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They are already discussing milking the subscribers


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NEWSFLASH: Nobody has a gun to your head forcing you to play SWTOR. If the game and the direction its developers are taking it offends you horribly and you repeatedly insist it somehow isn't worth the value of a subscription despite it being comparable to every other first year MMO in existence, you can always stop playing.


They aren't going to change their entire business model because one more person is on the forums spouting doom and gloom and going on about how horrible the game is and scaring away new players.


I have played and then cancelled subscriptions for too many MMOs to count, even after dropping too much money in their cash stores, buying expansions, etc. It's called life. Things change. Digital content is on the rise for all games, not just MMOs. You can either play the base game and not get any frills at all, for FREE, or you can buy content. Though at this point it's all hyperbole. I have seen nothing at all to indicate they are going to stop making content. Maybe my view has something to do with the fact they already have 1.6 on the test center 5 days after 1.5 was released...


:rolleyes: Not every MMO is for everyone, but most MMOs, especially the F2P ones, do charge for xpacs, even if they're tiny. I played AOC for a long time and dropped $40 on their expansion pack that was basically nothing but one new zone for mid-level characters and a free mid-level character. Compared to that, buying a TOR xpac with a new planet, a new race, and a level cap increase sounds like a good deal to me.


Inb4 I get labeled a "biodrone" (that's as clever as Tortanic) just for actually enjoying the game I made the conscious choice to spend money on. Shocking.

Edited by Beltane
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NEWSFLASH: Nobody has a gun to your head forcing you to play SWTOR. If the game and the direction its developers are taking it offends you horribly and you repeatedly insist it somehow isn't worth the value of a subscription despite it being comparable to every other first year MMO in existence, you can always stop playing.


They aren't going to change their entire business model because one more person is on the forums spouting doom and gloom and going on about how horrible the game is and scaring away new players.



Do I need to point out that they already changed their entire business model because a mass amount of people didnt lfeel the game was worth 15 bucks a month and cancelled?

Edited by Soluss
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You did until the 15th... but maybe you are a sucker and need someone to protect them from mean, predatory game makers.


Maybe that's why Soluss is so mad. He kept paying for something he didn't like. Maybe this whole time, it was the cancel button he was looking for. ;)


So in other words... you actually have no arguement whatsoever so all you can do is insult people.

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Do I need to point out that they already changed their entire business model because a mass amount of people didnt like the game and cancelled?



With this in mind, I dont know why anyone would be so surprised that they may not be giving away Makeb as they stated earlier. Obviously many revenue related things have changed since then.

Edited by RichT
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With this in mind, I dont know why anyone would be so surprised that they may not be giving away Makeb as they stated earlier. Obviously many revenue related things have changed since then.


Yeah, love it when companies cry poverty and say... pay us more.

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Subscribers shouldn't pay for Makeb, period.

Makeb is not an expansion , it's a mere one planet so trying to charge that to people who are regular subscribers would seem a bit like ripoff.


Even IF Makeb is unlocked via the cartel store (and there is no proof of this, only doom and gloom predictions from those with no evidence one way or the other) as a subscriber you can use your free coins to unlock it without paying anything more than your usual subscription....


I don't see the problem here :(



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Yeah, love it when companies cry poverty and say... pay us more.


Do I need to point out that they already changed their entire business model because a mass amount of people didnt like the game and cancelled?



Crying poverty now? So why did you post the previous. Either you acknowledge they had to make financial shifts due to a lack of subscribers...or you claim they're "crying poverty"..you really cant just make whatever statement you want at any time. Youre inconsistant.


"pay us more" would fit if they were upping the sub fee...but not for following the industry standard of paying for expansions. Noones forcing you to buy it of course, Im sure the game will run fine without Makeb.

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Even IF Makeb is unlocked via the cartel store (and there is no proof of this, only doom and gloom predictions from those with no evidence one way or the other) as a subscriber you can use your free coins to unlock it without paying anything more than your usual subscription....


I don't see the problem here :(




I agree with you there, i wouldn't have a problem if i could purchase Makeb from the free coins i get as a subscriber, however i would have a problem if the cost of that content would be around the amount of , lets say, 3 or 4 months of free cartel coins, it would piss me off immensely.

Edited by Vlacke
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Subscribers shouldn't pay for Makeb, period.

Makeb is not an expansion , it's a mere one planet so trying to charge that to people who are regular subscribers would seem a bit like ripoff.



Depending on the price point of course I would agree. If they try and get a 50 dollar premium for it, I'd probably find it ridiculous. However if it's a 10-20 dollar thing..no big deal.


I want the lights to stay on in SWTOR. I enjoy the game. If they dont make money to justify running it, it goes away..thats the bottom line.

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Crying poverty now? So why did you post the previous. Either you acknowledge they had to make financial shifts due to a lack of subscribers...or you claim they're "crying poverty"..you really cant just make whatever statement you want at any time. Youre inconsistant.


"pay us more" would fit if they were upping the sub fee...but not for following the industry standard of paying for expansions. Noones forcing you to buy it of course, Im sure the game will run fine without Makeb.


Haters gonna hate. They won't justify and don't worry about contradictions.

Edited by Surakis
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Haters gonna hate. They won't justify and don't worry about contradictions.



I dont get it. Lifes too short to sit around on a message board for a game you arent enjoying lol. Myself, If i was that down on the game, I'd find another one and ditch the unneeded stress.


Life has enough of that on it's own. This is our relax and game time..if it's not fun you gotta move on. Myself I love this game, and have 0 issue buying Makeb at a reasonable pricepoint for whatever content it adds.

Edited by RichT
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I agree with you there, i wouldn't have a problem if i could purchase Makeb from the free coins i get as a subscriber, however i would have a problem if the cost of that content would be around the amount of , lets say, 3 or 4 months of free cartel coins, it would piss me off immensely.


Agree 3 or 4 monhs might be a bit steep but I wouldnt mind a couple of months....


I've actually kept most of my CE / previous sub award of over 3k cartel coins because I envisage a whole load of new even cooler gear and items being added to the store....just after the majority have spent their free allocation :)


I'll just keep some back and let the monthly top ups compliment this amount so should have plenty if Makeb does require cartel coins to unlock :)



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I dont get it. Lifes too short to sit around on a message board for a game you arent enjoying lol. Myself, If i was that down on the game, I'd find another one and ditch the unneeded stress.


Life has enough of that on it's own. This is our relax and game time..if it's not fun you gotta move on. Myself I love this game, and have 0 issue buying Makeb at a reasonable pricepoint for whatever content it adds.


Yeah, before I get bent on buying something, I want to know if I'll even have to buy and then at what price.


And in the end, no one can force you to buy it.

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Depending on the price point of course I would agree. If they try and get a 50 dollar premium for it, I'd probably find it ridiculous. However if it's a 10-20 dollar thing..no big deal.


I want the lights to stay on in SWTOR. I enjoy the game. If they dont make money to justify running it, it goes away..thats the bottom line.


I like the game as well, hell i just re subbed after a break and i partially agree with you.

If the cost of Makeb was, lets say 1000 cartel coins for subscribers which is the amount we get for 2 months of subscription or around those 10$ you mentioned in coins i would be fine with it, anything above that for a sub player i find to be too much.


If that was a full on expansion with a couple of planets, chapter IV of the story for classes and what not i would be willing to pay the premium price you mentioned, but if they try to rip us off for a single planet that wouldn't be fair indeed, no no.

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I like the game as well, hell i just re subbed after a break and i partially agree with you.

If the cost of Makeb was, lets say 1000 cartel coins for subscribers which is the amount we get for 2 months of subscription or around those 10$ you mentioned in coins i would be fine with it, anything above that for a sub player i find to be too much.


If that was a full on expansion with a couple of planets, chapter IV of the story for classes and what not i would be willing to pay the premium price you mentioned, but if they try to rip us off for a single planet that wouldn't be fair indeed, no no.


Agreed. As long as the price is a reasonable one I dont have an issue with it. Now if it came out at 59.99 for one planet...I might be inclined to sit it out as well . I dont think they want to "milk" anyone. If they did they certainly could have released the HK51 content as a 10 dollar "adventure pack" or something.

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Do I need to point out that they already changed their entire business model because a mass amount of people didnt lfeel the game was worth 15 bucks a month and cancelled?


Do I need to point out that the above statement is solely your opinion and cannot be proven? Everyone cries and screams about how badly TOR failed and yet it's still one of the most populated MMOs on the market. But unless an MMO reaches WoW numbers it's labeled a fail by 90% of people on these forums.


I have too much to worry about in real life to bother with the financial state or subscription numbers of a game I play for fun. I base it off of in-game activity. I've played plenty of dead MMOs where every zone is a ghost town and you're lucky to run into 10 people a day. TOR, at least on the server I play on is very populated and alive. That's all I need to stay interested.


Your argument about why people cancelled is also pure speculation. Maybe the people who cancelled didn't like Star Wars. Maybe they're the people who roam in swarms to every new game, devour all the content in a month and then move on. Maybe the people who cancelled would rather play the game they were playing before TOR. Maybe they cancelled because they didn't have any friends playing TOR so they lost interest. Maybe it just wasn't the game for them and they hated everything about it. I've seen people quit for all those reasons, but I've never seen people say "this game isn't worth $15. If it was $5 a month I'd totally subscribe."


$15 is the industry standard. Very few MMOs offer subscriptions below it. There is no official scale to measure if what you're getting in any MMO is "worth" the subscription fee. Instead, it should be based on whether or not you personally enjoy the game. I honestly fail to see the logic in people saying "the game isn't worth $15!" yet also being against F2P, where you can play everything for free, for around $10 a month if you buy the weekly flashpoint/PVP packages, or make one time purchases to unlock the features you want and then be free from that point onwards.


In this day in age, F2P plans with cash shops are also becoming industry standard. It isn't a desperate begging "please play our game, pleeeeeeeease" like people so love to label it. It's just plain smart. I normally pay $15 a month for my single account; I spent $80 this month on Cartel coins, plus the $15. At least 15 people I know of spent $40+ (sometimes way more), and pretty much everyone I know in game has spent at least $5 on coins, including free players. They are making a ton of money now. That should be considered a good thing by the players. It means they have the funding to give us more content.


And, finally... TOR's been out for a year. I'd say we're due for an expansion very soon. You always have to pay for MMO expansions; you don't have to pay for updates. I'd say a new planet/level cap increase/new species would definitely fall into expansion territory. But those three items won't be all the expansion is comprised of; it will have other fluff and maybe some gamechanging things like that secret space project they've kept in the shadows.


What am I basing this on? My experience with dozens of other MMOs, not raw emotion about how much I hate this game yet ... keep playing/posting about it (???). :p

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TBH, this sounds like the current desciption of SWTOR.


If I felt this way about SWTOR I would unsubscribe. I do not however feel this way. I enjoy the game very much and will continue to subscribe as long as I do. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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They HAD said that, yes. But there was an interview: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=522592


The transcript is there, where the Executive Producer of SWTOR says that they are still talking about what they will and will not charge for and that Makeb is now up in the air and they won't know until it is closer to being released...


So basically yes they did say that, but now they are taking it back and saying you might have to pay for it...

This is EA we're talking about.....

If they say you might not have to pay for it.....that means you'll have to pay for it but they don't want to tell you till closer to the release date.

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Crying poverty now? So why did you post the previous. Either you acknowledge they had to make financial shifts due to a lack of subscribers...or you claim they're "crying poverty"..you really cant just make whatever statement you want at any time. Youre inconsistant.


"pay us more" would fit if they were upping the sub fee...but not for following the industry standard of paying for expansions. Noones forcing you to buy it of course, Im sure the game will run fine without Makeb.


MMMKaaaaay... they cried poverty hence the reason for the switch.


As for industry standards.... there is nothing industry standard they are doing here. 1 planet with 5 levels is not an industry standard expansion, sorry.

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Those is glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


Nobody likes a sore loser.


The only people I insult are the ones that start it first. Since you stalk my posts so much, you would see that those that actually engage in a flame free discussion, I have no problem discussing with them. You on the other hand just want to rip people apart for their opinion... so Im returning the favor. Now find someone new to stalk, son.

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I dont get it. Lifes too short to sit around on a message board for a game you arent enjoying lol. Myself, If i was that down on the game, I'd find another one and ditch the unneeded stress.


Life has enough of that on it's own. This is our relax and game time..if it's not fun you gotta move on. Myself I love this game, and have 0 issue buying Makeb at a reasonable pricepoint for whatever content it adds.


I love when people make assumptions. Shows them for the true *** they are. I like the game.... not the direction or management of it.... nor the fake updates they have had and the lack of desire to actually flesh out the base game but rather add fluff to the cash shop and same generic content updates.

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Do I need to point out that the above statement is solely your opinion and cannot be proven? Everyone cries and screams about how badly TOR failed and yet it's still one of the most populated MMOs on the market. But unless an MMO reaches WoW numbers it's labeled a fail by 90% of people on these forums.


I have too much to worry about in real life to bother with the financial state or subscription numbers of a game I play for fun. I base it off of in-game activity. I've played plenty of dead MMOs where every zone is a ghost town and you're lucky to run into 10 people a day. TOR, at least on the server I play on is very populated and alive. That's all I need to stay interested.


Your argument about why people cancelled is also pure speculation. Maybe the people who cancelled didn't like Star Wars. Maybe they're the people who roam in swarms to every new game, devour all the content in a month and then move on. Maybe the people who cancelled would rather play the game they were playing before TOR. Maybe they cancelled because they didn't have any friends playing TOR so they lost interest. Maybe it just wasn't the game for them and they hated everything about it. I've seen people quit for all those reasons, but I've never seen people say "this game isn't worth $15. If it was $5 a month I'd totally subscribe."


$15 is the industry standard. Very few MMOs offer subscriptions below it. There is no official scale to measure if what you're getting in any MMO is "worth" the subscription fee. Instead, it should be based on whether or not you personally enjoy the game. I honestly fail to see the logic in people saying "the game isn't worth $15!" yet also being against F2P, where you can play everything for free, for around $10 a month if you buy the weekly flashpoint/PVP packages, or make one time purchases to unlock the features you want and then be free from that point onwards.


In this day in age, F2P plans with cash shops are also becoming industry standard. It isn't a desperate begging "please play our game, pleeeeeeeease" like people so love to label it. It's just plain smart. I normally pay $15 a month for my single account; I spent $80 this month on Cartel coins, plus the $15. At least 15 people I know of spent $40+ (sometimes way more), and pretty much everyone I know in game has spent at least $5 on coins, including free players. They are making a ton of money now. That should be considered a good thing by the players. It means they have the funding to give us more content.


And, finally... TOR's been out for a year. I'd say we're due for an expansion very soon. You always have to pay for MMO expansions; you don't have to pay for updates. I'd say a new planet/level cap increase/new species would definitely fall into expansion territory. But those three items won't be all the expansion is comprised of; it will have other fluff and maybe some gamechanging things like that secret space project they've kept in the shadows.


What am I basing this on? My experience with dozens of other MMOs, not raw emotion about how much I hate this game yet ... keep playing/posting about it (???). :p


Success is determined in profit, not in popularity. They obviously didnt recieve the profit they were looking for so went F2P... thats one sign of failure. Second and most important sign of failure is when the CEO of the company comes right out and says " ToR was a miss"


As for your last paragraph..... Im getting ripped by you and others for assumptions... are you not doing the same thing and making assumptions as to the content?

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