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We the subscription base, are here to make a stand.


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I honestly don't feel I got my moneys worth of content for what I have paid so far.


End game has been nothing but a gear grind, other than daily quests end game has no substance. Its all about that next best set of gear and once you finish it, you grind alts or stare at the fleet walls. Bioware needs to put less focus on gear and more focus on what we do with that gear after we finish acquiring the full set.


How do they do that?


Offer a web tracking system for ranked warzones, players love to see where they place out of the entire server. If Bioware would add this then players would continue to do ranked after they cap out their ranking.


More focus on Open World PVP and reward players for it. Valor and or Warzone comms


Have more robust operations that are bigger and have more mobs between bosses to kill.


Allow players to create their own live events. Player generated content only costs Bioware to create the system and to update it, once its live players do the rest.


Add new player planets where guilds can set up cities and enemies can invade them. This should have been in at launch and would turn this game around the second it launches. It would also be a colossal source of revenue for Bioware if they were to sell the planets or sell the housing and furniture in the cartel store.


PREACH!!!! this will save the game

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This game sucks. The original staff left for a reason. They were not fired, they left cause EA bought out BW and ruined the game. EA is trash and so is BW now that EA owns it.


They are making the same promises now that they made before about blowing our minds with crazy content every month or less than a month release time. So many lies. This game will be milked till it dies and we will get nothing.

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I read somewhere on a gaming forum someone said. Im too broke to play a F2P I can only afford a P2P game.


With P2P your getting all the content for only 15 dollars a month. With a F2P game your probably going to spend more than 15 dollars a month for less content.

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I read somewhere on a gaming forum someone said. Im too broke to play a F2P I can only afford a P2P game.


With P2P your getting all the content for only 15 dollars a month. With a F2P game your probably going to spend more than 15 dollars a month for less content.




True story!!


Which is why gaming companies love it so much.. I don't know why so many people cried for it here.. I guess they want to give more money to Bioware.. Who knows..

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The issue I have is that many times people assume that everyone agrees with them and they try to use that to validate their own point of view.. Whether I agree with him or not is irrelevent.. I can and will speak for myself..


If people can't make a point on it's own merits and then allow people to discuss said point.. Then he simply have no point to make.. Doesn't matter how many people he feels agree with him.. That doesn't make him right or his points any more valid..


They have already said that Makeb is not an expanions.. Which tells me that it will be free to people with subscriptions.. WOW added content all the time that was free.. The only thing we had to buy additionally was the expanions.. Other than that, it was all free.. For the subscription people, I doubt this model is going to change.. For the F2P people.. I am sure that they will have to pay for some stuff.. After all, I pay them $15 dollars a month that the F2P people won't be..


Bioware is going to be hard pressed to get the subs people to pay for anything other than an expansion.. I am sure they know this.. Sad that some people on the forums do not.. If they did, then there would have been no reason to make this thread in the first place.. Let alone presume to speak for everyone..


Agreed. But instead of discussing the matter see what happens....:p However some people helped the thread even if they disagree. ;)

Edited by Varnast
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This game sucks. The original staff left for a reason. They were not fired, they left cause EA bought out BW and ruined the game. EA is trash and so is BW now that EA owns it.


They are making the same promises now that they made before about blowing our minds with crazy content every month or less than a month release time. So many lies. This game will be milked till it dies and we will get nothing.


The game doesn't suck by any standard.. The problem is that to many people seem to have got it in their heads that this was SWG 2.0 or some other game and don't like it because it isn't what they wanted or expected..


This game is awsome.. Other than bugs here in there with various systems, there is nothing wrong with this game.. They are fixing the bugs..


Sure.. This is my opinion.. But if people can step back for a moment and just see the game as it is and as it was meant to be and not what they wanted it to be or what they were hoping it would be.. People will see there isn't anything wrong with it.. The graphics are getting better and better..


Also this is the vanilla version.. Look at the differences to WOW vanilla and where it is currently.. A lot of changes were made.. This game will change too.. All it takes is time..


Not to mention some constructive posts from us.. Yes they do notice..

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Agreed. But instead of discussing the matter see what happens....:p However some people helped the thread even if they disagree. ;)


The OP is attempting to speak for others in an attempt to make his opinion sound more important. How does pointing that out and disagreeing with him help his thread?

Edited by TheBBP
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The OP is attempting to speak for others in an attempt to make his opinion sound more important. How does pointing that out and disagreeing with him help his thread?


By not just disagreeing but stating their opinion as well. Some don't do it just causing tension. That's what I mean. If people likes tension so be it. No problem with me.


Also they were people agreeing with him. That was his point in the beginning. Anyway I stop here cause I'm tired.

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Here's the deal.


I agree - it's not fair to charge subscribers for Makeb because 1 planet cannot possibly be called an expansion. So I would just not buy it.


But if they raise the level cap and MAKE US pay for Makeb to get to the said lavel cap that is when I (regretfully) say goodbye. And I never planned to leave because I enjoy this game despite its flaws and missed opportunities but if they make me pay for pieces of content to enjoy endgame IN ADDITION to my subscription its just too much.

Edited by vandana_
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I read somewhere on a gaming forum someone said. Im too broke to play a F2P I can only afford a P2P game.


With P2P your getting all the content for only 15 dollars a month. With a F2P game your probably going to spend more than 15 dollars a month for less content.



True story!!


Which is why gaming companies love it so much.. I don't know why so many people cried for it here.. I guess they want to give more money to Bioware.. Who knows..


False Story!


I've spend 10 times more money on SWTOR than I did on a F2P game like League of Legends.


And don't come and tell me "ohh but that's a dfferent game" because you guys just made the gross overgeneralization that you spend more money with F2P than P2P games, and that is false!


People that subscribed to WoW for years, paid 4 expansion packs and then have the Nerve to come and say P2P games are cheap,

Edited by ChazDoit
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False Story!


I've spend 10 times more money on SWTOR than I did on a F2P game like League of Legends.


And don't come and tell me "ohh but that's a dfferent game" because you guys just made the gross overgeneralization that you spend more money with F2P than P2P games, and that is false!


People that subscribed to WoW for years, paid 4 expansion packs and then have the Nerve to come and say P2P games are cheap,


Okay, you spend more money on F2P games that incorporate P2W. I'm pretty sure thats where the quote came from was a forum of a game that used the P2W model. But ofcourse you cant use the generalization that all F2P/B2P games are like this. :p

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I think that the thing about which one of the two is more expensive depends on many things. Number of subs, style of playing (casual/power gaming), the mood of players at given times etc. In some cases P2P is cheaper, in some other F2P is cheaper. They try to find a mechanism balancing between the two than ditching the one. But obviously it's hard to control all these things. I'm curious to see how it'll go.
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Just for the record, you DO NOT speak for me.


You are trying to take a stand on a "maybe" in the absence any understanding of what the scope of the content actually is (They have not yet disclosed).


I am fine wating until we actually hear what the Makeb content is (and is not) before getting all worked up about whether it morphs into a point of sale expansion OR does not.


This. Don't be arrogant and presume you speak for all of us, OP. I hate when people do that.

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Since as to whom, is Makeb not considered a full expansion? Heck, we don't even know what's included in the lot of it.


Maybe Makeb comes with:


- 8 additional class chapters, 1 for each class.

- 4 New Flashpoints.

- 2 New Companions.

- A new race.

- Animal mounts.

- A world PvP area.

- 2 New world bosses.

- An additional operation.

- Daily quests set in form of dynamic events.

- A crafting system overhaul.

- Additional speeders / pets.

- Additional legacy gear.

- Additional legacy skills and perks beyond legacy 25.

- And more.


Heck, we do not know. People are arguing over the sake of nothing considering as to how they have no clue on what the Makeb update will actually come with.


No, you just refuse to know.


It's been made crystal clear that makeb doesnt have class quests for one. It's also been made crystal clear that induvidual warzones, ops and flashpoints are going to trickle in on the induvidual 6 week timetable The one companion we are getting is a standalone aswell. You can find out the meaty half of the things on your list are a no go from the get go and the other half is just laughable. Speeders, pets, legacy gear, legacy perks? Worth a fee? Yea Imma go with nooooo. Yet again we're pinning our hopes on the promisse of the unknown awesomeness that alas never really gets delivered.


I havent seen this type of blind optimism on these boards since 2009. After this last event turned a bit "bare boned" I'm not overly trusting of the assurance that we'll get "sooooo much new stoff, we're sure you'll love it".


Let me be clear, if makeb is an expansions worth of stuff I'll gladly pay. But there is about a snoflakes chance in tartarus of that happening. I'll be pleasently surprised if it's on the meatier side of content patches but I still won't appreciate being nickel and dimmed for content - something other mmos that charge subscriptions provide for the monthly fee.

Edited by aeterno
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I don't really understand, how else will they create new content if not using the money we give them? Stuff in general costs money and time and resources. So you would rather them not create anything?


Besides, this new content will only be the subscribers, as it will be above level 50. You don't speak for me, and I don't think you really grasp reality.

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I don't really understand, how else will they create new content if not using the money we give them? Stuff in general costs money and time and resources. So you would rather them not create anything?


Besides, this new content will only be the subscribers, as it will be above level 50. You don't speak for me, and I don't think you really grasp reality.


You would have a point if we hadn't paid for 9 months while getting almost nothing. We already paid for 1 or 2 expansions while they used our money for their f2p conversion.

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False Story!


I've spend 10 times more money on SWTOR than I did on a F2P game like League of Legends.


And don't come and tell me "ohh but that's a dfferent game" because you guys just made the gross overgeneralization that you spend more money with F2P than P2P games, and that is false!


People that subscribed to WoW for years, paid 4 expansion packs and then have the Nerve to come and say P2P games are cheap,



With a Game like SWTOR or WoW or another P2P MMO. The Content of the EXP packs are worth the money. Theres alot of content in the WoW Expansions .

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You guys really need to take a step down off that high horse. Nowhere in his post does he claim that he speaks for anyone other than himself. The title merely alludes that there are others that feel the same way that he does, which there are.


Calm down. The Bill of Rights is still intact and you are safe from the communists.


P.S. I will estimate a 65% chance that I cancel my subscription if I'm expected to pay for Makeb unless it is a major overhaul (I'm talking big time sandbox elements with really interesting and in-depth open world PvP aspects).


There are those such as myself, the OP, that enjoy the game very much but will occasionally voice our opinions regarding something that we find to be a deterrent, then there are those that are rabid supporters who feel that any criticism, be it constructive or not, is a violent assault upon their own person.....and there are those that just wander the boards looking for a fight. LOL


OP has a valid point, and if I were to guess, that silent majority may very well agree with him on this particular subject.

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No, you just refuse to know.


It's been made crystal clear that makeb doesnt have class quests for one.



I have seen this posted by many of you in the forums, as if it is gospel. When exactly did they say there is no class story? The most i have seen come from bioware is that they are not ready to talk about it. So i would like to see a link to a post, or interview from Bioware stating no new class story on Makeb. I pretty sure you all just saw the no comment and said oh noes, the sky is falling, that means no new story if they wont talk about it.


And to be clear to Bioware, the op doesnt speak for me. You have no idea how large Makeb actually is. Again you assume it is only as big as existing planets. And we all know what happens when we assume anything. My sub buys me server access, new ops, warzones , fp's, world events and dailies quest areas. If Makeb ends up being a mini expansion(1/2) that is done every 1- 1 1/2 years i'm cool with paying for it. I would rather do that then wait 2 plus years for a full fledged expansion.

Edited by GalenMourne
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OK, this is My take on this;


I like this game and hope to play it for a long time.

If BW wants/needs income in the form of me paying for content, I will pay to keep the game around.


Is it "wrong" of BW to squeeze more from their loyal subbing fanbase? Perhaps it is not the wisest move I have ever seen, and perhaps the person who put it forward at the meeting should look for another job asap - but things are like they are.... If we want to keep playing this game, we will have to abide by their rules - and the alternative is to Not play the game. No point in ************ about it really.

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TL DR: Charging you're subscribers for the makeb content does not make us happy.


Im a very staunch supporter of TOR. I am one of the people that truly enjoy this game. I agree that some things should be fixed and somethings have no excuse, however I still really really do enjoy the game. From the pve to the pvp. I dont mind the lack of open world pvp, my history in competitive gaming leads me to enjoy smaller warzone type pvp matches.


That being said, I feel very disappointed about the incoming information that they may be charging for the Makeb update. We as subscribers in a free to play model should not feel like second rate citizens in the game that we stay subscribed to. While I understand that most of the money comes out of the cash shop in the free to play market, you still need to understand that we you're paying subscriber base are the core of this game. We keep our subscription current so that we get the content updates regularly and do not have to shell out extra cash for them. We keep our current subscriptions going so that we have access to this content first. We keep our subscriptions current so because we do enjoy what you have given us.


Stand up and fight for the game that you enjoy. Let bioware know that this is not acceptable. Charging us, you're paying subscribers for an update that is not considered a full expansion is *UNACCEPTABLE*. We the community must let them know that this will not be tolerated and is frowned by the player base. If we come together and express our concern over this, we can make a change.


Again, I do enjoy this game, but should this content come thru as a paid expansion I will not be a happy camper. Please help me let bioware know that we do not agree with this and post you're support. I know some people think that they wont listen, or our plea will go unheard. I know that gaming companys are here to make money, and I am fine with that, but we cannot let this stand. All I am asking for is a show of support.


I don't have all the details of what is or isn't going to happen.


However, disregarding specifics and focusing on the sentiment of this I will simply say that if there's anything I can't have access to without paying above my subscription then this subscriber will be unsubbing. I enjoy the game (yes there are problems and I hope they get fixed) but the moment I get the impression that subscribers mean nothing to the devs I will be unsubbing. I refuse to be part of a game where in order to play I have to constantly pay for every tiny little bit of content. A simple monthly fee that gives me everything I expect to have in game works for me but if the devs feel that they can get more money by treating their sub base this way then they will have to deal with the consequences of such a decision.

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I don't have all the details of what is or isn't going to happen.


However, disregarding specifics and focusing on the sentiment of this I will simply say that if there's anything I can't have access to without paying above my subscription then this subscriber will be unsubbing. I enjoy the game (yes there are problems and I hope they get fixed) but the moment I get the impression that subscribers mean nothing to the devs I will be unsubbing. I refuse to be part of a game where in order to play I have to constantly pay for every tiny little bit of content. A simple monthly fee that gives me everything I expect to have in game works for me but if the devs feel that they can get more money by treating their sub base this way then they will have to deal with the consequences of such a decision.


So you'll never pay for an expansion? You'll simply unsub if they make you pay for anything more. :rolleyes:


Edit: The OP doesn't talk for me either., and I'm part of the subscription base. :eek:

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