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Future detail in class stories


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I really enjoy the individual story that was put into this game at launch. My favorite part of the game involves not only the story lines in each class, but also the details put into the interaction with companions. I am still hopeful that we will get much more of this, but worried that it will become less individualized. They say that they are still committed to the story but I wonder if the trends will be to more and more content that is generic in nature. Such as adding a companion that everyone shares with similar interactions.


Anyone have any insight into this? I want more story with all of my characters but especially my JK. I want each current companion to be expanded and more new dialogue as well as more day-to-day interaction that reflects the status of our relationship with them. For example, my character is married to Kira, but after one last cut scene about the future and a few letters, you would never know it.


At any rate, as I said I remain hopeful, but have not been getting any warm fuzzies about the direction of individual story and current companion story lines in the current state of the game. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong :)

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They have said that they intend to develop the class stories and companion interaction more several times, but words, intentions, and actions don't always go hand in hand.... I remain hopeful for the time being, but warily so. In other words.....best not to expect much.
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I agree and hope to see more development of such things in the future. Will it actually happen and in a reasonable time frame to satisfy all the players who really enjoy these elements of the game? Who knows.


We'll just have to wait and see what the future brings.

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Personally I noticed that as you progressed through chapters they became less specific and focused on the character, that's why my favourite planets are Korriban and Dromund Kaas because you are never far from the main story line. I feel with other planets it becomes more spread out.


So yes, the new 'Makeb' planet hopefully will be class specific

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Considering all the things we have heard so far about Makeb - only a little, I know - (new game play systems) and the new interview with the head writer (regarding the Avengers and other Marvel movies and how they relate to each other), I think we will see an introduction of not only Class Story Content, but I think we will see (in the spirit of MMOs) the introduction of Inter-Class Content . In other words, our classes might have some class story stuff on Makeb, but we might also have to team up with other players of certain other, specific classes in a flashpoint or operation -style group to finish the class or planetary stories. (or it might be optional progression of the story and not just be mandatory to finish it) Or maybe we must finish individual chapters of our class story to unlock the ability to participate in a Makeb flashpoint or operation... sort of like how the Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and Hulk movie stories fed into the Avengers movie story. I know that might not sound too different from what we already have, but the real difference would be allowing the players to have conversation wheel choices that allow conversations between the players and not just the players and the NPCs.
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That would be very cool - made me remember the first trailer for Makeb and new content (
) at about 1:00 you see what looks like all 4 of the republic classes running from a collapsing tower, could be inter-class content, or maybe just a group heroic. Either way the cutscenes shown on Makeb definitely look like a step up from the original planets, its gonna be fun :D
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  • 3 months later...

Hopefully what they mean by "Avengers style" is that there will be individual class stories on Makeb and all 4 will relate to each other somehow.


Assuming they're continuing the...


...Dread Masters storyline, It could be something like this

SI/JC - Find a holocron/ritual to shield people from their fear inducing ability

SW/JK - Eliminate their apprentices

IA/Smug - Locate and steal something of vital importance from them

BH/Trooper - Weaken or dismantle their military strength

All of this would be an essential lead-in to the Op where we finally take them down.



I'm sure someone can think of something better. That's kinda what I came up with in 5ish minutes, but it's the direction I would like to see them go.

Edited by Pernicia
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Let's not kid ourselves here. They aren't going to make 8 stories anymore, just one that encompasses all characters per side.


As awesome as it would be, the game hasn't made enough bank to fund such a large and costly undertaking it would be to continue all class stories. While I don't wish to be negative, I hate to see people with completely unrealistic expectations which will only lead to disappointments.


I mean, look at Black Hole and Section X. They didn't even bother voicing the quests! Just a damn mission terminal except for the "main" quest. So much for "fully voiced MMO!". Expect to see more mission terminals than actual conversations in Makeb.

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Mission Terminals, IMO, are appropriate for daily quests. How often do you actually listen to the conversations on Ilum and Belsavis after 10 months of grinding them? I know I find myself wishing my spacebar had a turbo button like the old NES controllers every time I'm out there.


In fact, given the budgetary constraints I'm sure they're under for Makeb, I'd be more than happy to see all of the side quests "Terminaled" if it means we get individual class quests. I don't think it would even be that much more work, if any at all. Look at the typical planet. There's 5 zones. Each one has, on average, roughly 1 class mission, 2-3 main planet story missions and 6-7 side missions. If they were to skip the cut scenes on the side quests I would that that more than make up the budget needed to implement fully voiced class missions. Ideally, yes, everything would have full VO, but I'm trying to be realistic.

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I mean, look at Black Hole and Section X. They didn't even bother voicing the quests! Just a damn mission terminal except for the "main" quest. So much for "fully voiced MMO!". Expect to see more mission terminals than actual conversations in Makeb.


Having terminals for the daily stuff is perfectly fine, there's absolutely no reason to waste resources on them. As long as planetary story missions and class stories remain voiced and cinematic I'm perfectly fine.

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My hope is that we'll still see class stories in the future. Maybe not in updates but full fledged expansions. Given that it is costly, I can see them reducing the amount of quests per class. Which is fine as long as the quality of storytelling remains good. I'm really anxious to hear how F2P affects Bioware's bottom line. Given the amount of people buying oodles of Cartel packs, it sounds like the future is good. But I'd still like to see some numbers. Really want to continue my Sith Warrior's storyline, it was probably the best storyline that I've completed so far. So here's hoping!
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And I'm just trying to be MORE realistic than you in my own opinion. It's just that because, obviously, I couldn't possibly know and my views are muddied by all the broken promises of the Development team. :)


If, as you seem to think, Makeb is nothing more than a large scale version of Black Hole and Section X, this game is doomed. I hope the folks at EA/BW are smart enough to realize this.

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