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10 races that are better than Cathar.


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Voss, because of their extreme attunement to the force,

Nautolans, because they're cool, and already in the game,

Togruta ^

Kaleesh ^^

Echani (no, they're not just a culture like mandalorians, they always are silvery, and have a superior physical prowess)

Fosh, because they're unique

Nagai, especially as sith- haha they look dead anyway

Omwati, because they're just new and rarely used in any star wars story

Kaminoans, because they're cool :p

quarren, cuz they're freaky different haha

still, cathar are cool, i just hope it isn't the only new species they add

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I am sooo excited for the Cathar :D have been wanting to play one since the first one I met in Tython. It's a wonderful species, so very excited to see what kind of different markings and colors they have. Cathar and Togruta are the two new species that I am really would like start a new alt with.


Happy that I'm getting the Cathar, now I'm hoping for the Togruta.


I've wanted to play a Cathar since doing the mission for one of them. I'm just sad that I've already got a character for each class. I'd either have to have two of the same class or just delete and re role a character.

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Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices, and perhaps with a little luck the right people will take notice and help ensure garbage like this doesnt happen again. Heres mine:


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


I understand some people like Cathar, and actually requested them, but this thread is more for those who didnt, and would like to throw other ideas out there.


Where are the Bothans? Also most of what you listed either don't speak basic or would not make since in many of the stories(ie. . . Droids realy?). Cat people tend to always get top billing in many MMOs these days.

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I personally cannot stand the idea of Cathar. I feel that some developer listened to their 8 year old daughter when they instituted this race. As a side line race, they are fine...but they are not SW.


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi

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I actually think Cathar is a really good choice.


1. Sylvar

2. Sylvar

3. Sylvar (extremely agile)

4. Sylvar (left a massive scar on Exar Kun's pretty little stupid face)

5. Sylvar (if you don't know who this character is then you shouldn't be commenting)

6. Sylvar


If I had a choice in the matter, I'd still pick Cathar, along with Verpine and Bothans.

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I'm sticking with my list but i wish they would hurry up & release Cathar just so they can get to work on some others or Perhaps they are realizing a lot of people don't want Cathar and will surprise us either with a more fan wanted species or both the Cathar + another. Wouldn't hold my breath on that though. :csw_redsaber::csw_bluesaber::cool:
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Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices, and perhaps with a little luck the right people will take notice and help ensure garbage like this doesnt happen again. Heres mine:


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


I understand some people like Cathar, and actually requested them, but this thread is more for those who didnt, and would like to throw other ideas out there.


droid? jawa? ROFL, at the end u'll start asking to add krayt dragons and gamorreans ffffffffffff

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I personally cannot stand the idea of Cathar. I feel that some developer listened to their 8 year old daughter when they instituted this race. As a side line race, they are fine...but they are not SW.


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


Dont forget Ithoriians...they need a place in the galaxy too

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I think I have already voted on this thread, although as there have been so many similar threads I am not sure. However what I would like to know is if any dev's have seen this thread or the many like it and thought maybe it is time for an official poll. Could we not have an actual poll to see what the top 3 requested species are?
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Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices, and perhaps with a little luck the right people will take notice and help ensure garbage like this doesnt happen again. Heres mine:


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


I understand some people like Cathar, and actually requested them, but this thread is more for those who didnt, and would like to throw other ideas out there.


I would love to see Togruta, Kel Dor, and whatever Kit Fisto is.

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Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices, and perhaps with a little luck the right people will take notice and help ensure garbage like this doesnt happen again. Heres mine:


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


I understand some people like Cathar, and actually requested them, but this thread is more for those who didnt, and would like to throw other ideas out there.


I would love to see Togruta, Kel Dor, and whatever Kit Fisto is.

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