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LFG BUG - Who else is experiencing this?


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Hi folks, last night we tried four times to start a FP HM for the daily reward (LFG BH), all 4 times all FPs started at the same time, and at the end of the one we chose no reward was obtained.

Did someone else have this problem?


Make sure you hit the panel at the end. That triggers the reward.


If you did that and still no reward then:


Submit a ticket stating you did not receive your reward. Only work around right now.

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Unfortunately OP, this is a bug that has been forcing a lot of us to stop playing.


It's been well over 2 weeks now since BW themselves broke the lfg tool with a "patch". There are actually plenty of threads on the subject. However, it was obviously more important to introduce some lame world event instead of fixing this issue :rolleyes:

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Do not queue as a full group of four for random flashpoints! This triggers the bug.

Rather try queuing as heal+dd in one and tank+dd in another group at the same time and hope (!) that you get matched together. If it does not work, put the player you have been assigned with on your ignore list or change group constellations (heal+dd+dd / tank or tank+dd+dd / heal).

Worked for us everytime we tried so far.

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Hi folks, last night we tried four times to start a FP HM for the daily reward (LFG BH), all 4 times all FPs started at the same time, and at the end of the one we chose no reward was obtained.

Did someone else have this problem?


I don't quite get what you mean by "all FPs started at the same time, and at the end of the one we chose no reward was obtained."

The LFG reward is only granted if you select random and have all Fp's selected, therefore you do not get a choice of FP when it pops. If you are choosing a select 4 FP's and choose whichever one you want then you are not doing a random with all FP's selected.


Maybe I am mis-reading your post, but that's how it looks to me.

Edited by ScrabblePants
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I don't quite get what you mean by "all FPs started at the same time, and at the end of the one we chose no reward was obtained."

The LFG reward is only granted if you select random and have all Fp's selected, therefore you do not get a choice of FP when it pops. If you are choosing a select 4 FP's and choose whichever one you want then you are not doing a random with all FP's selected.


Maybe I am mis-reading your post, but that's how it looks to me.


What he's stating is that if you form a group of 4 people and use the LFG tool to do a HM FP (random). When the q pops (which is instantly), you are bombarded with every HM FP quest in your log. Then when you attempt to do the original FP that popped up, you are no rewarded with the 5 black hole comms.


As stated above, usually best to have a group of 3 people q 1st. Such as Healer and 2 DPS then have the Tank Q solo.

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What about the bug where people that queue as certain roles are assigned to groups in the wrong roles that they haven't selected? Is that being fixed really soon as well?


I really hope this one gets fixed, having to leave a group and then suffer group finder lockout just because it put me as dps instead of tank is so annoying.

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The wrong role bug is essentially every other member of the group except the leader. If you queue solo or are queueing as the leader you're fine. All they would have to do to correct it is prompt members to confirm their role as soon as a group queues.
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Hello everyone - this is definitely something we're aware of, and a fix for it will be deployed as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime.


Thank you for the answer, and thanks to all of my fellow mates form this wonderful community!!!!

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This needs to be fixed yesterday. This has killed us having our guild get together on certain nights. Most of my friends have quit since we can't run FP's together as a pre made group. I understand you broke this by trying to limit how many FP's people can run for the upcoming F2P but c'mon. HOW HARD IS IT TO PUT IT BACK THE WAY IT IS? The system you put in place isn't ready. For the greater good of the game you have ruined the current good? Why? You have isolated your current subscribers by doing this so that future money can be made?



I really don't get this mentality. Usually if something is broke you roll it back or get it fixed right away so the current paying customer can continue to enjoy but nope...You want to continue and try and work on it while we suffer. You've given us no company approved work around. If the above poster is correct on a work around why DON"T YOU GUYS TEST IT AND SAY YES THIS WORKS AND HERE"S HOW. It's like you aren't even trying to help us get around it or anything.



You just say Yep it's broke and we know it. Who knows when we will fix it but yep it's broke.


I really don't get this attitude of we broke something and aren't going to put it back the way it was....WHY?



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I agree with the above poster, this is an intolerable bug that has crippled a key feature, and all we are getting are empty platitudes "thank you for your patience" I'll tell you what my patience for the devs on this bug ran out about a week ago, either game is so badly written they cant pin down this bug or they just don't have the staff or will to divert resources to fixing it, either way my confidence in the games future is not helped by the lack of progress on fixing this critical problem.



Dev's; get off your dead butts and address this problem, group finder is a major game system to have it half broken is beyond irresponsible


Community team: I want concrete progress reports on this issue, not "we are aware of the problem, have fun playing with a broken game system, Go F yourselves players, kthxby" if you don't have anything to report don't give us more BS platitudes to pacify us, its an insult to our intlegence

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This needs to be fixed yesterday. This has killed us having our guild get together on certain nights. Most of my friends have quit since we can't run FP's together as a pre made group. I understand you broke this by trying to limit how many FP's people can run for the upcoming F2P but c'mon. HOW HARD IS IT TO PUT IT BACK THE WAY IT IS? The system you put in place isn't ready. For the greater good of the game you have ruined the current good? Why? You have isolated your current subscribers by doing this so that future money can be made?



I really don't get this mentality. Usually if something is broke you roll it back or get it fixed right away so the current paying customer can continue to enjoy but nope...You want to continue and try and work on it while we suffer. You've given us no company approved work around. If the above poster is correct on a work around why DON"T YOU GUYS TEST IT AND SAY YES THIS WORKS AND HERE"S HOW. It's like you aren't even trying to help us get around it or anything.



You just say Yep it's broke and we know it. Who knows when we will fix it but yep it's broke.


I really don't get this attitude of we broke something and aren't going to put it back the way it was....WHY?




If people quit because of this, well it's just good for the game. This was not a gamebreaker so these people were probably not meant to be here.

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There are plenty of other posts here about bugs and what not but I should point out something:

at the end of the one we chose


You have to do RANDOM to get a reward, if your selectively choosing one or more flashpoint(s) which you wish to do, you will not recieve a reward.



This needs to be fixed yesterday. This has killed us having our guild get together on certain nights. Most of my friends have quit since we can't run FP's together as a pre made group. I understand you broke this by trying to limit how many FP's people can run for the upcoming F2P but c'mon. HOW HARD IS IT TO PUT IT BACK THE WAY IT IS? The system you put in place isn't ready. For the greater good of the game you have ruined the current good? Why? You have isolated your current subscribers by doing this so that future money can be made?



I really don't get this mentality. Usually if something is broke you roll it back or get it fixed right away so the current paying customer can continue to enjoy but nope...You want to continue and try and work on it while we suffer. You've given us no company approved work around. If the above poster is correct on a work around why DON"T YOU GUYS TEST IT AND SAY YES THIS WORKS AND HERE"S HOW. It's like you aren't even trying to help us get around it or anything.



You just say Yep it's broke and we know it. Who knows when we will fix it but yep it's broke.


I really don't get this attitude of we broke something and aren't going to put it back the way it was....WHY?




You can run it AS MUCH AS YOU WANT, however if you SATISFY the CRITERIA ONCE a day you will get a bonus.

Edited by Todgins
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Any pre-made group of 4 will not currently get any rewards due to a bug. There's no warning, you just don't get them at the end.


I've done plenty of pre-mades with guildmates and the only time we ever don't get a reward is if we DC during the FP and even then it's only the person that DC'd that doesn't.

Perhaps i have just been lucky?

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