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Same Gender Romances Still in the Works?


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Think about it from a lore point of view.


You must be bat-crap crazy to think the Sith Empire would tolerate or sanction homosexuality.


Then, there's the Galactic Republic, who has probably spent centuries debating on homosexuality's validity.



I STILL maintain that this is the MOST insignificant issue. We're talking romance within a video game. Let's focus on the real issues before branching off into silly triviality.

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Sorry but we are living in the real world and not reading about romeo and Juliet. Was there some stuff going on with cappio maybe but you have to remember something Shakespeare very well could of been or was a homosexual. Also there is no reference to same gender content in any SW book so you are grasping at straws with that one. If there was such content I wouldnt allow my kids to play it nor would I ever pay for a game that had that in it.


Why would you allow your kids to play any mmo? Maybe they should rename this Straight Wars?

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I am wondering why there is so much negativity towards Same Gender relations being in game.


So two characters of the same gender is bad. Inter-species relationships are ok. And let's not forget the incestial overtones within the original Star Wars movies.


Personally it should be an option for people. If you don't like it, don't use it, but at least allow others to be able to make a choice in their game play as well.

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Personally it should be an option for people. If you don't like it, don't use it, but at least allow others to be able to make a choice in their game play as well.


Bravo, and extremely well said.


It'll be an option. It can be taken or avoided as the user sees fit. That is all.

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Think about it from a lore point of view.


You must be bat-crap crazy to think the Sith Empire would tolerate or sanction homosexuality.


Why would they have any reason not to? Peace is a lie - there is only passion. Someone is going to tell a Sith Lord their affections are inappropriate?


Then, there's the Galactic Republic, who has probably spent centuries debating on homosexuality's validity.


The Republic also has a long history of tolerating many divergent cultures and species in its political milieu.


I STILL maintain that this is the MOST insignificant issue. We're talking romance within a video game. Let's focus on the real issues before branching off into silly triviality.


They are focussing on the real issues first, always have been, and no one has suggested they should do otherwise. But simply because it is not significant to you does not diminish its significance to other players.

Edited by Uluain
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I STILL maintain that this is the MOST insignificant issue. We're talking romance within a video game. Let's focus on the real issues before branching off into silly triviality.


By that logic you could easily say, 'It's a video game. The whole thing is a triviality.' You'd be right, too. It's just a game. And this is a feature I'd like to see added, as it would increase my level of enjoyment in the game.


Given that it's already slated for inclusion and it'll be as entirely optional as the current heterosexual options are there's little point people slamming it. The OP wants information, that's all, and it's not in the least bit unreasonable to ask for that information.

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Personally I think that this would demean the game. You don't see same gender relationships in the movies or in the books or comics. In fact you don't see it in any Star Wars Game released to date. I think that BioWare should continue the practice of leaving same gender romance relationships out of TOR. If it is implemented it would not be a game breaker for me but I would be very disapointed and my respect for this particular Star Wars franchise would go down quite a few notches. Also as to the authors comments about KOTOR character Juhani I would have to disagree since that character couldnt even be romanced at all by the main character so using Juhani as an example would not actually count.


Juhani could indeed be romanced by the main character in KotOR, provided that particular main character was female.


I know. My Revan did it. Sure, it didn't add up to much, and it certainly wasn't as complete as Carth/Revan or Revan/Bastila.


And even if Revan wasn't female, there were still some pretty unambiguous hints regarding her sexuality. If you'd been paying attention to the game, you'd realize that Belaya and Juhani were most likely a couple at one point.


(If you are wondering at the reaction you got, you should read your post again and think about how it could be taken. You use the word demean in your first sentence to describe what adding same gender relationships to the game would do, for example. Then you categorically deny any same gender relationships in EU Star Wars, then say "Juhani doesn't count!". It's your tone, and the way you put things that has got people's hackles up, mine included.)

Edited by Zandilar
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Why would they have any reason not to? Peace is a lie - there is only passion. Someone is going to tell a Sith Lord their affections are inappropriate?




The Republic also has a long history of tolerating many divergent cultures and species in its political milieu.




They are focussing on the real issues first, always have been, and no one has suggested they should do otherwise. But simply because it is not significant to you does not diminish its significance to other players.


Valid arguments, unfortunately there is no proof for either side. I was merely espousing my personal opinion on how the galaxy would work. The United States of America accepts people of all colors, while remaining precarious on the homosexuality issue.


The Sith Empire is also ruled by more than the Sith Code alone- it's a government, and an extremely rigid one at that, comparable to endless amounts of dictatorial armies and empire's in earth's own history, which were intolerant of sanctioned homosexuality- I stress SANCTIONED because I am not against homosexuality, just its place in politics.

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I think gay/lesbians should be respected if they respect you. And once they buy the game they show that they respect BW. If some people get annoyed by the flirt option in the dialogues with same genders, it could be implemented somehow as a flag that can be enabled by those who want it.
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I think gay/lesbians should be respected if they respect you. And once they buy the game they show that they respect BW. If some people get annoyed by the flirt option in the dialogues with same genders, it could be implemented somehow as a flag that can be enabled by those who want it.


Careful. As I said in an earlier post the Community Team considers talk of toggles (or flags as you put it) as "discriminatory and insulting".

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No actually I already reported you and they will probably lock this thread ASAP so people with your views can go back to posting on the fox nation blog.


Some of us have reported this thread since the beginning (it is a duplicate afterall and posts on both sides have crossed the line the CM's created). Ever since the layoffs the team isn't that fast. They'll probably get to it eventually but the fact it made it to page 10 should tell you something ;)

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I was wondering if anyone knows, or if any of the officials on the forums, know if same gender romances are still in the works. In a Q and A a while ago, it was said it was being worked on, but obviously many shake ups have occurred since then.


I, and many other fans, have long respected and appreciated Bioware's willingness to give a variety of choices in romance, including same sex love interests. After all, Juhani in KOTOR was one of, if not the first, lesbian characters in Star Wars. I really hope that, even with the transition to F2P, that this will be implemented, as I know that it would really increase re-playability, and enjoyment amongst long time fans.


This is a legitimate and respectful inquiry, and I would appreciate if everyone responding keep the same tone. Thanks!


I'm sure it will be soon ® bwahahaha!

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It wasn't meant in hostility, so I'm sorry if people took it that way. As for the fellow who reported me, it simply shows the explosiveness of some peoples' insecurities, as well as the inability to conduct themselves as adults.


I have the utmost respect for all people of all creeds. Politics is entirely different, and I maintain my stances there. I support everyone with the temerity to voice their opinions openly, and shake my head sadly at those who feel they must go tell the grown ups because they're afraid of a difference in opinion.


That's all fine, but politics doesn't even need to be a factor. My stance isn't political in the slightest. I don't think putting same sex features in the game will suddenly cause a wave of socio-political change to go sweeping across the globe. I want the feature because I will enjoy it. That's all. I ignore the political talk because I see no point engaging in it. People's stances on politics aren't going to change because someone on the SWTOR forums typed words at them.


I'd like to see the feature in. I'd like more information on the feature. I think people interested in the feature - pro or con - have the right to ask for more information irrespective of how important or unimportant the feature may or may not seem. Citing politics as a reason to not get the feature or the information seems ill-placed to me.


Either way, the facts stand: there's very little information on the feature's inclusion and I, like many people, would like more information; it was mentioned at the Guild Summit but we all know a great deal has changed in the SWTOR teams since then, and an update on the feature's progress isn't an unreasonable request.

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They quit playing a game because an npc hit on them? Companies really need to stop making MMO's. There really is no way to win in this world.


Or maybe they should just make the romance options actually OPTIONAL AS PROMISED. I can't speak for the world, but I'll go on a limb and say that many people expected 'optional' to mean that they themselves have to initiate it as opposed to having it thrown in their face as DA2 does. Kind of like the way OGRA's are now in SWTOR where you have to select the 'flirt' option. Oh, and DA2 isn't an MMO :rolleyes:

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Or maybe they should just make the romance options actually OPTIONAL AS PROMISED. I can't speak for the world, but I'll go on a limb and say that many people expected 'optional' to mean that they themselves have to initiate it as opposed to having it thrown in their face as DA2 does. Kind of like the way OGRA's are now in SWTOR where you have to select the 'flirt' option. Oh, and DA2 isn't an MMO :rolleyes:


I do agree that the romance-related features need to be more clearly marked. Some aren't really marked much at all. If you don't care much about them either way it's probably no hassle but for people who want to avoid them or pursue them having clearly marked lines is pretty vital.

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That's all fine, but politics doesn't even need to be a factor. My stance isn't political in the slightest. I don't think putting same sex features in the game will suddenly cause a wave of socio-political change to go sweeping across the globe. I want the feature because I will enjoy it. That's all. I ignore the political talk because I see no point engaging in it. People's stances on politics aren't going to change because someone on the SWTOR forums typed words at them.


I'd like to see the feature in. I'd like more information on the feature. I think people interested in the feature - pro or con - have the right to ask for more information irrespective of how important or unimportant the feature may or may not seem. Citing politics as a reason to not get the feature or the information seems ill-placed to me.


Either way, the facts stand: there's very little information on the feature's inclusion and I, like many people, would like more information; it was mentioned at the Guild Summit but we all know a great deal has changed in the SWTOR teams since then, and an update on the feature's progress isn't an unreasonable request.


Cogent and well-worded. I see your point.

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I think this thread should be cleaned up and left in General, everything else has its own thread in General and Same Gender Romance is hidden away in Story and Lore where the number of viewers are extremely low. Bioware should just leave this out in the open where it belongs. Edited by Tuscad
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Some of us have reported this thread since the beginning (it is a duplicate afterall and posts on both sides have crossed the line the CM's created). Ever since the layoffs the team isn't that fast. They'll probably get to it eventually but the fact it made it to page 10 should tell you something ;)


My sub is up in 10 days so they won't be getting anymore of my money. If crossing the line is being intolerant of homophobia then that's a line I proudly cross.


I also find the fact that it can't be discussed without it being reported just because of the topic sad.

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I am wondering why there is so much negativity towards Same Gender relations being in game.


So two characters of the same gender is bad. Inter-species relationships are ok. And let's not forget the incestial overtones within the original Star Wars movies.Personally it should be an option for people. If you don't like it, don't use it, but at least allow others to be able to make a choice in their game play as well.


There were no incestial overtones in the original Star Wars. Leia was never intended to be Luke's sister. That was a change made by Lucas after Empire. A stupid one at that.

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I do agree that the romance-related features need to be more clearly marked. Some aren't really marked much at all. If you don't care much about them either way it's probably no hassle but for people who want to avoid them or pursue them having clearly marked lines is pretty vital.


Agreed. And a well done romance can be a great story enhancer. But both sides (three if you count the ones who don't want ANY romance) should be considered and treated fairly (which if they're clearly marked as you say should make it so).

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Or maybe they should just make the romance options actually OPTIONAL AS PROMISED. I can't speak for the world, but I'll go on a limb and say that many people expected 'optional' to mean that they themselves have to initiate it as opposed to having it thrown in their face as DA2 does. Kind of like the way OGRA's are now in SWTOR where you have to select the 'flirt' option. Oh, and DA2 isn't an MMO :rolleyes:


So when Mako flirted with my BH was she throwing something in my face because I missed that part lol. :rolleyes: Also I know what DA2 is because I couldn't bring myself to finish the first one it was so boring.

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There were no incestial overtones in the original Star Wars. Leia was never intended to be Luke's sister. That was a change made by Lucas after Empire. A stupid one at that.


Not the worst decision he made, but it still means the incestual overtones were there. They just got implemented in Episode VI.


He could have changed that, I guess, so Luke and Leia never kissed. He made Greedo shoot first, after all.

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Agreed. And a well done romance can be a great story enhancer. But both sides (three if you count the ones who don't want ANY romance) should be considered and treated fairly (which if they're clearly marked as you say should make it so).


Oh, I totally agree. Yes. No matter what happens or doesn't happen with the romance lines they definitely need to be reworked and rechecked so that each and every one is clearly labelled.

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