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Vanguard Nerf Incoming


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no. they can't touch hib's range without reworking every trooper tree in both ACs. ion pulse is exclusive to vanguards (I suppose it's our equivalent of the charged bolt?). anyway, altering ion pulse would only affect the 3 vanguard trees. changes to assault plastique and incendiary round would affect both vanguard assault and commando assault. commando are ranged - period. so they can't feasibly do anything to the range on those abils, imo. That leaves ion pulse. Since all vanguards are *predominately* melee classes, reducing the range of ion pulse is the only logical range reduction. the funny thing is that vg dps are technically mid range, but ip is the only actual mid range abil, which we're now talking about making pure melee. iunno. the fact of the shared trees in this game puts the devs in a bind here, but on the other hand...I like the idea of a shared tree. so iunno....


I would prefer that the rebuff stockstrike, as it is a fundamental abil to all VG trees, and the nerf forced all of the trees to put more emphasis on ion pulse and elemental dmg.


anyway....that's my 2cents.


ofc they can, they can give an internal passive buff when you choose vanguard that removes range not that hard lol

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Assault Specialist (Vanguard)


Incendiary Round's range has been reduced to 10 meters.


Assault Plastique's range has been reduced to 10 meters.


Aw man... c'mon, for real!!!!!


Why Bioware just don't give us the ability to use swords as well?

This is really lame... c'mon...


I created my assault vanguard to be a medium range DPS to help my guild, but it seems like now I need to use swords to play just the way like BW wants us to play!!!




Keep listening to the PvP cry babies and nerf all the classes in the freaking game!


These changes will be lame for PvE for God's sake... :mad:

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they also nerfed cryo grenade's range to 10m -_-' vanguard fun = gone


Yeah I forgot that one...


I'm at office now, but when I get home I'll create a thread in the customer service section complaining about this... they're going to ruin our PvE experience just because of the PvP cry babies and that's not right... if the distance was nerfed to 20 meters (let's say) then it wouldn't be that big of a change... but from 30 to 10 meters is too much!


Bioware needs to stop nerfing everything in this game and start working to make it more enjoyable and attractive to everyone and with that more subscribers will appear!


This game isn't only about PvP... it's about PvE as well and we all know that!

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Yeah I forgot that one...


I'm at office now, but when I get home I'll create a thread in the customer service section complaining about this... they're going to ruin our PvE experience just because of the PvP cry babies and that's not right... if the distance was nerfed to 20 meters (let's say) then it wouldn't be that big of a change... but from 30 to 10 meters is too much!


Bioware needs to stop nerfing everything in this game and start working to make it more enjoyable and attractive to everyone and with that more subscribers will appear!


This game isn't only about PvP... it's about PvE as well and we all know that!


stop whinning, you should play the game bc so far it s not really a nerf.


Sticky G does not share its CD with PA anymore.

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stop whinning, you should play the game bc so far it s not really a nerf.


Sticky G does not share its CD with PA anymore.


Dude, I don't care... I worked all the way the Assault tree because I wanted to use the Assault Plastique with its long range of 30 meters!


If this NERF (YES A FREAKING NERF) is good for you, then don't say anything but I'm pretty sure that many vanguards as my are not liking this change at all!


Also, AP can be used next to CC'ed mobs what is not possible to happen if I use SG!


If troopers were supposed to be so close to the enemy, they would use swords instead and 80% of their attacks should be 4 mt and not 30 mt as they are now!


This is a nerf because of the PvP cry babies YES!


The game for PvE players like me and many others will be jeopardized, it's clear for everyone but only people like don't see that!


I spent more than 3 weeks leveling my vanguard to what it is now and for what!? To have its best abilities nerfed out of nothing because of the real whinning people!

Edited by Haggardbr
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Dude, I don't care... I worked all the way the Assault tree because I wanted to use the Assault Plastique with its long range of 30 meters!


If this NERF (YES A FREAKING NERF) is good for you, then don't say anything but I'm pretty sure that many vanguards as my are not liking this change at all!


Also, AP can be used next to CC'ed mobs what is not possible to happen if I use SG!


If troopers were supposed to be so close to the enemy, they would use swords instead and 80% of their attacks should be 4 mt and not 30 mt as they are now!


This is a nerf because of the PvP cry babies YES!


The game for PvE players like me and many others will be jeopardized, it's clear for everyone but only people like don't see that!


I spent more than 3 weeks leveling my vanguard to what it is now and for what!? To have its best abilities nerfed out of nothing because of the real whinning people!


dont know if we play the same class,


but in order to proc HIB, you always to be at 10m max and since it s a consequent portion of your dps, yes you had to be quite close.


so take a deep breath and look at what you can do now (i.e. a bigger burst.)

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OK...I play an Assault Spec Vanguard, I downloaded the update and played many warzone and here is my synopsis.


Played 5 WZ, 2 voidstars, 1 CW and 1 Huttball


Highest Damage in a game: 412K Voidstar

Lowest: 220K CW (I got stuck defending a turret...I hate that..:p)

Estimated AVG DPS: 320-350K


From my experience, my damage numbers have not changed. What has changed is my rotation.


Now before I start, I have to tell you that I spec'd out of AP a long long time ago. You do higher DPS by working to PROC HIB. I did this after a post I read on MMO Mechanics...which I suggest should be standard reading for all DPS Vanguards.



Now like everybody I used to start out with IR...dotted those *****es up, proc'd HIB, closed gap, stock strike, HIB, Ion Pulse.., with the odd neural surge and cryo nade thrown in there to hold them in place.....yada yada yada...you know the drill.


My opener now is Grapple (COME TO PAPA!!!) and then the standard rotation.


Now you ask, what happens when grapple is not up????? Sticky Nade as an opener, pepper them with hammershot which will proc burning, put a slow on them which will in turn proc HIB all the while you close the gap very easily, get in range for Ion Pulse (more burning), proc HIB, AP if you have that spec'd, Stockstrike....and the results are the same...Southern Fried Sith at your feet.


Is this a NERF? Yes in term of playstyle, definately not in terms of damage.


If you don't like it, go Tactics, you'll find DPS comparable, in fact, Tactics has had their damage increased.


I still love my Assault VG, still OP'd in terms of damage output. My HIB still hits regularly for 5K.


Although this is a change, it's not a Damage Nerf which I was worried about, I've just had to adjust my tactics to get the same results.


Flame me if you want but just my 2 cents.

Edited by ZillaElite
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I feel i got a buff, my rotation changed a bit as well. i start with sticky that still have 30 m range and dont share cooldown with assault plastique now. then follow with hammershot or assault plastique depending on distance. ion pulse, plasma cell proc at then hib and my target goes boom boom BOOM! i now consider incendary round situational, i hammer shot a lot more, but also the ammo management is much easier now. i did around 50-100k more dmage in warzones than i usually do. and unguarded healers dont know what hit them.
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i feel i got a buff, my rotation changed a bit as well. I start with sticky that still have 30 m range and dont share cooldown with assault plastique now. Then follow with hammershot or assault plastique depending on distance. Ion pulse, plasma cell proc at then hib and my target goes boom boom boom! I now consider incendary round situational, i hammer shot a lot more, but also the ammo management is much easier now. I did around 50-100k more dmage in warzones than i usually do. And unguarded healers dont know what hit them.


werd bro!!! :)

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werd bro!!! :)

oh well i actually put in the new barrel as well but i dont Think its the cause of the damage increase :) and now i feel i can throw a sticky Before mortar volley wich also is VERY nice.

Edited by Jerro
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