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Concealment Operative video


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My first video in a long time. I will be uploading a better quality one in the near future, probably 1080. But for now, let me know what you guys think. I'm not really that good, but I hope the video is entertaining nonetheless.



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Thanks :)


Even thou i cant say it dispelled any of the preconceptions i have about the usefulness of concealment ops in pvp i enjoyed watching it.


What exactly is your preconceptions?


And this video encouraged me to finally put mine online as well. Thanks OP for that!


I started a post in the scoundrel section if you are interested.

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Mind telling us what the point you were going for with this thread is? As I see it, you filmed a HB match and posted it due to the amount of damage that you did. That's great - almost 500k done with 16 medals. But, if I may point out, you were death matching most of the game, never supported your ball carrier once, committed the sin of jumping into the pit after people a few times, are TOO in love with your space bar, and you have questionable taste in music.


Granted, you were in a PUG so there isn't really much to show. It just seems to be a bragging vid that actually shows all of the things that a player shouldn't do while also furhter depicting the class as being played by kill mongers.

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Mind telling us what the point you were going for with this thread is? As I see it, you filmed a HB match and posted it due to the amount of damage that you did. That's great - almost 500k done with 16 medals. But, if I may point out, you were death matching most of the game, never supported your ball carrier once, committed the sin of jumping into the pit after people a few times, are TOO in love with your space bar, and you have questionable taste in music.


Granted, you were in a PUG so there isn't really much to show. It just seems to be a bragging vid that actually shows all of the things that a player shouldn't do while also furhter depicting the class as being played by kill mongers.


Woah, someone pissed in your cheerios!

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Mind telling us what the point you were going for with this thread is? As I see it, you filmed a HB match and posted it due to the amount of damage that you did. That's great - almost 500k done with 16 medals. But, if I may point out, you were death matching most of the game, never supported your ball carrier once, committed the sin of jumping into the pit after people a few times, are TOO in love with your space bar, and you have questionable taste in music.


Granted, you were in a PUG so there isn't really much to show. It just seems to be a bragging vid that actually shows all of the things that a player shouldn't do while also furhter depicting the class as being played by kill mongers.


What were you expecting when you saw the thread title? Did you really expect for anyone to come out with something completly revolutionary? The game has been out for a while now with no real changes, and Im pretty sure there is not much left in the "bag o new stuff to see". As for your why your bashing this guy becuase he made an epeen video let me ask you this? Who in there right mind, records a video, goes through the effort of editing, and adding music that video, and at the end of it thinks "man I dont know how to play my class, i hope everyone enjoys watching me suck for 15 minutes".


If you ever watch a video and dont expect it to not be a bragging video, or training video by someone who thinks they are above the rest, then you are beyond the ability of anyone here to help you. Except that guy who writes in yellow, won the nobel peace prize.....twice, and is a psychologist....he might be able too.


In regards to the video nice job. You play a lot like me when Im in Deathmatch mode, except I like to snare a lot more, my snare is almost always on cooldown. Im sure its not record breaking but the highest damage for a round I ever got was 607k, was an AoE fest on Voidstar, not so much my skill that got the high number, but the opponents lack of it.

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Woah, someone pissed in your cheerios!


LOL, not at all. I put in the spacebar and music thing because music is always something that people complain about (everyone hates every type of music in every vid - you simply can't please anyone; NO music pisses people off too) and the spacebar thing, well, I spent the better part of 7 years watching my main tank in WoW do nothing but jump and down three nights a week for hours on end. So yeah, both of those were for laughs.


The rest, though, is just that people see Ops and Scoundrels as death matchers. Posting vids showing tips and what we're capable of is what I was wanting. Instead, its just more of what holds us back.

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Coming from someone who also plays an OP in PVP ill tell you what i saw:


Excessive waste of cooldowns that you did not need to blow at the worst times possible. (but ill let it slide. everyone fat fingers)


Some undergeared players. -Thats not your fault. -but it is misleading.


I would love to know what 6-trillion-meter hurdle race you where running in that huttball because i did not see a need to jump 90% of the time. This is not wow where your character looks half decent jumping around. In this game jumping makes you look more of a derp than anything else. But atleast i can tell you that you burned a good 60 calories irl by jumping the whole match. (this is also coming from someone who twitches alot and spams spacebar out of boredum but even i have to say that was excessive.)


I think you could've provided so much more to your team but deahmatch playstyle is something ive come to expect from imp side. I play both imp (main) and Pub (alt) and i can say while pubs are ****-terrible in PVP you often find more of them being team players and objective driven.


The one that got to me the most was the fact your not fluid with your attacks. The majority of the time you were running around the enemy and in some parts of the video even hindered your damage because you had a chicken head complex. You paused alot as you fought which is something i had to severly beat my GF into not doing in PVP because it just screws you in the end. -Just relax. Stop the crack infusions, ull be just fine.


Over all, keep at it, ull be fine. It is your first video, the majority of my PVP videos from 5-6 years ago are terribad and back then i thought they where awesome. Keep this video and ull see over time how you improve.

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As a PT Powertech I like Concealment Operative..They make me laugh.


This guys a turd as a concealment operative I like PT cause they make me laugh. Goes to show you that even people incapable of writing posts can play PT must be because they can use a regular Nintendo controller for all of their abilities Oh and by the way if anyone wants to watch a video of a concealment operative beating down PT's over and over again 1 v 1 let me know. Chameleon >> powertech murderer. Learn to play your class turds maybe you will be able to keep up. Oh oh oh and if you want to 1 v 1 500k credits is the buy in weak little powertechs.




Prophecy of the five

Edited by OrderOfVirtue
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Mind telling us what the point you were going for with this thread is? As I see it, you filmed a HB match and posted it due to the amount of damage that you did. That's great - almost 500k done with 16 medals. But, if I may point out, you were death matching most of the game, never supported your ball carrier once, committed the sin of jumping into the pit after people a few times, are TOO in love with your space bar, and you have questionable taste in music.


Granted, you were in a PUG so there isn't really much to show. It just seems to be a bragging vid that actually shows all of the things that a player shouldn't do while also furhter depicting the class as being played by kill mongers.


sorry to break it to you, but people who pay to have fun dont really care about dumb things like objectives and dont care about what you want. We just want to have fun, and we get that by deathmatching IN THIS GAME, we dont care about team or "winning warzones"

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Thanks for all of the positive feedback, and eve the constructive criticism. I just play casually nowadays and thought I'd do a video in my downtime when I didn't feel like playing.


Actually none of it was for "bragging rights" or whatever was originally said. I just made it b/c the Op forum has a lot of ppl who say they cannot survive and can't do good as concealment in the current patch. Granted, when I go up against ppl who know what they are doing, I get my *** kicked, but still give them hell.


Actually on my server, pubs beat out imp more often than not, they have been doing really good. Depends on the server I guess thouh. I just prefer imp side, but do have alts pub side.


Yeah, I do have a habit of jumping excessively. I'll try working on that. Old WoW habit...


And to the guy who's a PT, you can't honestly sit there and brag man. PT/Vanguards are the most overpowered class in game, hands down. My alt is a vanguard and honestly requires very little skill to own up in warzones. Now that's as per my experience, and I know you'll say that they require the most skill of all because you play them. I can actually solo a PT/Vanguard just fine if I get him from stealth, but there is no way in hell if they get the up on me or attack me when I'm already out in the open. That's just not happening. If you were the underdog I'd actually entertain a debate, but the class that is the toughest to kill with least skill required I am not going to give you the time of day.

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Thanks for all of the positive feedback, and eve the constructive criticism. I just play casually nowadays and thought I'd do a video in my downtime when I didn't feel like playing.


Actually none of it was for "bragging rights" or whatever was originally said. I just made it b/c the Op forum has a lot of ppl who say they cannot survive and can't do good as concealment in the current patch. Granted, when I go up against ppl who know what they are doing, I get my *** kicked, but still give them hell.


Actually on my server, pubs beat out imp more often than not, they have been doing really good. Depends on the server I guess thouh. I just prefer imp side, but do have alts pub side.


Yeah, I do have a habit of jumping excessively. I'll try working on that. Old WoW habit...


And to the guy who's a PT, you can't honestly sit there and brag man. PT/Vanguards are the most overpowered class in game, hands down. My alt is a vanguard and honestly requires very little skill to own up in warzones. Now that's as per my experience, and I know you'll say that they require the most skill of all because you play them. I can actually solo a PT/Vanguard just fine if I get him from stealth, but there is no way in hell if they get the up on me or attack me when I'm already out in the open. That's just not happening. If you were the underdog I'd actually entertain a debate, but the class that is the toughest to kill with least skill required I am not going to give you the time of day.


^^ this guy is right.

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Cheers for the vid.


If you'll listen to some amicable UI advice from a scrapper, I'd unstack your action bars from under the centre of the screen. I spent the whole time itching to angle the view up to see what was going on around, and I'm guessing you keep it so top-down because you have to do that to see what's around your char with them all so high up to the middle.


Move actionbars 3 and 4 to right and left of mid at the bottom, shrunk, so you can still check the CDs and see more of the horizon - it'll spare me involuntarily left-dragging the mouse next time :)


Anyway, keep fighting the bad (Imp) fight my concealment cousin. And don't worry about musical criticism.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Don't think I saw you use your shield probe ability once that whole vid, when you gave up on running and stayed to fight why didn't you use it to at least live longer? It has a short enough cd that it would be up often enough, but to not use it once doesn't seem that great either.
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