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We the subscription base, are here to make a stand.


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TL DR: Charging you're subscribers for the makeb content does not make us happy.


Im a very staunch supporter of TOR. I am one of the people that truly enjoy this game. I agree that some things should be fixed and somethings have no excuse, however I still really really do enjoy the game. From the pve to the pvp. I dont mind the lack of open world pvp, my history in competitive gaming leads me to enjoy smaller warzone type pvp matches.


That being said, I feel very disappointed about the incoming information that they may be charging for the Makeb update. We as subscribers in a free to play model should not feel like second rate citizens in the game that we stay subscribed to. While I understand that most of the money comes out of the cash shop in the free to play market, you still need to understand that we you're paying subscriber base are the core of this game. We keep our subscription current so that we get the content updates regularly and do not have to shell out extra cash for them. We keep our current subscriptions going so that we have access to this content first. We keep our subscriptions current so because we do enjoy what you have given us.


Stand up and fight for the game that you enjoy. Let bioware know that this is not acceptable. Charging us, you're paying subscribers for an update that is not considered a full expansion is *UNACCEPTABLE*. We the community must let them know that this will not be tolerated and is frowned by the player base. If we come together and express our concern over this, we can make a change.


Again, I do enjoy this game, but should this content come thru as a paid expansion I will not be a happy camper. Please help me let bioware know that we do not agree with this and post you're support. I know some people think that they wont listen, or our plea will go unheard. I know that gaming companys are here to make money, and I am fine with that, but we cannot let this stand. All I am asking for is a show of support.

Edited by Brool
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Just for the record, you DO NOT speak for me.


You are trying to take a stand on a "maybe" in the absence any understanding of what the scope of the content actually is (They have not yet disclosed).


I am fine wating until we actually hear what the Makeb content is (and is not) before getting all worked up about whether it morphs into a point of sale expansion OR does not.

Edited by Andryah
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Just for the record, you DO NOT speak for me.


You are trying to take a stand on a "maybe" in the absence any understanding of what the scope of the content actually is (They have not yet disclosed).


I am fine wating until we actually hear what the Makeb content is (and is not) before getting all worked up about whether it morphs into a point of sale expansion OR does not.


I never said I was speaking for everyone, I am just asking for people to show support that we do not agree with the idea of us being charged for this content. We need to let them know early.

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Not going to take a stand, this game is sub-par and I was holding my sub in place in hopes content would come, and when it is on its way theres talks of making me pay more for it? when they said content would be coming month after month? and its been how long since we got something worth calling content? **** that noise, if they tell me to give them more money for this joke of a "expansion" I'll just take my money elsewhere
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I never said I was speaking for everyone, I am just asking for people to show support that we do not agree with the idea of us being charged for this content. We need to let them know early.


They know, and do not care. Its all about the casual players from here on out. With free to play coming soon, the cash shop will be targeted at the casuals- and the casuals will spend money on the fluff.


Though after the casuals play for a short while, they will quit and move on to something else. The story experience is what TOR has / had, and F2P allows the "freeloaders" to complete the best portion of TOR and not have to drop any money on the game, unlike the players who were going to be donating money in regular subs for the life of the game.


The game still has a chance, if the transition to F2P goes well. Though the chances of it being pulled off correctly are getting slimmer and slimmer after every developer interview. Nearly every interview that has had the developers giving a statement of "we are still discussing the options", has ended poorly.


Remember when they said the game would not go F2P, but then soon after in an interview they "did not rule out F2P as an option and were discussing it internally?" Well the last sizable dev interview had the interviewee saying "we are still discussing if Makeb will be free or paid". I will translate (TLDR)- expect Makeb to cost money.

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Just for the record, you DO NOT speak for me.


You are trying to take a stand on a "maybe" in the absence any understanding of what the scope of the content actually is (They have not yet disclosed).


I am fine wating until we actually hear what the Makeb content is (and is not) before getting all worked up about whether it morphs into a point of sale expansion OR does not.


I am with this person. And your title makes it sound like you are trying to speak for 'everyone'. "WE the subscription base?" Sounds like all to me.


Depends on the scope of the release, and the price. If it looks good and they ask for a small amount of money I would probably be in. If I have to grab it with Cartel coins, again, probably in, depending on price.

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I am with this person. And your title makes it sound like you are trying to speak for 'everyone'. "WE the subscription base?" Sounds like all to me.


Depends on the scope of the release, and the price. If it looks good and they ask for a small amount of money I would probably be in. If I have to grab it with Cartel coins, again, probably in, depending on price.


If you read the post, I am asking for you're support. im not saying "everyone feels this way" I am asking those that do to show that they feel that way. Just like those posting they dont care, that is fine as well. Either way, speak up and let them know.

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If you read the post, I am asking for you're support. im not saying "everyone feels this way" I am asking those that do to show that they feel that way. Just like those posting they dont care, that is fine as well. Either way, speak up and let them know.


Alot of people are talking your op the wrong way, it would be beneficial if you add in a disclaimer at the end that says: "I am not trying to speak for everyone."

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Just for the record, you DO NOT speak for me.


For the Record...You do not, Now Or Ever speak for me. I have my own voice and sense of reason.


You guys really need to take a step down off that high horse. Nowhere in his post does he claim that he speaks for anyone other than himself. The title merely alludes that there are others that feel the same way that he does, which there are.


Calm down. The Bill of Rights is still intact and you are safe from the communists.


P.S. I will estimate a 65% chance that I cancel my subscription if I'm expected to pay for Makeb unless it is a major overhaul (I'm talking big time sandbox elements with really interesting and in-depth open world PvP aspects).

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I honestly don't feel I got my moneys worth of content for what I have paid so far.


End game has been nothing but a gear grind, other than daily quests end game has no substance. Its all about that next best set of gear and once you finish it, you grind alts or stare at the fleet walls. Bioware needs to put less focus on gear and more focus on what we do with that gear after we finish acquiring the full set.


How do they do that?


Offer a web tracking system for ranked warzones, players love to see where they place out of the entire server. If Bioware would add this then players would continue to do ranked after they cap out their ranking.


More focus on Open World PVP and reward players for it. Valor and or Warzone comms


Have more robust operations that are bigger and have more mobs between bosses to kill.


Allow players to create their own live events. Player generated content only costs Bioware to create the system and to update it, once its live players do the rest.


Add new player planets where guilds can set up cities and enemies can invade them. This should have been in at launch and would turn this game around the second it launches. It would also be a colossal source of revenue for Bioware if they were to sell the planets or sell the housing and furniture in the cartel store.

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You guys really need to take a step down off that high horse. Nowhere in his post does he claim that he speaks for anyone other than himself. The title merely alludes that there are others that feel the same way that he does, which there are.


Calm down. The Bill of Rights is still intact and you are safe from the communists.


P.S. I will estimate a 65% chance that I cancel my subscription if I'm expected to pay for Makeb unless it is a major overhaul (I'm talking big time sandbox elements with really interesting and in-depth open world PvP aspects).


Then you have a reading comrehension problem...READ THE TITLE OF THE THREAD.


PS 100% chance I truly truly truly...truly don't not care in any way shape or form if you quit.


TLDR: Flyers Suck...Rangers for the win.:p

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I honestly don't feel I got my moneys worth of content for what I have paid so far.


End game has been nothing but a gear grind, other than daily quests end game has no substance. Its all about that next best set of gear and once you finish it, you grind alts or stare at the fleet walls. Bioware needs to put less focus on gear and more focus on what we do with that gear after we finish acquiring the full set.

How do they do that?


Offer a web tracking system for ranked warzones, players love to see where they place out of the entire server. If Bioware would add this then players would continue to do ranked after they cap out their ranking.

I thought this was already to much of a WoW clone?:rolleyes:

More focus on Open World PVP and reward players for it. Valor and or Warzone comms

You truly do not get the concept of Open World PvP...Why do you need rewards?


Have more robust operations that are bigger and have more mobs between bosses to kill.

No one wants to walk through miles of trash before a boss fight...all games are moving away from that


Allow players to create their own live events. Player generated content only costs Bioware to create the system and to update it, once its live players do the rest. Players are allowed to create their own live events. I run one on Sundays. Companion Robot Boxing....We have a lot of Fun, No help from Bioware needed.:D


Add new player planets where guilds can set up cities and enemies can invade them. This should have been in at launch and would turn this game around the second it launches. It would also be a colossal source of revenue for Bioware if they were to sell the planets or sell the housing and furniture in the cartel store.

Player made city's failed in SWG...made most planets look like vast Slums....We really didn't need that here.


Just to answer a few.

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Just for the record, you DO NOT speak for me.


You are trying to take a stand on a "maybe" in the absence any understanding of what the scope of the content actually is (They have not yet disclosed).


I am fine wating until we actually hear what the Makeb content is (and is not) before getting all worked up about whether it morphs into a point of sale expansion OR does not.


Yea... I agree with this^. It's not that some of us are against your proposal OP, but rather, that we want to make an informed decision before decreeing an ultimatum. Personally I love free stuff, but if a future content update like Makeb is a full blown expansion, new stories, flashpoints/OP, abilities etc. well then, I think it is reasonable to expect that they would charge something even to subs.


What if subs got this new content at a significantly discounted rate? Or what if subs recieved the content with unlocked features that others have to pay for? I would have to consider what is being offered and the related price points before making a stand.


I can't blindly support your effort until I have more details. And what if by then it will be too late? Well, I always have the option to unsub. Nothing wasted from my point of view because I have had a blast so far.


BTW, I don't view my time and money vested in this game as equity. They have provided a service and I have chosen to pay and take part. It's not like the money I have spent is sitting in escrow until new content is released.

Edited by Rafaman
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I'm with the the OP all the way.


Voices need to be raised now, when they're making the decision. Wait and see? So I can cry over spilled milk? No sir. NOW is the time to let Jeff know it's a blunder and a thing that will peeve off a lot of the loyal subscriber base. Not after BW is commited to the model. No ammount of complaining will change the decision after resources and manhours go into it's implementation.



And you can spin it any way you want, if I as a subscriber have to pay for a content patch, then I'm getting the worst deal of any mmo subscriber on record. No subscription based mmo is charging me for content patches and some of them are quite meaty.


Even in a best case scenario of makeb being the size of hoth or tatooine, it's still a pair of leveling zones. That's not an expansion, that's periodic content I expect to be covered by my subscription.


As long as BW keeps a subscription option alive it better realize they're still being held to the standard other sub based mmo set. I'll provide them with a steady and guaranteed stream of monthly revenue but I refuse to be fleeced on top of that. If all 15$ per month get me is to not have the existing gameplay experience gutted and made inconveniant to the extreme, and I have to pay extra for proper content other than a full expansion then TOR simply is not worth the 15$ per month compared to it's competition in my eyes.

Edited by aeterno
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I like that you state that you don't want to pay for Makeb, but then later mention that subscribers pay for content updates and to get new content first. You invalidated your own point.


As a player that will always be subscribing to the game, I feel like those of you who don't play shouldn't be able to to taste the sweet nectar of new content, and that you shouldn't be able to reach level cap. People paying want PREMIUM features, whats the point in still paying if I can still have everything for free. That's like saying you can give us money if you want, but we don't care if you don't..

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TL DR: Charging you're subscribers for the makeb content does not make us happy.


Im a very staunch supporter of TOR. I am one of the people that truly enjoy this game. I agree that some things should be fixed and somethings have no excuse, however I still really really do enjoy the game. From the pve to the pvp. I dont mind the lack of open world pvp, my history in competitive gaming leads me to enjoy smaller warzone type pvp matches.


That being said, I feel very disappointed about the incoming information that they may be charging for the Makeb update. We as subscribers in a free to play model should not feel like second rate citizens in the game that we stay subscribed to. While I understand that most of the money comes out of the cash shop in the free to play market, you still need to understand that we you're paying subscriber base are the core of this game. We keep our subscription current so that we get the content updates regularly and do not have to shell out extra cash for them. We keep our current subscriptions going so that we have access to this content first. We keep our subscriptions current so because we do enjoy what you have given us.


Stand up and fight for the game that you enjoy. Let bioware know that this is not acceptable. Charging us, you're paying subscribers for an update that is not considered a full expansion is *UNACCEPTABLE*. We the community must let them know that this will not be tolerated and is frowned by the player base. If we come together and express our concern over this, we can make a change.


Again, I do enjoy this game, but should this content come thru as a paid expansion I will not be a happy camper. Please help me let bioware know that we do not agree with this and post you're support. I know some people think that they wont listen, or our plea will go unheard. I know that gaming companys are here to make money, and I am fine with that, but we cannot let this stand. All I am asking for is a show of support.


I made a thread on the same topic and I competely support your point of view. We paid since December for almost zero new content. If they charge us for what was supposed to be free content, I'm out and probably many others will do the same.

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You guys really need to take a step down off that high horse. Nowhere in his post does he claim that he speaks for anyone other than himself. The title merely alludes that there are others that feel the same way that he does, which there are.


Calm down. The Bill of Rights is still intact and you are safe from the communists.


P.S. I will estimate a 65% chance that I cancel my subscription if I'm expected to pay for Makeb unless it is a major overhaul (I'm talking big time sandbox elements with really interesting and in-depth open world PvP aspects).


Don't waste your breath. They think being ripped off is normal, therefore I wouldn't expect them to have a modicum of reading comprehension skill.

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