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Make stuns more tactical?


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I don't mind stuns in war zones to an extent; but given that most jobs/trees have 2 forms of stun with 45sec-1min cds. That's what, roughly 80 stuns from an opposing team during a war zone? As well, some of those stuns are aoe.


This tends to be a little excessive as well as obnoxious. I'd like to see stuns become more tactical. The most "fair" way I can think to do this without messing with cd timers or giving limited "charges" to stun usage in war zones would be to tweak resolve.


I'd like to see people who mindlessly use their stuns be put at a disadvantage for spamming.


Increasing capped resolve length to maybe even twice to what it is now would be nice- I don't see this becoming too heavy of an exploit except maybe in hutt ball. However, given roots I do not see it breaking that map.


Also, perhaps don't let built up resolve dissipate until it caps out white? As well as it's pretty silly for capped resolve to start wearing off while still stunned.


I don't know these are just some ideas I have. Like I said, I'd like to see stuns become more tactical and a stronger disadvantage to those that use them mindlessly as well as provide more of an advantage to those that know when to use their cc breaker and stuns.


If you guys have any ideas or thoughts, I'd like to hear em!

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The best way to make stuns more tactical would be to make the white bar from full resolve last at least twice as long as it currently does.


As it is, if you're fighting someone as a team. you can start the fight with two stuns, and if the fight lasts long enough, you can use another stun just a few moments later. People complain about chain stuns particularly in huttball, and it's true, there are too many. If white bar lasted longer, it would hurt the teams of the players that carelessly throw out stuns and mezz's and knockbacks.


Personally, i only stun a player when they are at or below 30% health so i can kill them before they pop some sort of emergency defensive cd. This is a tactic that isn't used by bad players, however they can often get away with stunning early and often in a fight since full resolve will only last a few seconds meaning there is no negative result from having used the stun so carelessly and also giving people the feeling they are constantly stunned.


It probably won't ever get changed though, but it would make this game a little better, simply because it would make the game require a little more thought.

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If only we could require the passing of an exam in order to pvp. Stuns are probably the most overused and least effective abilities used in the game, though I think knock-backs are probably more detrimental overall (includes the rage that grows inside of me when you fools kb people out of my ravage)
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