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Favorite Companion?


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If I have to choose one, it will be Gault. Him and my BH were geting along so well, and despite both looked like greedy coldblooded guns-for sale, I could even say that in the end they became... friends? :eek: Strange enough.
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Blizz is the funniest, most adorable of all.


M1-4X is funny too, and his very hammy voice makes him a delight all the damn time.


Qyzen is one of my favourites as well, he's easily the most interesting of all companions, in particular Melee Tanks which have a tendency to be pretty one-dimensional and dull (the other exception to this is Khem Val).


I'm also quite fond of Vette among the girls, she's cute and funny. Mako is similar but a lot less charming.

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Oh in terms of their character, I love darkside Jaesa to accompany my marauder just because she is over-the-board evil.


Mako is adorable, and my favorite romance, Vette is cute, mistreated and brought out some kindness in my otherwise bad to the bone character. Overall I think Vette has the deepest relationship out of all my companions across classes. Gault is hilarious as is Blizz in his(her?) own way.


Inquisitor, once again, is left with nothing, as none of his companions move me very much. Ashara feels like a failure in storywriting and all the rest are pretty impersonal and bland.


I'm pretty sure I will love Kaliyo but I havent really played agent much.

Edited by Karkais
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I've only fully played the SW and SI stories, and so far I'd say Vette and Khemdawg.

I'm also liking a lot Elara, looking foward to know more of her.

I haven't met Blizz yet, but if someone can pull a rocket launcher a la Takashi Miike's Dead or Alive, can only be awesome :D

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Crud, just one?

<narrows choices down to: Blizz, Aric, and Scourge>


Seriously? One?

Blizz is adorable adorableness. "Boss! Look boss! Shiny!"

Aric is solid as a freaking rock, dead pan sarcastic at times, and a really really fabulous romance.

And Scourge is a fantastic anti-hero with intimidation down pat.



You know, it wasn't as hard to decide as I thought. Aric :)

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