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Why aren't tank vangaurds / powertechs used more in huttball?


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I think this class/spec has to be hands down the best huttball player.


A tank with both a leap and a pull.

Hold the line is longer than a shadow tanks resiliance or a jugs unstoppable.

Shock absorbers to take less damage on stun (effectively cancels out a shadow tank's nerve wrecking talent).


I know their damage output is rumored to be terrible compared to a shadow tank - but a vangaurds tactic tree has me convinced they're the number one ball handler.

Edited by Order-Sixty-Six
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I think this class/spec has to be hands down the best huttball player.


A tank with both a leap and a pull.

Hold the line, is longer than a shadow tanks resiliance or a jugs unstoppable.

Shock absorbers to take less damage on stun (effectively cancels out a shadow tank's nerve wrecking talent).


I know their damage output is rumored to be terrible compared to a shadow tank - but a vangaurds tactic tree has me convinced they're the number one ball handler.


You can't get hold the line and leap, both are tier 5 talents. Besides that i agree, Vanguard tanks are very good in huttball, almost as good as guardians ;-)

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You can't get hold the line and leap, both are tier 5 talents. Besides that i agree, Vanguard tanks are very good in huttball, almost as good as guardians ;-)


EDIT: wait nvm you're right. wth thought it was on that tree.


Was it changed? Could of swore I remembered seeing it on that tree before.

Edited by Order-Sixty-Six
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I think this class/spec has to be hands down the best huttball player.


It's the best because it doesn't exist.


A tank with both a leap and a pull.

Hold the line is longer than a shadow tanks resiliance or a jugs unstoppable.

Shock absorbers to take less damage on stun (effectively cancels out a shadow tank's nerve wrecking talent).


I know their damage output is rumored to be terrible compared to a shadow tank - but a vangaurds tactic tree has me convinced they're the number one ball handler.


You can't have both Hold the Line/Hydraulic Overrides and Storm/Jet Charge because they are 21 point talents in different trees. If you put that many points into Tactics/Advanced Prototype then you're no longer a tank.

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It's the best because it doesn't exist.




You can't have both Hold the Line/Hydraulic Overrides and Storm/Jet Charge because they are 21 point talents in different trees. If you put that many points into Tactics/Advanced Prototype then you're no longer a tank.


I've already corrected myself.

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EDIT: wait nvm you're right. wth thought it was on that tree.


Was it changed? Could of swore I remembered seeing it on that tree before.


In beta I believe you could get both but it was changed and nerfed.



Also No tank PT's are not as good as the jugg spec for ball running in HB.

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Also No tank PT's are not as good as the jugg spec for ball running in HB.


yeah. not even close. but they do have great hb utility. thing is...you could have yourself a guardian tank and a shadow tank (in stalker gear) that isn't as good as the trooper's utility, but does a hell of a lot more dps. can get through any one fire with cc immunity for 5s - and hb is only 1 of 4 possible wz's that you'll end up in.

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I think this class/spec has to be hands down the best huttball player.


A tank with both a leap and a pull.

Hold the line is longer than a shadow tanks resiliance or a jugs unstoppable.

Shock absorbers to take less damage on stun (effectively cancels out a shadow tank's nerve wrecking talent).


I know their damage output is rumored to be terrible compared to a shadow tank - but a vangaurds tactic tree has me convinced they're the number one ball handler.


I have had games where I scored 6/6 goals in huttball in tactics spec, though this spec does NOT have a leap - tanking tree does, still the ultimate ballcarier is hands down my guardian.

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Because in organised HB(and every other warzone) having a hybrid tanksin(in dps gear) and a hybrid juggarnaut in full tank gear is alot better.

The tanksin can score every 45 seconds,when force shroud is on cd the tanksin only needs to stay in stealth on enemy line so the Jugg can leap him.

The tanksin can also use pull and insta whirlwin to give the jugg a free leap to very good positions.

With tank PT as ball carrier,in organised pvp(ranked) he wont get a free leap,walking past fires will mean deaht as he has no cc immunity,he will need to rely on sorc pulls .

Its just so much better to have a hybridsin and jugg,both are almost unkillable with cds up and both have the utility to score goals(friendly leap/shroud).

Maybe a tank PT but in the dps tree so they get cc immunity might work as ball carrier..

maybe something like this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301RRGrboMZrsrMobcz.2

but outside of HB it wouldn't be near as good as tanksin or hybrid jugg

Edited by Aehgo
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Juggernaut/Guardian Grabs Ball. Intercedes to team-mate across firepit/onto catwalks. Force Leaps on enemy across fire, positions and force pushes them off catwalk. Force Leaps across second firepit to goal line. Uses Intimidating Roar to AOE Mez. Struts into goal-line like a boss.
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I have played a Vanguard in two different sets of War Hero Gear with the appropriate spec. SuperCommando (ion cell) and Eliminator (plasma cell).


I kinda think I suck at Hutt more than any other Warzone. Half the time my Harpoon doesn't work, but I seem able to get opponents into the acid pit far more often than the fire traps. Perhaps because the pit covers more area.


Hutt is all about passing and denying specific areas to the enemy. Perhaps it is the warzone that relys the least on class type and the most on plain old experience.


Force speed, pushing/blasting opponents off of ramps, pulling friendlys to you, and mezzing all provide much greater benefit than anything a Vanguard can offer. I am currently a dps Vanguard (assault spec). The best I can do is deny or own a specific piece of real estate and pass the ball. I don't do bad at that, but my utility is far from being ideal for Huttball.


For me, Huttball is about creating a chain of passes where spacing is critical. The potential receiver must be aware and make himself available. That means being within range, being in a spot that gains ground past a barrier (acid, fire, elevation), and away from obstructions that can block line of sight. A good rule of thumb is to find a higher level that is unoccupied by a team mate. The passers on the lower levels must always look up and pass the ball to a higher level, or at a minimum, across a barrier (acid, fire). The exception being if you are near death close to your own endzone. In that case, resetting the ball to the middle (by throwing the ball away...to no one) may be a better play than passing to a team mate. It depends on how well your team is controlling the middle. The bottom line is to never give possesion to an enemy that is a threat to score or pass for a score.


Players must size up the situation and run to the place where they can provide most benefit. That doesn't mean fighting a meaningless sidefight or following the ball carrier in one massive group. 3-4 escorts are plenty. Everyone else should be traveling past a potential barrier to become a receiver. It should be instinctive.


Any class can play the warzone well. Vanguard utility is definately not more advantageous than the utility for any other class, and in my opinion, may be the worst utility for that particular warzone. Killing an enemy by pulling him in to a hazard is fine (purely awesome if he has the ball), but the objective is to cross the goal line. Jumping at an enemy, pulling friendlys, force speed, and mezzing all provide that benefit. Harpooning an opponent does not. Harpooning may be the best utility for denying the opponent from scoring though. It all depends on his resolve. Sometimes a harpoon does more harm than good by filling up his resolve bar. If you are going to harpoon, make sure you are pulling the opponent behind a barrier or in to a hazard.


Another effective use for harpoon, in all warzones, is to pull near death enemys headed for a healing node. A good Vanguard will always have an eye on that healing node and pull weakened enemys away from it if they are headed in that direction.

Edited by Sungas
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I'd say that vanguards are not the best ball carriers but they make excellent goalkeepers, especially if you use the old Iron Fist build - ridiculous amount of CC. Huttball is the single reason I'd like to see dual spec integrated into the game.
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They are not used because juggernaut outclasses them over 9000.


Juggernaut is the only class that can have so much hard damage reduction through abilities that he could survive entire fire pit duration by simply standing in it and have a ton of hp afterwards.


Juggernaut is the only class that can have 29 k hp from combination of abilities and medpacks.


The existence of juggernaut class eliminates any need of passing the ball, except passing to juggernaut: 2 charges to enemy, 1 charge to friend, 4 sec of CC immunity after charge to enemy.

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