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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please include dueling area on fleet in next content patch


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There's no reason the fleet should be non-dueling at all. They should just remove the non-dueling zone from it entirely so people can duel while waiting around.


Disagree. Fleet is laggy enough at peak times as it is, allowing duels out in the open would exacerbate that problem.


I do support adding a dueling area, but only if it's a separate zone. Put it somewhere on the Ziost Shadow and make people zone into a different area to minimize the impact on the rest of the fleet.

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Disagree. Fleet is laggy enough at peak times as it is, allowing duels out in the open would exacerbate that problem.


I do support adding a dueling area, but only if it's a separate zone. Put it somewhere on the Ziost Shadow and make people zone into a different area to minimize the impact on the rest of the fleet.


I agree with murshawursha. Not only a lag issue, we don't need peope dueling all over the public access places where people are trying to do other things (shopping, training, etc.).


Also, they should allow anyone to zone in, so spectators can be part of the experience.

Edited by Andryah
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I agree with murshawursha. Not only a lag issue, we don't need peope dueling all over the public access places where people are trying to do other things (shopping, training, etc.).


Also, they should allow anyone to zone in, so spectators can be part of the experience.


Agreed. This would be perfect.


I support the dueling ring being on another ship there at the fleet, as long as it's connected into General Chat.


It would also be nice to have a few basic vendors there, a medical droid nearby, etc, even a GTN terminal, email box, crafting vendor


Might be nice to put in a new PVP daily, something about dispatching 10 players in a dueling ring, or something.


Wonder if it's insane to wonder if there could be a "Bolster" ring and a regular ring... or should they all be Bolster rings?


Isn't the Telos where the training dummies are? Sounds like a perfect spot for it.

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fleet doesn't lag very much for me, but i have a pretty good computer.


You are one of four things.



2. Your fleet has a low pop.

3. Your running on low settings

4. Your running with a 2500+ computer or a computer wiz and can make your own build for 1000+



I have a Nice Ibuypower desktop that i paid 1500 for just the tower and it plays skyrim, gw2, cod, WoW etc etc on high settings with no lag, but if I try to run on high settings in this game on fleet its laggy.

Edited by vwsupra
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You are one of four things.



2. Your fleet has a low pop.

3. Your running on low settings

4. Your running with a 2500+ computer or a computer wiz and can make your own build for 1000+



I have a Nice Ibuypower desktop that i paid 1500 for just the tower and it plays skyrim, gw2, cod, WoW etc etc on high settings with no lag, but if I try to run on high settings in this game on fleet its laggy.


Something is wrong with your setup then. I have never run swtor on anything less than 1280x1024 all maxed settings. We could argue computer specs but that is a little boring.


Back to the main topic, I would love to see a dueling ring on a fleet ship of some sort. This would be a welcome addition to the game. It would almost have to be a phased area because of the bolstering idea if you wanted to keep it like main stream PvP is. I don't think that would be too difficult though, just group with the person you want to duel and go into the ring or something. I think y'all are on to something here!

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Agreed. This would be perfect.


I support the dueling ring being on another ship there at the fleet, as long as it's connected into General Chat.


It would also be nice to have a few basic vendors there, a medical droid nearby, etc, even a GTN terminal, email box, crafting vendor


Might be nice to put in a new PVP daily, something about dispatching 10 players in a dueling ring, or something.


Wonder if it's insane to wonder if there could be a "Bolster" ring and a regular ring... or should they all be Bolster rings?


Isn't the Telos where the training dummies are? Sounds like a perfect spot for it.


I think this is a FANTASTIC idea!

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it should be allowed but only in a certain area either a part of vaiken or part of the other ship.

That way everyone that want to duel will go to the same spot.


At least that will make something to do. Better than afk on fleet waiting for someone who need a dps for hm denova.

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I did build my computer and it has a radeon 6670 in it. this is a $100 graphics card. fleet does not lag very much for me and there are usually 300+ people on. all my settings are on high with shadows off and the game runs 40-100fps @ 1280x1024 (i have an older lcd monitor and will admittedly need to upgrade to a 2g card when i buy a new one). the lowest my framerate will ever drop on fleet is 20.


an instanced duel area would be cool but i fear nobody would use it unless it was close to the pvp terminals/vendors.

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Disagree. Fleet is laggy enough at peak times as it is, allowing duels out in the open would exacerbate that problem.


I do support adding a dueling area, but only if it's a separate zone. Put it somewhere on the Ziost Shadow and make people zone into a different area to minimize the impact on the rest of the fleet.


Nobody is making you sit on the fleet... *rolleyes*

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