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They are already discussing milking the subscribers


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The Burning Crusade:

- Level cap raised 10 levels (60 -> 70).

- New quest area (Outland).

- New raids (plural, there were 5 new raids in the launch of BC.)

- Multiple new Heroic dungeons.

- A new Battleground (Eye of the Storm).

- A new Arena system.

- Open world PvP objectives.

- 2 new races (which, let's face it, is harder than BioWare implementing new races, since these races have entire storylines built around their respective peoples. In ToR, it's as easy as a facial reskin.)


Wrath of the Lich King:

- Level cap raised by 10 (70 -> 80).

- New quest area (Northrend).

- 3 New PvE raids.

- 1 new PvP raid.

- Multiple new Heroic dungeons.

- New "Hero" Class (Death Knight).

- A new Battleground (Strand of the Ancients).



- Level cap raised by 5 levels.

- New high level zones.

- Environmental redesign of existing zones, complete with "thousands'" (claims Blizzard, I've never counted :cool:) of new PvE and PvP quests for those zones.

- New open-world PvP questing area.

- 2 new PvP Battlegrounds.

- A new PvP instanced dungeon.

- 4 new raids.

- Multiple new Heroic dungeons.

- 2 new races.

- New talents and spells for existing classes.


Mists of Pandaria:

- Level cap raised by 5 levels.

- New continent, as well as new leveling areas throughout the world.

- 3 new raids.

- Multiple new Heroic dungeons.

- A new class.

- A new race.

- Complete overhaul of talent system.

- Pet battles.


So... let's recap, shall we? Each and every expansion featured a level cap increase, new quest content, multiple new raids, new PvP content (except Mists, apparently), plus a smattering of additional goodies. And let's not forget, they were releasing content in between these major expansions as well; content which was free of additional charge to subscribers.




and the details on the xpac for SWTOR has not been released other than a new race, lvl cap raise and a new planet...

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The Burning Crusade:

- Level cap raised 10 levels (60 -> 70).

- New quest area (Outland).

- New raids (plural, there were 5 new raids in the launch of BC.)

- Multiple new Heroic dungeons.

- A new Battleground (Eye of the Storm).

- A new Arena system.

- Open world PvP objectives.

- 2 new races (which, let's face it, is harder than BioWare implementing new races, since these races have entire storylines built around their respective peoples. In ToR, it's as easy as a facial reskin.)


Wrath of the Lich King:

- Level cap raised by 10 (70 -> 80).

- New quest area (Northrend).

- 3 New PvE raids.

- 1 new PvP raid.

- Multiple new Heroic dungeons.

- New "Hero" Class (Death Knight).

- A new Battleground (Strand of the Ancients).



- Level cap raised by 5 levels.

- New high level zones.

- Environmental redesign of existing zones, complete with "thousands'" (claims Blizzard, I've never counted :cool:) of new PvE and PvP quests for those zones.

- New open-world PvP questing area.

- 2 new PvP Battlegrounds.

- A new PvP instanced dungeon.

- 4 new raids.

- Multiple new Heroic dungeons.

- 2 new races.

- New talents and spells for existing classes.


Mists of Pandaria:

- Level cap raised by 5 levels.

- New continent, as well as new leveling areas throughout the world.

- 3 new raids.

- Multiple new Heroic dungeons.

- A new class.

- A new race.

- Complete overhaul of talent system.

- Pet battles.


So... let's recap, shall we? Each and every expansion featured a level cap increase, new quest content, multiple new raids, new PvP content (except Mists, apparently), plus a smattering of additional goodies. And let's not forget, they were releasing content in between these major expansions as well; content which was free of additional charge to subscribers.




Sweet, now lets look at Rifts new expansion:


Storm Legion:

- Level increase of 10 levels

- 2 new continents that more then triple the size of the game

- New epic stories

- 4 new souls (these are basically classes)

- new quests

- new instant adventures

- new onslaughts

- new rifts

- new dynamic events

- 7 new dungeons

- 3 new raids

- 1 new chronicle (chronicles are similar to those Lotro adventures that you can insta port to and scale to how many people are in your party)

- Join the Hunt: New rift gameplay propels you into battling increasingly-challenging planar bosses

- new mobs and creature types and new dynamic event bosses

- Dimensions (this is their take on personal customizable housing and it looks fantastic. It is not just a hourse but a dimension of the game area that you can completely customize)

- raise in crafting level with new recipes

- New puzzles, artifacts and collectibles, achievements, mounts, pets, titles, and much more


I wont even talk about the entire years worth of free updating they did. It was atleast 5x's the content that ToR put out.

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That is what your cartel coin allowance for your monthly sub is for. SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO SPEND REAL WORLD CURRENCY!!!!!




Yeah ok... just save everything they give you for 6 months and not purchase a thing... then you can get the expansion free!! Thats your answer for everything... use your "free" cartel coins. When are you going to realize that the "free" cartel coins will eventually not be enough to purchase all the content they put out there? Now you will say... just save for it. Well by the time you save for it more content will be out.

Edited by Soluss
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Sweet, now lets look at Rifts new expansion:


Storm Legion:

- Level increase of 10 levels

- 2 new continents that more then triple the size of the game

- New epic stories

- 4 new souls (these are basically classes)

- new quests

- new instant adventures

- new onslaughts

- new rifts

- new dynamic events

- 7 new dungeons

- 3 new raids

- 1 new chronicle (chronicles are similar to those Lotro adventures that you can insta port to and scale to how many people are in your party)

- Join the Hunt: New rift gameplay propels you into battling increasingly-challenging planar bosses

- new mobs and creature types and new dynamic event bosses

- Dimensions (this is their take on personal customizable housing and it looks fantastic. It is not just a hourse but a dimension of the game area that you can completely customize)

- raise in crafting level with new recipes

- New puzzles, artifacts and collectibles, achievements, mounts, pets, titles, and much more


I wont even talk about the entire years worth of free updating they did. It was atleast 5x's the content that ToR put out.



Yes this is a valid point. We should get something comparable to the other mmo's expansions. Although I feel Rift is a crap game but that is a matter of opinion so I can't objectively compare it to SWTOR. However you are complaining about something that has not even come to pass. We have 0 information on what the planet may contain, how many levels we will get, FP's, WZ's and the list goes on and on.


TL;DR You are making a mountain out of a mole hill!

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Sweet, now lets look at Rifts new expansion:


Played Rift. It just does not have the appeal for me that this game does. For me it's the staleness of the "free" content (which is cut, paste, adjust the skins... give out different coinage, yada yada) AND uninspiring lore. The end game is the only thing interesting, and even that is tedious after a while.


As for their expansion... more of the same, and not appealing.


Content adds are meaningless if the game itself lacks something desireable. That's why there are different MMOs, for different tastes.


I guess the difference between you and me is I don't linger in the Rift forums to shoot the game producer in the face every day for every nit picking thing. I moved on to other MMOs I enjoy.


Play what you enjoy... let others play what they enjoy. No need to haunt game forums for MMOs you have no respect for.

Edited by Andryah
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Played it. It just does not have the appeal for me that this game does. For me it's the staleness of the "free" content (which is cut, paste, adjust the skins... give out different coinage, yada yada) AND uninspiring lore. The end game is the only thing interesting, and even that is tedious after a while.


Content adds are meaningless if the game itself lacks something desireable. That's why there are different MMOs, for different tastes.


I guess the difference between you and me is I don't linger in the Rift forums to shoot the game producer in the face every day for every nit picking thing. I moved on to other MMOs I enjoy.


Play what you enjoy... let others play what they enjoy. No need to haunt game forums for MMOs you have no respect for.


Please, if Rift had Star Wars skin you would be all over it. I know I would. Im not there because Im tired of fantasy and thats the only reason. Rift is the best MMO to come out in over a decade. If it sci fi it would be the ****.


As for your reskinned updates, thats laughable. They have done alot with that game. You probably havent played it since the first couple updates which added mostly raids, dungeons, group finder, modding, and events that are among the best events that any MMO has put out.


Since then they have added instant adventures, onslaughts, 3rd faction PVP, conquests, fishing, survival, and a lot more. Not to mention they probably have the best raids and dungeons out of any MMO. Speaking of raids, they have 20 man raids and 10 man raids. 10 man raids arent just dumbed down scaled down raids either. They are entirely different raids then 20 mans. Did I mention that in the instant adventures they put in scaled down raids that scale all the way down to solo players? So its the 1 MMO, on the planet, that solo players have been asking for... the ability to solo the raids and see the content that they otherwise couldnt. The rewards are appropriately scaled down but solo players can do the raid encounters on level.


Thats just the tip of the iceburg. Sure its not for everyone and everyone has different tastes but you cannot deny both the quanitity and quality that Rift puts out, on a regular basis, all for 15 bucks a month. Again, if it had a star wars skin, you would be all over it.

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Yeah ok... just save everything they give you for 6 months and not purchase a thing... then you can get the expansion free!! Thats your answer for everything... use your "free" cartel coins. When are you going to realize that the "free" cartel coins will eventually not be enough to purchase all the content they put out there? Now you will say... just save for it. Well by the time you save for it more content will be out.


Having played LoTRO for years now and never had to pony up a dime for game currency, even for paid expansion content, I'm going to disagree with your doom and gloom. It gets to where it is hard to find a way to spend the subscription allowance any where near zero balance. So unless Bioware goes down a rat hole imbalanced freemium model, I have no worries for SWTOR either.


Until they actually do what you are so afraid of, you have no leg to stand on. All you have is conspiracy theory based on absolute conjecture on your part.

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Please, if Rift had Star Wars skin you would be all over it.


Pointless... because it doesn't and never will. Rift is based on shallow and pointless lore, which in and MMO is death as far as I am concerned.


And the instant adventure mechanics was the start of the end for me personally. Gee... rehashed raid content abreviated and dumbed down to one man solo play. Silly sauce all around.

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Having played LoTRO for years now and never had to pony up a dime for game currency, even for paid expansion content, I'm going to disagree with your doom and gloom. It gets to where it is hard to find a way to spend the subscription allowance any where near zero balance. So unless Bioware goes down a rat hole imbalanced freemium model, I have no worries for SWTOR either.


Until they actually do what you are so afraid of, you have no leg to stand on. All you have is conspiracy theory based on absolute conjecture on your part.


Lotro is Lotro and run by Turbine and WB. ToR is ToR and run by EA and well EA. What happens to you in Lotro is not mutually exclusive to what happens in ToR.

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Sweet, now lets look at Rifts new expansion:


Storm Legion:

- Level increase of 10 levels

- 2 new continents that more then triple the size of the game

- New epic stories

- 4 new souls (these are basically classes)

- new quests

- new instant adventures

- new onslaughts

- new rifts

- new dynamic events

- 7 new dungeons

- 3 new raids

- 1 new chronicle (chronicles are similar to those Lotro adventures that you can insta port to and scale to how many people are in your party)

- Join the Hunt: New rift gameplay propels you into battling increasingly-challenging planar bosses

- new mobs and creature types and new dynamic event bosses

- Dimensions (this is their take on personal customizable housing and it looks fantastic. It is not just a hourse but a dimension of the game area that you can completely customize)

- raise in crafting level with new recipes

- New puzzles, artifacts and collectibles, achievements, mounts, pets, titles, and much more


I wont even talk about the entire years worth of free updating they did. It was atleast 5x's the content that ToR put out.


I think we agree on the same thing maybe I just worded it wrong. I hope if they call it an xpack it has more than just 1 planet and a lvl cap increase. See how the race is going to the coins. I hope for a lot more if they want to charge me for it. But I don't see how they would raise the lvl cap with out adding in 3-4 FP and 2-3 raids as well

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Lotro is Lotro and run by Turbine and WB. ToR is ToR and run by EA and well EA. What happens to you in Lotro is not mutually exclusive to what happens in ToR.


The economics of the business model however are the same. There is only one way to run a freemium business model +/- a narrow margin. Which is why in many respects SWTOR freemium looks and smells very much like LoTROs model, even though they are different game producers.

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I think we agree on the same thing maybe I just worded it wrong. I hope if they call it an xpack it has more than just 1 planet and a lvl cap increase. See how the race is going to the coins. I hope for a lot more if they want to charge me for it. But I don't see how they would raise the lvl cap with out adding in 3-4 FP and 2-3 raids as well


If they add that type of content then I have no problem with them calling it an expansion and charging for it appropriately. If its just 1 planet with 5 levels and some cheesy world story quests then its a ripoff. I dont care if they only charge 10 bucks for it. If it is of the size Im guessing it will be, its no better then free content that they call an expansion to charge for it.

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You are not right. So get over it. Play what you like, I will play what I like. Don't tell me what I do or do not like in and MMO.


Im not telling you what you do and dont like in an mmo. Im telling you that you ignored my post, because you know Im right about it but dont want to admit it, and you commented on 1 line of it that you could get away with disagreeing. So as I said, way to defelect and ignore the post.

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Im not telling you what you do and dont like in an mmo.


It was the very first statement in your post... so please stop lying. As for the rest of that post... it was rehash of what you keep saying... nothing to comment on. You necroed up your own tired thread because you want to keep on ranting about what Biowares does with their game. Play it if you like it, play something else if you don't. Rehasing the same tired old rant over and over again is pointless IMO.

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EA just made more money in the past week than they have made so far in subs. (well this is not fact, its just speculation but hear me out)


Of the 12 or so people I play the game with, who are all subscribers, more than 1/4 of them have dropped close to a 12 months worth of subs purchasing more cartel coins.


I have also seen many FTP players that have unlocked everything. they have all the pets and every mount. I wonder how much they spent to get that.


EAware have made a truck load on this and they are getting hailed on by all the cartel coins. (I am stealing a daniel tosh reference there) Make it hail!

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It was the very first statement in your post... so please stop lying. As for the rest of that post... it was rehash of what you keep saying... nothing to comment on.


So you obviously read none of it.... deflecting. You want to come into my thread and speak against what I say but not back any of it up when I call you out.


Go back to your dictionary and find some new lines to use.




Ad hominem





Just about everyone of your posts can be boiled down to you telling someone they are doing those things. Get something new in your routine. EA is not going to give you a hall monitors job.

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EA just made more money in the past week than they have made so far in subs. (well this is not fact, its just speculation but hear me out)


Of the 12 or so people I play the game with, who are all subscribers, more than 1/4 of them have dropped close to a 12 months worth of subs purchasing more cartel coins.


I have also seen many FTP players that have unlocked everything. they have all the pets and every mount. I wonder how much they spent to get that.


EAware have made a truck load on this and they are getting hailed on by all the cartel coins. (I am stealing a daniel tosh reference there) Make it hail!


Well theres the proof in the pudding right there. Its funny how they had no time to create any of that content before. Now that they can charge extra for it, they can make it in mass amounts.... all while firing a huge chunk of their staff. Now what does that tell you?

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If they add that type of content then I have no problem with them calling it an expansion and charging for it appropriately. If its just 1 planet with 5 levels and some cheesy world story quests then its a ripoff. I dont care if they only charge 10 bucks for it. If it is of the size Im guessing it will be, its no better then free content that they call an expansion to charge for it.


Everything has a price. Everything. Every business model in the planet is also looking to get the most profit out of the lowest costs within reason.


Makeb is a bunch of BS speculation until we see the final model. I guarantee you that if there will be some type of price on it. Now if you draw the line at any price, regardless or how it modeled or given to you, then you are being simply unreasonable.


That price may very wells be cartel coins or completely free for subs. You monthly sub might already pay for it. Maybe it will be 1000 coins but they will tell us well ahead of time so we can save our monthly stipend. We just don't know right now.


Bottom line, you have been spreading doom and gloom all over the thread for no real reason. You shoot down other opinions and you whine and complain about being fleeced when in reality EA bioware has been pretty reasonable with the bonuses that subs get.


If you are this miserable and don't like this business model, man up and get out. Stop trying to change the world with a forum post. Be a better consumer and vote with your wallet. Thing is...I don't think you really hate it as much as you claim. You just want a pedestal to stand on it and you found it.

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Just about everyone of your posts can be boiled down to you telling someone they are doing those things. Get something new in your routine.


How Ironic.


Your posts can be boiled down to:





At least Andryah is enjoying the game.

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Don't forget the darn near full game price for each....


Yeah, that's important. WoW has certainly "fleeced" or whatever their customers for several years by making players pay the same price for a mere expansion as the original game goes for. And not all of the expansion contained the same amount of content, either.


Man, I can't wait to go to the WoW forums and see all the rage when WoW finally goes F2P in the future. It will make all of the doomy gloomy Bioware-hating crybaby whiners that fill this forum look like content customers.

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Yeah, that's important. WoW has certainly "fleeced" or whatever their customers for several years by making players pay the same price for a mere expansion as the original game goes for. And not all of the expansion contained the same amount of content, either.


Man, I can't wait to go to the WoW forums and see all the rage when WoW finally goes F2P in the future. It will make all of the doomy gloomy Bioware-hating crybaby whiners that fill this forum look like content customers.


exactly right now if you want to start playing WoW you have to spend over $100 to get the game and all the expansion packs.


Used to be MMOs would let you buy the latest expansion pack and you would be up to date and get all the previous content. Not with WoW though.

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