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I Don't wanna leave my solo sever!


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My sever is Krath (very very very dead 1-10 people) and all though i'd love to play with other people, I really, really, really, don't wanna loose my names *6 toons* just to play with said people. Last I checked the only server I can transfer to is "The Harbinger" and I already know all 6 name's are taken there, so does any one know if there will be a mandatory sever merge? Or can I just play solo for a long while and wait for my names to be open on harbinger (not likely)....just Kinda bummed my sever is so empty but on the other severs my names are taken :(


(I will not post my toons name's so as to keep myself from being trolled too hard):D

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Depends on your definition of "a long while", there will be forced transfers just no one knows exactly when. That said, maybe they will open a few of the locked ones when f2p hits in anticipation of a population jump and you can hop in there names intact.


That said... If every single one of your six names are taken I ponder on how they are so singularly unique as to not be worth tweaking via spelling or other methods so as to have a living server to play on.



That said, doing this event must have been a breeze heh.

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Depends on your definition of "a long while", there will be forced transfers just no one knows exactly when. That said, maybe they will open a few of the locked ones when f2p hits in anticipation of a population jump and you can hop in there names intact.


That said... If every single one of your six names are taken I ponder on how they are so singularly unique as to not be worth tweaking via spelling or other methods so as to have a living server to play on.



That said, doing this event must have been a breeze heh.


all 6 names are 1 name tweaked 5 different times lol...and I can;t bring myself to add numbers...

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I get that you like your name but is there a point in the name if other players do not see it?


True, but then to be seen i'd be nameless or worse badly named i'd rather have a sweet name and have no one see it then have a terrible name and have people to see it :p

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True, but then to be seen i'd be nameless or worse badly named i'd rather have a sweet name and have no one see it then have a terrible name and have people to see it :p


Just come up with a new name you like. This is going to happen no matter what so start planing a head. Come up with more then one name that you like. Also your name may not be taken so there is that to.

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I have left a game due to the fact my faction on the server just died, and did so very quickly, and there are loads of people begging for server mergers. It have gotten to a 167+ paged thread about it. Other are doing the same which even though it is making the situation worse, it has become just untenable for those of us who have quite felt we had no choice.


Some of the characters I have played for a while and likelyhood is that they will have to have a name change some are unique so would be safe. However I would rather have to name change than have to play on a dead realm. There and quite a lot of others are the same. It's not just to do with the mobs, quest or other stuff like gathering. It is to do with also guilds, grouping and the exchange/auction, basically the social side of the game play. If these are daed then people tend to drift off more and making it hard to continue with the game.


You may be willing to stay on a server just for your names, but the few others left may not, and unfortunately for you it is the rest that matter more. They are not going to go on with the expense of running a server for just a few people.

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I found a a way to keep my names but at the same time change them! I'll just give them middle names! Hope they let me rename all my toons now...would be kinda be weird if some had middle names and others didn't


*For the record the names I have on krath that I wanted to keep were Jen, Jenn, Jenny, Jennie, Jennifer, and Jennifur

lame ik but i love my name to much xD* i'll be headed to The Harbinger sever soon now feel free to take the names...infact please do that way i know for sure i can rename all my toons :cool:


*3 healers 2 tanks and 1 DD* (4 Rep 2 Imp) been gone awhile could use a new friend or even better friends :D*

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all 6 names are 1 name tweaked 5 different times lol...and I can;t bring myself to add numbers...


Assuming your names have vowels in them, keep the names the same and use accented versions of those.


Example: Darth Spanky becomes Darth Spānky.


Problem solved.




I found a a way to keep my names but at the same time change them! I'll just give them middle names! Hope they let me rename all my toons now...would be kinda be weird if some had middle names and others didn't


*For the record the names I have on krath that I wanted to keep were Jen, Jenn, Jenny, Jennie, Jennifer, and Jennifur

lame ik but i love my name to much xD* i'll be headed to The Harbinger sever soon now feel free to take the names...infact please do that way i know for sure i can rename all my toons :cool:


*3 healers 2 tanks and 1 DD* (4 Rep 2 Imp) been gone awhile could use a new friend or even better friends :D*


Just accent the "e." Should be relatively simple. Copy those from the character map in accessories.

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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i'll be headed to The Harbinger sever soon now feel free to take the names...infact please do that way i know for sure i can rename all my toons :cool:


Just create new character on that server and try to name him one of your names. If you can't, it's taken and you can rename that toon. If it wasn't taken, well, it is now, and you can also rename one you'll transfer.

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I will tell you what the toons that lost there names during the transfer have not been getting much play time. Maybe because when i tried to change the name i was on a super packed server so all the good names had been taken from what I found.


Even more frusterating was that rerolled on another destination server and all the names i lost were available, if i had only gotten a choice of two servers i probally would have kept my name.


Now soon, you will have to forfeit your name to a level 12 player just like the rest of us.

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the OP has a point,my wife and I both play on Krath,and we both like it here. Its nice and un-busy. No ring around the glowies etc etc. We both preordered the game and got the names we wanted to use. NOW we are told you have to move and if you loose that name because it already taken on your new( only 1 choice) server thats just too damn bad. We like to team together at times when the other needs a hand but mostly run solo. And dont start the "its a MMO " crap,heard it enough times. We play because we loved KOTOR and star wars, and this is what we got instead of a KOTOR3. And lets not forget if you have more than 8 charactors( lots of us do) they wont all fit on the 1 dang server the gave me to move onto. And when i asked for a second choice due to more than 8 charactors to transfer all i got was a generic dang form letter in an email. So its Thanks for buying our game(X2),thanks for the 2 subs and we will tell you what and where to go with no options. So we didnt go. We stay on our low pop server and continue to ask for more options, and get the same UN-answer Thats not customer service
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You can't really expect them to run a full server for a handful of people. It has already been announced that there will be forced migrations soon - no actual date given yet.


Hopefully we get more slots before that. I've still got half a server's worth of characters waiting to come over and no where to place them!

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My sever is Krath (very very very dead 1-10 people) and all though i'd love to play with other people, I really, really, really, don't wanna loose my names *6 toons* just to play with said people. Last I checked the only server I can transfer to is "The Harbinger" and I already know all 6 name's are taken there, so does any one know if there will be a mandatory sever merge? Or can I just play solo for a long while and wait for my names to be open on harbinger (not likely)....just Kinda bummed my sever is so empty but on the other severs my names are taken :(


(I will not post my toons name's so as to keep myself from being trolled too hard):D


What is this name that you are so concerned about keeping? I'm just thinking that it must not be very 'unique' if all six variations are taken on the destination server for your current one.

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the OP has a point,my wife and I both play on Krath,and we both like it here. Its nice and un-busy. No ring around the glowies etc etc. We both preordered the game and got the names we wanted to use. NOW we are told you have to move and if you loose that name because it already taken on your new( only 1 choice) server thats just too damn bad. We like to team together at times when the other needs a hand but mostly run solo. And dont start the "its a MMO " crap,heard it enough times. We play because we loved KOTOR and star wars, and this is what we got instead of a KOTOR3. And lets not forget if you have more than 8 charactors( lots of us do) they wont all fit on the 1 dang server the gave me to move onto. And when i asked for a second choice due to more than 8 charactors to transfer all i got was a generic dang form letter in an email. So its Thanks for buying our game(X2),thanks for the 2 subs and we will tell you what and where to go with no options. So we didnt go. We stay on our low pop server and continue to ask for more options, and get the same UN-answer Thats not customer service


Read the thread. Look at character map in accessories. See all those AEIO and Us with dots and such over them? Your names are not taken with every single variant of the English vowels on any destination server.

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This is why made names that were completely original and some even unpronounceable. Have fun, put an ~ on an n or something or add an extra vowel. Is it really that hard to tweak your name? Does all the fun you have hinge on the exact spelling of your common name?
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