with the plague they would attack. The npc's were all regular mobs and easily defeated so they weren't an issue to deal with and they just made the story feel that little bit more realistic. The plague wasn't just something that Tatooine was worried about but something the entire fleet was concerned with. The story in the GAR event didn't offer any connection to me or anything I felt my characters would particularly care about.
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I enjoyed both, for different reasons, and thought the plague parties during the Rakhgoul event were rather hilarious. But one of the many things I liked about the GAR was the mail I got after the communication ended, saying that the Gree are inbound.


Yes, some may see it as in-game advertising, but I thought using the event to actually herald changes in the game world was infinitely better than, say, rubbing the serial numbers off a Terran holiday and basing an event on that, like SOME mmorpgs I could name. Not that I'd object to a Life Day event if there was one ... no singing please :).


Rather enjoyed the pleasantly Zen nature of the Box Hunt, myself, but I can see that if you were on a schedule it'd be very annoying indeed. 250 tokens for a pet is a serious investment of time.

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rahkgoul -


was a blast, was everywhere, some good rewards for just about anyone

I really enjoyed this one.


aq race -


omg crates sucked hard - too slow respawn, too few

huge *** bug allowed most people to insta complete it

rewards very narrow

felt too short

I participated just enough to get the pet and bike

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The last email I got made it sound like the GAR event isn't over....just waiting for the next part.




Plus if you remember the event started on a Tuesday when there was no maintenance and this this Tuesday there is no maintenance again!?

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I think over all the Rakghoul event was a bit hard to fully participate in, but the GAR was a bit to easy.

I thought the weapon rewards for both events were limited, but I thought that's OK.

I can't understand peopel saying only a few classes could take advantage of the rewards, as I'm sure every class has a companion that uses Blaster Rifles. I played the event with a a class I wanted a bowcaster for my companion, Agent/Caliyo, and another one I just picked up the speeder. I think it would be great if the speeders could also be Bound to Legacy, but as the items just give you a travel power I guess that would be difficult.

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You forgot the most annyoing to people that didn't care to participate award, which obviously goes to the Rakghoul thing.


If you didn't want to do the GAR content you really didn't notice anything different, you just kept on keeping on. But every dam where you went during that freaking crapgoul event there was some tool trying to explode next to you, giving you some crap you either and to go buy a cure for or have to tolerate blowing up every 5 minutes because of. It made the simple task of going the fleet to check the GTN a nightmarish pain in the butt. That was the stupidest thing I've ever seen in any quest on any game and the designer of that event deserves a good solid kick in the junk just for dreaming it up, and two more plus a throat punch for implementing it.

Edited by bahdasz
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It was far too short. (The Grand Acquistions Race)




I ran my main through it as the event quests were released. After taking a day or two off I was going to run my alt through it, but discovered the event was strangely already over.


The weapons were a huge disappointment too. BWs excuse for that is that there is going to be one type of legacy weapon per event, but that will just piss off certain people every event. Whoever thought of that needs to be fired.

Edited by Radzkie
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