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10 races that are better than Cathar.


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why would anyone want a jawa as a character? all they ever do is salvage and fix droids. what class would they really be used for? unless they make one for fixing speeders or your ship droid.


There are force sensitive Jawas in this game. Follow the tatooine quests. BH also have jawa companions so obviosuly they do more then fix ships.

Edited by Soluss
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There are force sensitive Jawas in this game. Follow the tatooine quests. BH also have jawa companions so obviosuly they do more then fix ships.


that was one jawa and it was made clear that it was a very rare accurance. i havent played the class with the jawa companion so i cant say much about him. i can say however, that this game is the first time ive heard of jawas doing anything except fixing junk. i havent read most of the novels though.

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that was one jawa and it was made clear that it was a very rare accurance. i havent played the class with the jawa companion so i cant say much about him. i can say however, that this game is the first time ive heard of jawas doing anything except fixing junk. i havent read most of the novels though.


TBH I wouldnt mind playing a Fix Stuff class. It would give this game more to do.

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What about the most famous of Wookies, Chewbucca, he had a Jedi nephew.


Thats true, i think there was another but perhaps its the same, he was grandmaster bak wen yoda was a padawan, i think he partly trained yoda too. I just think itd b kinda overly unrealistic if swtor was suddenly overrun with wookiee jedi, also when i gamemaster the pen n paper star wars rpg with my buds, i always restrict wookiee jedi, the class bonuses n species bonuses mixed together make for an insanly powerful character, which unbalances the game, but this is a different medium, who knows, maybe they could make it both expensive n difficult to become a wookie jedi, therefore keeping them at least semi rare, they could do the same with a force using Jawa.

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People need to chill. You aren't going to get 4 new races every update. They will all come in time. Togruta are probably next. Plus, Cathar were the next most popular most wanted by far. Then Togruta, then Nautolan


As long as it involves sticking a head on a human body we are spoilt for choice ;)

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People need to chill. You aren't going to get 4 new races every update. They will all come in time. Togruta are probably next. Plus, Cathar were the next most popular most wanted by far. Then Togruta, then Nautolan


Id like to note that you are saying "were the next most popular" That poll was done awhile back, they should do another with only current paid subscribers and see if the results change.

Edited by Beans_of_steel
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Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices


Note that if you're going to do this, you should at least define "better" as including "possible to add to the game"




Word of God (Commands of the Overlords) say that Wookiees must not use the force. Yeah, I know there was that book with one. That's in the past. In the present and future, Force-using Wookiees are not allowed by Lucasarts. Thus, the race could only be used for half the classes.... and they would make no sense as Imperial Agents.... And they'd make virtually no sense as Republic Soldiers.


I know lots of people like them, but if you think this is a "better" option than the Cathar, then you're not actually thinking about the issue at hand.




Droids don't fit the current classes, mostly due to bad/impossible voice and animations. Again, if you're going to suggest something, at least try to be realistic. And then you need to re-work all of the quest rewards. And all of the PvP gear, and all of the L50 gear....




The majority of people who want this, want it because they like to laugh at how stupid it looks. I don't see Lucasarts being big fans of that. The rest of the people want them because they want to exploit the small size in PvP. I can't say that's terribly encouraging either.


Furthermore, the animation, voice, and gear will be an issue. Cutscenes would need to be redone. Romances would be impossible.


5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


Fine suggestions except for the issue of voiceovers. Yeah, they could just replace them with some Eee Wanna Wonga, but that's not the framework that's in place now. So, we're back to suggestions which don't solve the practical problem.


3.Mon Calamari,


This would be fine... except for hats.


You see, when you actually try to include a race in a game, it's not as easy as just tossing out a list of ideas.

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Please if someone voted for the cathar explain why and i promise il shut up, n i wont make fun of you, i dont understand it man.


1: They fit existing models

2a: They speak Basic

2b: They match existing voiceovers

3: They fit into the timeline

4: They are not class-restricted

5: They support a variety of customizations

6: No conflicts with class stories

7: No conflicts with gear

8: They have faces which easily displayed emotions

Edited by Malastare
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@Malastare lol, u pretty much just recapped what was already said, i think all that is just making excuses for bioware and allowing them to be lazy, ur pretty much saying if somethings too difficult, its better if they just cop-out, if we all had an attitude like urs they wouldnt put work into anything. This species would not have got such a bad initial reaction for me if it hadnt been a lazy design in trade for such a long wait. Seemed very half-arsed to me, n from the many comments on this post its clear im not the only one. Edited by Beans_of_steel
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Bimms[4] (a cultural fusion of a Near-Human species and an unrelated humanoid species)





Cthon (Descended from humans, evolved from humans which were banished into the Coruscant Undercity)

Dathomirian (Human-Zabrak hybrids)







Hapans[6] (genetically baseline Humans)



































Xa Fel[6]


Zelosian [31]

Zygerrian [32]


Taken from http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Near-Human

All of these are near-human and would fit with the Biowares silly romance restrictions.

Edited by Selvec
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Id like to note that you are saying "were the next most popular" That poll was done awhile back, they should do another with only current paid subscribers and see if the results change.


They did.


Most popular (after Cathar, which have been at/near the top of every previous poll):




Kel Dor

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@Malastare lol, u pretty much just recapped what was already said,


And you're just rehashing complaints that have been repeated every couple weeks since the game was released.


That's why everyone is repeating themselves. Go research the last few rounds and you'll see the same conclusions. Not everyone is disagreeing with you because they are blind and can't see how brilliant you are. Many of us have discussed this again and again and actually came to a conclusion based on logic and practicality.


And practicality says that its going to take a lot of time and changes to get some of the ideas you're asking for. Translator droids? Okay, to me, that's just about the lamest idea I've heard, but whatever. From a technical point of view, it still means that you need to rework every single cutscene. It's just not worth the effort when there are many options that don't need to do that.

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And you're just rehashing complaints that have been repeated every couple weeks since the game was released.QUOTE]


Negatory good buddy, this is my 1st complaint, check my history, this poor species choice inspired my 1st posts, i dont care about all that other crap, im a star wars fan first n foremost n i just want more species options, less stuff from cartoons more stuff from films, especially original trilogy, i been a subscriber from about a week after release n never at any time has anyone asked me to do a poll on new species, or I woulda, am pretty sure im not the only 1 on that as well.

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Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices, and perhaps with a little luck the right people will take notice and help ensure garbage like this doesnt happen again. Heres mine:


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


Most of those species can't even talk.

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That is very weird, I dont kno anybody who'd vote for that. Interesting how you worded that tho "before launch". How many of those people do you think are playing the game now? Probably not the same, or as many.


Actually you would be surprised that there are still people that are stil playing this game that were here prior to launch. I was and so were a lot of my guild members.

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Actually you would be surprised that there are still people that are stil playing this game that were here prior to launch. I was and so were a lot of my guild members.


ur right i was wrongly influenced by the media on that, heard alot of critisisms personally I never had any issue with the game, i just heard alot of naysaying, thot maybe that had a negative effect that resulted in them adding the freeplay option, but i looked into it, wow n swtor are kinda neck n neck at this point as far as numbers.

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